Being prepared is important! A few days ago, when it looked like Ike was heading straight toward us, we made all of our hurricane preparations. Hurricane Ike has moved to the south of us now, so it looks like we will not get a direct hit. This is a map from 5:00 pm on Saturday The "X" marks where I live! I hope everybuddy will be safe from hurricane Ike.

Sunday Comics with Daisy!
95 Notes for Daisy:
Hi Daisy. It must be pretty frightening to have a hurricane bearing down on you! We hope that it will stay south and you will have blue skies soon!
Sen-Chan and Tom
I tink I be skeereded ob hurry-cains. OK?
I hopez Ike aint nassy to kitty katz and hoomin beans and eben woofie doggiez. OK?
I hope the mean hurricane don't come to your home, Daisy, but at least it make me feel better knowing you're prepared!
I'm snoring on the couch with the tiny one.. He actually crawled all over my head today and now he's sleeping next to me! Cool, huh?
Good thing you had an extra raincoat, Daisy!
Hi Daisy,
Nice comic. I love Mr. Shrill's outfit.
My family and I are on vacation no less than 26 miles from your town. We're visiting my in-laws in Boynton Beach for 2 weeks.
It is best to stay with your humans during hurry-cane. I glad this one not come here.
That's scary Daisy, my Daddy has to fly to Tampa on Friday, I am worried!
I hope you are all safe, and that the hurricane passes you by.
Have a nice week sweet friend.
We've been watching Ike too and we're glad he is not going to come visit you.
Mr Shrill looks nice in his pink raincoat. Maybe he has a future as a fashion model?
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
Daisy! You're wearing my favorite poncho! You do pink very well.
Oh, and I added you to my blog roll. Do you know what a blog roll is? Is sounds like food, but it's not.
I am so glad it looks like Ike will miss you. We thought Hanna was going to hit us, but she went further North.
I hope all of our cat blog friends are safe from Ike.
I hope you stay safe and dry. Your rain coats are very cute.
Thank you for protecting Mr. Shrill. I wish you were on the Weather Channel, Daisy. :)
We are so glad IKE missed you. We have our paws crossed it will miss us too.
~S, S & C
Mom and I hope you and your family are realy safe. Hurricanes are scarey.
I looked at the pic of your Mom and she can kiss me anytime!
Love Milo xx
That rain gear comes in very handy in hurricane season. Stay safe and dry!
Now weren't you guys very lucky! That Mr.Shrill dude just makes me crack up all the time. He's sooo funny & cute!
Butt wiggles,
Solid Gold Dancer
Hello Daisy glad to see you are prepared./. Princeman got new batteries, Sweetheart set up the battery operated fans she's going through catapause and gets heat flashes, Evie , sticks close to me and watches my every move, Angel Baby is carrying kittens from room to room, and of course Bitty Bopper keeps checking to see if I have enough cat food. (close out on sheba yesterday Yay!!)
Daisy see that blue body of water above the x where you live. I live t the left of that..Toppy , Evigny and Sandy
You are very clever Daisy to be all prepared (just in case) and have all the proper bad weather fashion gear. Lets hope you don't need it.
Wow Daisy, it must be pretty scary having so many hurricanes in your area. But you seem so calm and prepared! Good for you!
settle down mr. shrill! daisy's mommie will keep you all safe, she is the best! daisy, you are very smart to help him, even if he is not my favorite like mr. snail is. har har...
smiles, auntie bee
Oh Daisy, we hope Ike goes far away from you.
Whew! We're glad to see Ike will miss you, Daisy! Hope you stay dry!
Wally, Ernie & Zoey
Stay safe, Daisy and family! And Mr. Shrill too (Mr. Bill's louder cousin? I remember him!)
Glad that bad storm is going to miss you, Daisy! We hope it will slow down and everyfur and bean in the Gulf will be safe!
~ Sara and The Bunch
Happy to hear IKE changed course for you. we'll hope that others stay safe . We all seem to be getting lots of rain, We are getting lots of rain and wind from tropical storm HAnna today . will be couple more days before we see the path of Josephine.
Oh Daisy, we are so tired of our friends being in the path of these hurricanes!!!
Please be careful!
It definitely looks like a scary storm...but so did Gustav so hopefully this one will also wind down as it gets closer to land. Stay dry!!!
"Oh My" that is scary.I hope that Ike stays away...Hugs Ariel
China Cat and I are happy that Hurricane Ike will not go to your house and we'll keep purring for those in his path. It's a good thing that you and Mr. Shrill had raincoats!
Purrrrrrrrs, Willow
You seem to have lots of hurricanes in the US It must be a bit scary! Glad you help Mr Shrill out with a rain coat :O)
Purrs, Sukie x
We gess standing in our living room screeming at hurry-kanes to go away sorta works.
You were so nice to share your raincoat with Mr. Shrill. Your buddy Rocky says he is glad Ike is going to miss you. We lived on Amelia Island in FL for 4 years and during that time Hugo was headed for our island and then veered north and hit Charleston instead. You keep safe and dry there!
I am glad you will be safe, but I sure hope Ike does not do too much damage wherever it goes.
We are furry happy that Ike is turning away, because our star on the map would be North of your star, not too far!
It's good that you are such a smart kitteh and knows about this kind of stuff. This is our first hurricane season!
Does it thunder during a hurricane? Be safe. You have really cute raingear.
Well, at least if Hurricane Ike changes directions and hits your area, ya will haf some modelin clay ta play wif!
We are scairt when the rain comes down so heavy that it pounds on the roof and the thunder comes. We run to the basement & hide.
Preparation is the key to a lot of things.
that's very nice of you to help mr. shrill out after all the trouble he's caused. hope Ike doesn't cause any damage...
My 13 yr old liked the clay model. Good luck in bypassing this Hurricane.
Daisy, good thing you were so prepared in case you got a direct hit from Ike but I'm glad it turned away from you! Phew! You might still need that darling raincoat - you're so nice to get a pink one for Mr. Shrill too!
Be furry kirful, ok? Maybe you only get a little rain.
Luf, Us
We hope you and all our other Florida friends stay safe during the hurricane. It does sound very scary to have so many storms one right after the other!
prrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrs and tail wags,
Jemima, Zeke, Sushi, Tiger Lily and Ruckus
It is very responsible for you and Mr. Shrill to prepare!
Daisy - Stay safe and please keep Mr. Shrill dry.
:o) Thomas, Phoebe and Trixie
That's a very funny comic ~ we iz glad the hurricane moved away..
Daisy, you are so thoughtful to provide Mr. Shrill with his own raincoat. What a great Hurricate Hostess you are!
I am so glad you are prepared Daisy. For some reason we thought you lived farther north.
Stay safe!
Hi Daisy!
Dropping by to let you know i have some new cat pictures, in my blog :) Please come and comment :)
I'm glad that you are prepared. Stay safe!
It's always good to be prepared. And now you & Mr. Shrill are, Daisy. Good going!
Stay safe ...
Oh Miss Daisy, we are so glad IKE is headed away from you and we will purrrr that it stays that way! We are so glad you calmed down Mr. Shrill!! He looks very cool in his rain gear! Being prepared is the best thing to do!
Your (we are glad IKE is not coming here) FL furiends,
Oh I am glad you are prepared and safe!!!!!!!
Your rain gear is perfect. That should make Mr Shrill feel better ;)
Purrs Mickey
It's vewy impowtant to be pwepawed..It was so nice of you to give Mr. Shrill a waincoat...we had big wains yestewday, but today is bootiful..stay safe!
smoochie kisses
Miss Daisy you iz the smartest girl kitty I know!!!
And you iz so calm under pressure you should be in emergency services!!
Silly Mr Shrill getting all panicky!
On a serious note, we iz very glad that it has changed course, Momma is almost scared to watch the news nowadays because of all the stupid hurricanes heading towards our friends :)
You are very thoughtful Daisy, to provide Mr.Shrill with a raincoat. We hope the hurricane keeps away from you.
I'm glad that you were prepared and safe Daisy. You are such a brave kitty. Oh I love your rain coats.
I'm so glad you are safe and prepared for an emergency. You are one smart kitty. Not every kitty knows to have an emergency kit.
Glad to hear it's going in a different direction. I was worried about my stepmommie, too... she's in Naples. (She still may get a little bit, but not as much).
I'm glad that hurricane's gonna miss you, Daisy! Stay nice and safe and dry. Hurrykanes are skeery!
Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!
You look so chic with your raincoat Daisy.
Stay safe ^_^
Hi, Daisy!
That Ike hurricane sure is scary!
I hope you will be safe and well!
Kisses and hugs
We hope you will be safe from Ike. It sounds like a terrible storm.
Stay safe guys!
Very scary! I certainly hope you and your family will be okay! Maybe you should think about joining us up north.
oh Daisy, you must be very nervous. i am glad you have all your preperations done. we are purring and praying for all our Florida and Gulf Coast friends.
i thinks Mr.shrill is very excited!!!!!!! and Daisy are you ok ??...how are you feeling now ??? you are safe.... ohhhhhhhhh
It's been a busy year for storms down there! Perhaps Mr. Shrill needs to be lacquered so he stays firm in the rain ...
Oh stay safe Daisy (and Mr Shrill)!
Huffle Mawson
Hi Daisy!
Glad to see you're safe and sound. We had lots of rain yesterday from Hurricane Hanna. Grannie in South Carolina only had some sprinkles - it was much worse in New York!
Wonder if they'll ever name one Hurricane Petey?
Your pals,
Petey and Mica
Hi Daisy,
It's me again I've given you an award
please go to my blog and see :)
Hi Daisy! I'm glad you and Mr Shrill and Mommie and Daddie are well-prepared and safe. Are Messrs Snail and Lizard OK? My Dad and Stepmum (in SC) are OK too. Dad emailed me at 16.03 on 7th that "Nothing happened. A little wind and a few branches down".
Love the rainwear! :) xxx
Hunker down, Daisy and family! We'll all be hoping for the best, as you "button down" the hatches (heard on a news report). And calm down, Mr. Shrill! Panicking will get you nowhere!
JD at I Do Things
I love this cute site.
I especially love it when all the dogs and cats start talking to one another.
I didn't know that so many dogs and cats actually had blogs. It kinda blows me away.
I'll be back. Gonna go off and find some treats for y'all.
Well, I do hope everything turns out ok.
The raincoat is very kittenirific. You look like a movie star Daisy!
Hope all is good! Love your photos!
what a fun comic Sunday Daisy. Be safe...
All of those hurricanes keep showin' up at your house, Miss Daisy! I think that you're furry popular.
That's so nice to get prepared and calm Mr Shrill down. I hope all our friends will be safe
~ Girl girl
Daisy, you have me rolling on the floor! You are so cute and quite the model. I'm glad you are well prepared! You're in my purrs!
Daisy, we're glad you & Pixie (and the rest of your family) are safe!
We hope Ike keeps heading away from you all!
Hurricane season is no fun!
Hi Daisy,
I hope you and your family stay safe with the hurricane. We are praying for you!
We hope the hurricane misses you and your family Daisy, but we are glad to hear that you are prepared just in case!
Oah Daisy,
I am praying for you!!!
I hope you are all doing fine.
Good luck with the hurricane, Daisy, but at least you're prepared. Tell Mr. Shrill to take a chill pill.
Yes, it's always importunt to be preepared. I have to git the FL to help me go shopping for a kyoot owtfit to ware win the next big erthqwake hits.
I shur hope yoo all will be okay!!!!
Glad to hear you are out of harm's way there Daisy.... it's always a good thing to be prepared.
OMG, I missed this one, I was so busy on Sunday.
Very nice!
Nice raincoat, Mr. Shrill!
Daisy's not the only one who can be fashionable, I see! ;)
I's glad you are prepared, Daisy, that is very important. And I am very glad Ike is no longer bearing down on you. Unfortunately, mine house is right in Ike's path!
But we are prepared, too.
Tell Mr. Shrill to stop that whining.
We're hoping that Ike goes far from you and your humans, Daisy.
You seem very prepared for this hurricane, you'll be fine Daisy! Everybody will!
It's nice Daisy,looks very cute and good style of standing.
It's pretty and frightening hurricane bearing on you.I hope it will stay away from you.
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