Monday, November 30, 2009

Monday Mystery: Which is the REAL Me?

Today I thought of a new game we can play! Look at the four images below. One of them is the REAL me, and the other three are imposters. When you have figured out the real Daisy, can you figure out what is different about the other images? You can click on this picture to biggify.
If you guessed image A is the real Daisy, you are correct! Image B, below, is a mirror image of me; the photo was just flipped horizontally.
Image C, below, is me with two left sides put together to make the whole.
Image D, below, is my two right sides put together to make a whole. I think my right side is my best side!
I hope you had fun playing!

ps: I just found out that Harley is being featured on Animal Planet's homepage this week!


Sunday, November 29, 2009

Sunday Comics with Daisy!

Harley actually is a finalist in the Catster's World's Coolest Cat competition in two categories! Click HERE to see all the finalists and vote for your favorite.


Saturday, November 28, 2009

Harley Picks a Winner!

Thank you to everybuddy who entered my giveaway. Harley wanted to choose the winner, so here we go....

The winner is Joanne at Poetic Shutterbug! Congratulations, Joanne! Please browse through my Curly Cat Design store and pick out any magnet or button. Send me an e-mail at daisythecurlycatATgmailDOTcom with your choice and your mailing address and I will get your order started right away!


Photo Hunters: Technology

The Photo Hunters theme this week is: technology. I like technology because it can do some good things. Sometimes, technological equipments are hard to use. Like this telephone. No one is ever on the line when I answer! Hello? Hello? Anybuddy there?
Other technologies are much easier to use. Like this nice full-body heater for instance.
I especially like my footwarmer.
And this high-tech window booster seat is very useful. I would be very sad without all this wondrous technology!


Friday, November 27, 2009

A Black Friday Giveaway!

I hope everybuddy had a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday! This is how I felt after eating a little bit too much:
Since today is the official start to the holiday shopping season, I thought it would be very fun to do a little giveaway from my new store, Daisy's Curly Cat Designs. I will give away any one of my single buttons or magnets to a lucky winner! To win all you have to do is say in the comments that you want a chance to win. Your comment must be entered by 5:00 am Eastern Time on Saturday. The contest is open to any person, cat, dog, goat, hamster or other friend.

I will select the winner with a random drawing. Good luck everybuddy!

Here are just a few of the designs:

ps: You can click on the buttons to see all of the different designs. Or go to Daisy's Curly Cat Designs shop to see everything!


Thursday, November 26, 2009

It's Turkey Day!

Happy Thanksgiving, everybuddy! We turned off the comments so you can just enjoy the pictures and your holiday.


Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Have a Happy Thanksgiving!

I hope everybuddy has a Happy Thanksgiving tomorrow! To get ready for this special holiday, I am modeling my Native American Girl suit. It is perfect for Thanksgiving! This outfit was patterned after the Plains tribe. Do you see my fancy shoulder-bag? There is nothing inside there. Not even a penny. I know because I looked twice.
You probably think this is my glamor shot, but actually, I am thinking about what to put inside my shoulder-bag.


Tuesday, November 24, 2009


Last week I showed you some of my NAUTICAL adventures. Well, today I would like to WARN YOU that if you play too ROUGH in your dinghy you might CAPSIZE!
If you can't see the animated gif image, you can click HERE to see it even BIGGER!


Monday, November 23, 2009

Monday Mystery: A Thanksgiving Riddle

I am getting very excited for Thanksgiving this week! So today, I have a special Thanksgiving riddle for you. Are you ready?

Why did the student get such poor grades after Thanksgiving?
Thinking, thinking, thinking...


Sunday, November 22, 2009

Sunday Comics with Daisy!

We hope everybuddy will have a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday!

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Photo Hunters: Birds

The Photo Hunters theme this week is birds! I am a little bit lucky to live in south Florida, because there are many, many strange birds in my own back yard. I like to sit in the window and watch them.
This bird is called a Great White Heron. I think he is fishing. Probably only skinny fish will be able to fit down his neck. Maybe some worms, too.
These big things are called Wood Storks. This is how babies are delivered.
This one is a Great Blue Heron. I think he might be the same as the white one. Only blue.
These are a bunch of Muscovy ducks. They poop on my patio.
These are a couple of Ibis. I like their curved beaks. I hope you enjoyed learning about birds.
ps: Harley is a finalist in Catster's World's Coolest Cat Competition! To check out all of the finalists and vote for your favorite, go HERE! Harley is a finalist in the Stretch & Yawn category and the Funny Face category. If you can't decide, maybe you could vote for the Funny Face one so the votes are not split up. Thanks!


Friday, November 20, 2009

Fashion Friday: Working with Separates

Did you know you can extend your wardrobe by using coordinating separates? Here I am wearing the top from my madras print skirt set, the scarf from my Pink Lady suit, and the skirt from my velour warm-up outfit. Voilà! I have a brand new outfit.
Here is a secret: part of the reason I was scrounging through my closet for new looks was because I need to go shopping for some new clothings.
Do you like how my scarf is whipping in the breeze? Actually, there is no wind in here. My scarf is just stiff like that.


Thursday, November 19, 2009


AHOY, MATEYS! It's me again. Harley! Daisy let me borrow her SAILOR cap because I am having a NAUTICAL adventure. Is that the same thing as NAUGHTY? I am not sure.
This cap is a little TOO SMALL for my MANLY head. But I can still wear it at this RAKISH angle.
WHOA NELLY! The seas are getting ROUGH! Hang on TIGHT!
I am going to DROP ANCHOR. I accidentally chewed the anchor off my boat, so this is a SUBSTITUTE anchor that got tied onto the MAST. I am not sure the anchor will REACH the bottom of the SEA.
I am feeling SEASICK now. Good bye.


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