Photo Hunters #52: Important
The Photo Hunters theme this week is important. When I want to feel important, I just clip on my official Marshal's Badge. I am pretty sure it is a REAL badge. This means I have some important powers when I wear my badge. And it is very shiny and pretty, too.
In case I need to arrest anyone while I am wearing my badge, I have a special prison all picked out.

63 Notes for Daisy:
You are always so much fun! I like your Dinosaur t-shirt...
ahehhehe super cute!
Haha, perhaps you were undercover at a Jurassic Park convention, then that T shirt would have ben ideal! Happy weekend
We think the badge goes beautifully with the t-shirt!
We thank you for keeping the Cat Blogosphere safe. :)
You look very official and important with your marshal's badge, Daisy!
What a cute outfit! Definitely looks very important, hehe
Here's my take on the theme:
Drop by sometime!
Have a good weekend :)
Daisy, you are IMPORTANT no matter what you are wearing! Your badgie just makes you Much More Important.
Daisy, you seem to be able to wear any style or color with such panache and flair.
Daisy, we have given you an Award, with a new twist - thanks to Rocky and the gang at Artsy Catsy. Please stop by to pick it up.
Daisy we will sleep safe in our beds tonight knowing you is on patrol (it is 00:55 am here).
I think your prison is great - just the right size for lizards.
Dear Daisy! I think it is important to tell our friends that we love them. You come to visit us all each day and that is amazing love. I want you to know that I admire that.
I love you and Pixie...
Miss Peach
honey i don't think i'd fit in your jail so i hope you never arrest me! i will try extra hard to be very good so you don't have to, okay?
smiles, auntie bee
All's safe when Sheriff Daisy is on patrol!
You look awesome with your badge, patrolling the halls of the house...
you go get 'em, Daisy! :D
Rocky Mountain Retreat
i think your shirt adds to the charm!
hahaha ... daisy ... u make me laff an laff!
mi mom iz wid mi grammie jus arownd da corner frum u! i asked her to blow u a kiss fer me!(i'm prettee shur it will get to u!)
I feel safe thanks Marshal Daisy.
Well yes mam Miss Daisy, you are a take charge kitty
I think the dinosaur shirt shows how powerful you are as a marshall. You might even be able to round up those lizards!
Wown a Marshal!That IS Important!
If you are undercover,then your T is perfect!! I bet your neighbours feel safe with you on the job!
Purrs Mickey
I think one of those squirrels from over to Meeyauw's would fit quite nicely into your little "prison".
We feel very safe with Marshal Daisy on the job. We do think you might need a more professional shirt though.
~Scylla & Charybdis
I think you look very official and upright with your badge on no matter what you wear with it. It would look really cool with the ballerina outfit...lots of bling!
Nice badge. Instead of a different shirt what u need is a big ol ten gallon hat.
Great Badge.
I think no matter what you wear, with that badge, you are professional!!!
I am counting on you~~
Why am I thinking, based on the size of that jail that you plan on arresting naughty lizards? ;) I think your little shirt is cute and your badge is very special. You sweet Daisy are very, very special!
Love and Purrs, (and I will light a candle for your kitties)
I think the dinosaur shirt is a great uniform, Daisy. But remember--with great power comes great responsibility. I learned that from Spiderman.
Your buddy, Jimmy Joe
Marshall Daisy - I think you look great in your dino T with your shiny badge!
Not The Mama
Looking good, Daisy!
Daisy, you look very important with your badge!
We saw some really cute cat clothing at Petco yesterday when we were out shopping. One was a pink shirt but it was sort of "hairy". We thought you would look divine in it!
We feel very save now that Marshal Daisy is upholding the law 'n order - that blue t-shirt look very official to us!
Moe & Mindy
I like your Dinosaur t-shirt, Daisy. You should think about using it if you ever have to go undercover to catch rude lizards--shirt!
Wow! You look SO important wearing your marshal's badge. Why not make the dinosaur T-shirt your official uniform? It'll probably scare all the bad guys away! Have a lovely, purry weekend!
Is yoo unnercover? We need yoo to come here and arrest dat rude opened da door dis morning and he just walked right in! Sadie and Speedy freeked out and ran and I think Zippy was surprised to find him in our house. Mom hadda take him home and it was like 4 degrees and she was wearing her pajamas. Dat is a rude woofie.
You look very official with that badge Marshal Daisy. I think that Dinosaur t-shirt is just fine but ... it is always good to have another one!
Wow, Daisy! We sure feel safe when we know you're on patrol! We see no reason dinosaurs make you look less in control - actually having a dinosaur on your side might be an advantage with big, scary criminals!?
Hugs, The WriggleButts
I think with a badge like that, you can wear whatever shirt you choose. Important people can do what they like :)
I think weawing you dinasouw Tshiwt makes youw badge less scawy..and I think you still look vewy pwofessional! I don't think anything bad can happen when you'we on the jb!
Mommi is a weck so I'm not letting hew do much of anything xept thwow an occasional toy..she mostly sneeps, so she's neglecting my fwiends ..sowwy!! I love you
smoochie kisses
With a tuff marshal like you around ~ we all feel secure...
Purrs from the SnowForest family :)
Your t-shirt is fun, but a button down would probably look better. we sleep well when we know you are on the job.
Daisy! erm, Marshal Daisy today.... you look fabbie in the bloo shirt with the very important shiny badge.
Wow. Maybe you could arrest some illegal lizards for trespassing without permission!
Happy Day to you and Pixiekins
purrrs and <3
I do feel safer just knowing that Daisy. Do you think you could pop over to Wimbledon and arrest those cheeky squirrels in my garden. They have been particularly rambunctious of late. Cheers FAZ
We think you look very professional in your dinosaur shirt and badge.
jans funny farm
hehe, I think yur dinosaur shirt is purrfect with yur badge! You nefur know when you might have to arrest a lizzard, and lizzards are related to dinosaurs!
Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!
Your badge looks so official, it outshines any t-shirt you wear...not to mention I think that the dinosaur tee shirt is are showing those bad guys you mean business when you show them the kind of backup you've got on your tee shirt....
PS. The prison was a nice touch. It's obvious you really are a marshall!
You cud be leader of the dinosor patrol ! Luf the badge and the jail.....we'll I wood ent want to go in dat jail!
Hi Daisy,
It's me again I tagged you for a meme
please go to my blog and see :)
You look very impawtunt wiv your Marshall's badge. We will have to make sure we are good so you don't arrest us.
Daisy, the lizards better beware with you on patrol! Now you even have a jail to lock them up!
Padre, Panda Bear, and Meerkat
You forgot your hat when in duty Daisy...haha. Superb shot this week. What a nice way to brighten up a day :)
Mine are up…
Criz’s Sanctuary:
Insight Criz:
Have a nice weekend!
Yesssss, madam!
Hey, Daisy, come over to cheer for the Packers! I have worked your chant into my routine. Really suits my big furry butt!
Congratulations, Daisy! You are one bright kitty and gorgeous into the bargain. Yes, you were the first to guess in my little game and you were spot on with naming every single cat. How good is that? Then again, you were the winner of the recent Sassy/MoMo Mystery Adventure. That really was a much harder game.
Ah Daisy, you are always so well dressed. You need to be in Vogue.
I think your prison looks like it would hold birds but I think lizards will get away though. Hope things work out well with your Marshalls job.
You crack me up.
Whutever happened to Dr. Daisy?
Nah Daisy, I think it looks fine. Besides, with the badge on, the dinosaurs are hardly noticeable. Love the prison you've chosen -- a cell with a view!
yer dino is vary profeshinal! We'd take yoo seriouslie!
You look fetching in anything Daisy, and you look really important.
I think you'd look fantastic in uniform though.
Wow, Daisy! I never knew you were a Marshal with a real official badge and all!
I think your dinosaur t shirt is fine. Anyone who would argue with a Marshal just because she's wearing a dinosaur t shirt is a FOOL! You don't argue with THE LAW. (That would be you, Daisy.)
I would listen to you no matter what the t-shirt you were wearing. The badge means everything.
I think your a good candidate.
I'm glad I don't break the law, Daisy, because you sure look pretty scary dressed like that. And I don't like that prison; it comes with toads or somethin'!
You do look very serious about your marshalling duties. I will rest easy knowing that you are on patrol.
The dinosaur shirt is NOT unprofessional... you're just a plain clothes sheriff!
Cindy at Rosehaven Cottage
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