Saturday, April 14, 2007

Photo Hunters #14: Hobby

The Photo Hunters theme this week is: hobby. My favorite hobby is studying lizards; I have become a very good lizard expert. So, using these plastic lizards, I am going to demonstrate how to be a Lizard Wrangler!

First, you study the herd of lizards and select a good one. This green one looks good. His name is George. Next you must separate the chosen lizard from the herd. I use gentle taps, while whispering quietly to him: "Come on George, good George, that's right George." Be sure to praise your lizard when he follows your commands.
Next you can try to hypnotize him if you want. This is a very advanced technique. But George is a good student.
This final technique is your last resort. Use it only if your lizard will not cooperate.


59 Notes for Daisy:

Liz Hinds said...

Oh, Daisy, you are such a clever cat! You have demonstrated so perfectly your technique. What a great hobby!

Anonymous said...

Dear Daisy,
I would love to have some plastic lizards like yours to play with. Can you and your Mommie share with me where you got them for your hobby? Your series of photos is so good at describing your technique!


Daisy said...

Hi Fluffy! I got a whole bag of different reptiles from Publix (our grocery store).

Anonymous said...

Thanks Daisy! Next time my folks are in Florida they will look for them at Publix.
I love the way your blog entries show up so promptly at 6 am every day since I am an early riser for my breakfast. You are very organized in advance with your blog!

HRH Yao-Lin said...

Ha hA ha! I like the last step the best, I think I would skip the rest and start with that one. I have never seen a lizard although i have heard tales of people who keep them as pets. Strange humans.


mister jeter harris, hizself said...

deer daisy,
i am laffin an laffin!
yer a grate lizard wrangler.
luv--yer frend--jh

Dragonheart, Merlin, Devi, and Chloe said...

Daisy, you are an amazing lizard wrangler! I am very impressed! :)

It seems like a lot of lizards in Florida are named George. Do you think they are all related and that it's a family name?

Parker said...

Lizard wrangling looks like a lot of fun! Do the Publix lizards have detachable tails? Maybe there are lizards in O HI O and Mommy will bring some home with her!

Rosemary B❤️ said...

Yeah. I think George is the 'species name', right? You are very good at wrangling the herd of lizards. The last picture is the best. I think lizards are notoriously uncooperative.

Have a happy day, Daisy. Hugs to Pixie as well!!

Pearl C. Pritchard said...

That's a great hobby, Daisy. And I had no idea that Publix sold colored lizzards. Man... there's almost nothing that you can't get at Publix.

Anonymous said...

Oh plastic lizards mommy's neice thingy has these. Yet she's not a good Lizard Wrangler like you are.Good job Daisy.

Anonymous said...

Daisy...Mom's jaw dropped to the floor when she saw that lizard in your mouth. She put it back in place when she relized they were plastic lizards! Very clever, my dear Daisy!

Monty Q. Kat said...

I think my SheBean peed a little before reading the 'plastic' part.

Daisy said...

Oh, I should mention that since these lizards are plastic, I can only wrangle them when my Mommie is there to supervise. So I don't swallow one by mistake.

Kismet said...

You look very VISHUS, Daisy!

The Meezers or Billy said...

Daisy, you is a furry talented lizard wrangler - furry good tekneek. - Miles

The M's said...

We love your lizards, Mmmooommmiiieee can we have some pplleeaassee.

Forty Paws said...

Oh Daisy, you never cease to amaze our Maw. She thinks you are one of the smartest poodins she knows!!! Does George's tail detach like our Geckos?

Luf, Us

Anonymous said...

Those are some very clear directions. If we had more lizards around here, I would have to try being a Lizard Wrangler.


Myst (Muddy's Brother) said...

Hehehe -- wow! That was very interesting to watch. I want my own lizard now.

Gattina said...

I first thought it was a real one, lol ! Because one of my former cats catched one in Italy and was very offended when the lizzard ran away leaving her with his tail in her mouth !

Mo and The Purries said...

Oh, Daisy, this is one of your very best posts EVER!
You had me laughing and laughing and you're such a great story-teller!
love ya,
Not The Mama

Anonymous said...

Nermal: Wow those look so real.... and yummy ;) Thanks for the technique! Happy hunting :)

Kitikata-san said...

You are so lucky to have such a fine collection of lizards named George to play with!

Oscar the Puppy Cat said...

Daisy, I'm telling you, you should be an Instructor! You are just so full of helpful tips on many things! I'm very impressed!

You are obviously very popular. I should get up earlier to get a good spot in the comment section. Your lectures are highly anticipated.

Anonymous said...

That is hysterical! I love your narration. You have the funniest site!

~Jennifer said...

Awww! So fun!

Tara said...

Great lesson on lizard wrangling Daisy!

Cats~Goats~Quotes said...

This has been a valuable lesson for us, Daisy. We will try to learn the gentle taps technique.

Artsy Catsy said...

Hi there, Daisy girl! Just wanted to stop by and thank you for thinking of me during my ear debacle this week. Say, expert lizard wrangler that you are, could you come over and corral these humans so they'll stop shoving nasty stuff down my throat and in my ears?


Mr. Chen and Ollie said...

Daisy, we just love that you put the bitey on George real good. We're gonna beg mommy to get us some plastix George's, too. We don't have a Publix but maybe SuperFresh or Giant will have them here. Great hobby, Daisy.
Mr. Chen & Ollie

eastcoastlife said...

Hi Daisy,
I'm a new photo hunter from Singapore.

I find your hobby very interesting but I would never dare to go near a lizard! :) Have fun!

Skeezix the Cat said...

Wow, yer furs are all growed bak on yer tummy! If yoo wunt to shave yer tummy agin, I have some klippers I wun in Catster's Werld's Coolest Cat Kontest, and I'd be happy to give them to yoo!

Anonymous said...

Those are great shots

Toffee K. Ripple Fuzzypants & Feline American Angels said...

You are a multi-talented young lady, Miss Daisy. Doctor, professor, circus cat ... and now lizard wrangler. Amazing.

BTW: Those screams you heard were my mom's. She didn't know that George was made of plastic.


Kimo and Sabi said...

Wowy - if da Croc Hunter were still alive, he would be furry proud of you!

Anonymous said...

Great take for the theme Daisy. I loved the photo and the instuctions on lizard wrangling!! So creative :)

Big Piney Woods Cats said...

We don't have any lisurds here in the Big Piney Woods. At least, that is what Mistrie told me, and she ought to know.


Boo said...

! Wow!!! that looks like great fun!

MaoMao said...

Wowie zowie, you are an amazing lizard wrangler, Daisy! Thanks for the lizard-wranglin' lessons 'cause if a lizard gets in here I'll know all about how to wrangle him.

And you have amazing powers of hypnotizin' and stuff!

Mattingly said...

Daisy this is very informative! You always teach us so much. I used to have a lizard friend too, but he was much more boring than Mr. Loach. I'll have to show a picture of him. And you mentioned in your comment that Harlie looked surprised in one of the pictures... but that's just how she always looks unless she's sleepy. That's why one of her nicknames is Crazy Eyes. We think she might stay so thin because she probably burns a lot of calories keeping her eyes open like that!

Lux said...

Those look REAL, Daisy (and I should know)! Great tips!

Unknown said...

I'm scared of you, Daisy. I wouldn't want you trying to hypnotize me!

Great pictures. :-)

Icon Baxter Bentley said...

That hobby looks very fun! Does Pixie play with the lizards too?


Empress Bee (of the high sea) said...

excellent hobby daisy! you are soooo smart, and furry cute too!

smiles, auntie bee

Karen Jo said...

You have excellent technique in lizard wrangling, Daisy. It is a great hobby.

Andree said...

Daisy, what a unique hobby you have, even amongst cats! And you are so very good and skilled at it. Brava!

Rascal said...

You are obviously a lizard expert. Excellent lizard information.

Jake and Bathsheba said...

Daisy, if we hadn't seen the other plastic lizards in their variety of colors, we would have thought that your lizard was real. He's definitely the most realistic. At least you can wrangle them when you can't get at the real ones.


Pumpkin said...

Yu gave sum wunderful tips on lizard wrangling. We get geckos stuck on the owtside window screens and on the ceeling. Tiger gets obsessed when he sees wun. Effen when it goes sumplace else, he still stares at ware he last saw it fur a long time.

DK & The Fluffies said...

Thank you for your kind words and thoughts ~DKM

Around Your Wrist said...

you are the smartest kitty! you have a terrific that looks like it's lots of fun!


PastormacsAnn said...

Nice lizard collection. You handle them well. Nice job on The Hunt. Thanks for stopping by my blog for a visit.

Ginabee said...

What a great hobby Daisy. Thanks for visiting my blog for a visit.

The Furry Kids said...

Daisy, you are a Renaissance kitty! Is there anything you can't do? We love the lizard whispering. That looks like it would be fun.


RayPod said...

Daisy you are very brave. I am in awe. The biggest thing I've ever caught is a ladybug. And I had Coco to help me.

Heart of Rachel said...

Hi Daisy. Looks like a very effective mode of lizard training. :) Thanks for sharing your interesting hobby. Take care!

TheSlyCat said...

That is a gReAt hobby!!!! I want to herd lizards too.

Boy said...

Wow! You're weawwy good at twaining wizards!

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