Tuesday, April 3, 2007

Toesday Demonstration

Here I am again, hunting the wily camera strap. Try to let your toenails get long and sharp so they are strong tools. First, you must snag the strap on one of your claws. Do not let him get away!
You can then bring it to your mouth for a little taste. If the strap is no good, you should release him. This one seems good.
Next you should tease the strap for a while. This will tire the strap out so he is easier to kill. You can also let him see your teeth, so he gets scairt.
Remember to use your mighty claws for grabbing, spearing, and best of all snagging the camera strap. You can even do all of this while laying down!

Professor Daisy's Tip for Cats: Do not let your Mommie see if your claws are getting long and sharp. Because then they will get cut. This is bad.


34 Notes for Daisy:

Dragonheart, Merlin, Devi, and Chloe said...

Nice job attacking the camera strap Daisy! :) You have incredible technique! My humans always snatch the camera strap away when I try to attack it.

I never have the chance to grow my nails very long. Without any fur on my paws, it's easy for my humans to see when they need to be trimmed. And since I like to curl up on them, they can feel when my claws are getting long and sharp too.

Wonderful photo essay Daisy. :)

Louche Tabby said...

........Daisy....you have grea toe-pads.....and great whisker pouches........

The Lazy Iguana said...

My cats make a big deal out of the claw clipping. Fred bites you, Gigi cries and howls, Sake growls and hisses, and Cleo wiggles and squirms.

Unknown said...

We love attacking the camera strap! It makes Mom kinda mad though, because she has a hard time taking good pictures of us!

LZ said...

Yeah, for some reason whenever my claws make it to a picture they get clipped. Great strap hunting techniques, I will remember them for next time!


Forty Paws said...

Excellent technique!! We luf how you tire the strap out to make it easier to kill. Maw saw your long nails and thought "toe trim time"!!! (That was Sunday was all of us!)

Luf, Us

Tiki, Kirby, and StanLee said...

You are an excellent camera strap hunter! We think your Mommie should leave your claws alone so that you can protect yourself from the giant lizards in your backyard.

Parker said...

Great tip on the claw thing! Sometimes I get so excited playing that I forget that and the next thing you know - "clip-clip." Tell your Mommy I enjoyed her shelter story very much!

Christine and FAZ said...

I love it when you do your Professor Daisy tips - they are my favourite and you look so intelligent in this photo. Top tip on the claws. FAZ

The Meezers or Billy said...

you is so cute Daisy!! you does need a little bit of a manicure fough. better sheaf your claws 'afore your mommy sees them!

Oscar the Puppy Cat said...

Daisy, you look just like one of my instructor's at Tulane's Feline Finishing School! Did you teach there? You're so very smart and have excellent technique! I agree with everyone about how you tire the strap befor moving in for the kill! Sadly though, I have no claws. I know this makes my Mommy sound like a bad person but she had no choice at the time. She wanted to keep me and the town house we lived in said NO to claws! But I hunt better than most because I've learned to live with it. I'M RAMBLING ON TODAY! I'm sorry! The rats won't talk to me and Mommy is busy!

Tara said...

Good strap hunting! Thanks for the lesson! I'll have to remember about the claws....

sammawow said...

Terrific technique on that strap. We would like to try the claw type moves but unfortunately we don't have front claws. However we could try that with our back claws perhaps! You seem to have very powerful claws, Daisy.

Purrrs, China Cat & Willow

Anonymous said...

you are very very cute in these pictures. I used to chew on everything chomp chomp chomp and make holes in everything.... but now I just nap a lot. You have nice whiskers too, and pinkish ears (my fave color too)!


Carolina Cats said...

Thanks for the grate lessons, Daisy! You are a wonderful teecher and a troo asset to the cat bloggospheer.

Finny & Buddy

Skeezix the Cat said...

Two werds for yoo: PINK TOENAILS!!!

The Crew said...

Mom checks our claws for sharpness every time we take a nap. It's really so bothersome!!

The Furry Kids said...

Great technique, Daisy! Those are some killer nails you got there. Better hide those from your Mommie.
Titus, Tazo, & Earl Grey

Toffee K. Ripple Fuzzypants & Feline American Angels said...

Someone's in need of clippy claws and it's not just me!

The M's said...

great lessons, we all enjoy your knowledge of worldly things. We are also glad that you share your knowledge with us.

Pearl C. Pritchard said...

Yes -- about the long nails... the woman keeps mine cut short because she says they're like needles when they grow long.

I like to grab things with my nails and yank them off tables.

HRH Yao-Lin said...

I have never had my nails cut and I DARE the human slave to even try it! Oh they would regret it if they came near my talons, indeed!

Oh, I love your hunting prowess with minimal effort. It is very impressive!

Anonymous said...

Great hunting skills Daisy.Beautiful Photos :)

Shilgiah the Cat said...

Great lesson in camera strap hunting. You are a very good teacher Daisy. Really cool claws also. One question...if you had the camera strap how is it that your mom could be taking your picture? Or does the camera have a really really long strap? Or does your mom have more than one camera? Oops...that was three questions.

Mr. Hendrix said...

Great technique. I like how it can be done laying down. Very very nice. Great tios about the claws!

Daisy said...

Hi Shilgiah! It's just a regular wrist strap, and the camera is pretty close to me so I can still grab the strap.

Icon Baxter Bentley said...

It seems like this is a good week for beans thinking about giving us manicures! Or pedicures, if you are a girl cat! :)

Toffee K. Ripple Fuzzypants & Feline American Angels said...

Since you're an acrobat, I'm taggin' you for this meme about "keepin' your life in balance."

To participate, write a post about balance in life and link back to this post. Answer any or all of the following questions or simply share your thoughts about life balance.

I have a Mr. Linky on my bloggie!

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Hi Daisy, gosh we missed yoo! Mom got us on dial up (it's slow but at least we can bisit our frends). Those are good tips, speshully about da nail clipping. Love dat yoo can lay down and hunt cuz we'z been extra lazy lately.

Spoon of life said...

You're so cute!!!


MaoMao said...

Oh, I love playin' withe the camera strap -- both the strap on the camera itself and the strap on the camera carryin' bag! As far as I see it, the whole world's a kitty toy.

Jake and Bathsheba said...

Like so many others, I also love playing with that dangly camera strap. What's a model to do?


Around Your Wrist said...

i just had a pawdicure on sunday. now i can knead on mama without drawing blood!


Rosie & Cheeto said...

Yoo aren't ONLY teasing the flashy thing with the thurd piktur, yer teasing all of the mancats cause yoo luk super cute with yer focused determinashun and yer beeeutiful green eyes!


pee-ess...don't think I am trying to take yoo away frum yer man, Skeez. I'm meerlie stating a fakt!

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