Photo Hunters #56: Free
The Photo Hunters theme this week is: free. Here is my Lizard Observation Pen. The lizard inside here is not free. He must stay in the Pen while I study him.
I think he likes it inside the Lizard Observation Pen, because I put some leaves in there. Making your observations as close to nature as possible is part of being a good scientist.

73 Notes for Daisy:
Hi, Daisy!
Do let us know of your insights into lizard-psyche. :p
Have fun and happy weekend to u and Pixie! :D
Aha!!! Daisy, this is just like 'free TV'
My 'free' photo is shared...come by and visit ---it's there for your viewing, for 'free'. Oops, no I guess not --it's costing money to use the computer of yours and being online. Oh well, stop by for a visit, if you can!!!
I love lizards, Daisy! Thanks for the chance to look at some.
Good morning Daisy! I love your observation pen. Your Mom finds you so much cool stuff!
I wanted to let you know that we do not have Alligators at The Swamp. If we did, I would never let the boys out! We do have some water moccasins, but they the boys do not like to get near the water. ;-)
Gandalf & Grayson's Mom.
That is such a cool post!!!
Those are terrific lizard photos, Daisy! It is so cool that you can study lizards. We have never seen a real, live lizard.
Daisy I think you should name him tasty.
Have a nice weekend and I hope Pixie gets a banana.
Poppy Q
Great entry.
your lizard spa scheme gave me some sympathy for the lizards. now after looking at the closeup, not so much.
I can see that you really want to get it in the 1st photo. Look at your round eyes!
Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer
Dearest Daisy,
You is the bestest and smarterest scientist EVER. Please tell us more 'bout them lizards. What do they taste like? Are they chewy or crunchy???
Very truly yours,
The Whiskers & Purrs Gang
You are such a great scientist! I love it!
I think I'd like to be the lizard that is free to roam around. :)
My free post is here.
those lizard shots looks very interesting. is the first one a house lizard?
hope you can check out my entries when you have the time. it's here, here, here, and here. thanks! :)
That wuz furry inchresting to see the lizzerds up close. Are you going to taste them after you haf finished examining them?
I hoped you put some bugs in there so the lizard can eat.
You have great photos
Will u visit my “Free“ Thanks and have a nice weekend
YOu are a very good scientist Daisy.
We are studying electricity in our photo. It is a very unscientific study though.
~Scylla & Charybdis
You are so lucky, Daisy, to have your own lizard. His house is way cool! The free lizard looks like one of those baby ally gators.
That is so cute. Poor lizard though. He probably thought he was on his way to your spa.
Lizard observation pen, that is funny, I don't care who you are. When I opened your post and read it aloud miss bee cracked up.
Good lesson about FREE and
NOT FREE :) You make a good teacher :)
I like your lizard close up ;)Purrs Mickey
professional looking shots and very pretty lizard u got there..check out my photohunter too
I am not so sure Daisy. I know a thing or two about lizards too - and I don't think the free lizard really would like to be in your observation pen, hahahahahaha
That is so cute!
i am sure all lizards would love you be in your lizard pen honey! they are going to have such fun in there!
smiles, auntie bee
Dear Daisy,
Being limit free might be another way to let your lizard "safe", at least before you want to "cook" him, he is safer in there than at outdoor, hahaha~!!!
I think the last 2 free lizard photos is very cool~!
Happy Hunting, Professor Daisy!
Your entry rocks my socks as usual!
Totally cool pictures.. you are THE lizard huntress!
Your pen is sort of like the lobster tank at the grocery. You get to pick out your favorite to eat!!!
Great photo hunters!
-Jasper McKitten-Cat
Daisy, we think your lizard pen is cool. However, you have made Mommy scream! She is afraid of lizards....what a wimp! :)
That's a cool lizard. I biggified it and could see his little feet!
~ Miss Emily
Daily, you are very methodical with your observations.
Great Photo Hunters entries Daisy. I love your Lizard Observation Pen and it was very thoughtful of you to put some leaves in there to make him feel more natural!
Also, conCATulations to you and Skeezix on going steady! I love the fashion he made for you:) xxx
Nice take. Interesting and educational! Happy weekend
That observation pen is so cool Daisy. How fun for you and Pixie! And when you're done they can be set free. Unless you are very hungry. ;)
Have a fun weekend!
Love and Purrs,
Free is nice, but inside is better. More foods!
That is an excellent study Daisy! I am impressed.
You are free to study the lizard in the pen, Daisy. Very important for a scientist.
Wow! Daisy you sure a smart, interesting and beautiful cat! You should have your own animal show. We can call it "Daisy, the Lizard Hunter"! You can teach all of us kitties about the other animals in the world! How does that sound? I bet Little Productions might even be interested in picking up your show.
Kitty kisses from Italy,
Opus and Roscoe are a nice photographer.i like your all photo...thanks for sharing.
Thank you, Daisy for your warm congratulations!!!
Momma and Daddy have little lizards at their country place! Maybe they will bring one home for us someday ... hee hee!
Purrs and headbbutts,
Sabrina, Sam and Simon
You teach me so many things about lizards, Daisy ... I wish I had a lizard to watch close-up!
P.S. We've done the Bloglines thing, too - very convenient!
Daisy, you are truly a compassionate scientist to provide your subjects with leaves and comfortable domain. And your big, beautiful eyes have blessed you with remarkable powers of observation.
Study on!
Oh, Daisy, at the rate you are learning about lizards, you could end up with your own TV reality show, Daisy's Lizards (or whatever you wanted to call it).
jans funny farm
Your mommie has gotten to be such a good lizard photographer, she could work for National Geographic! You can study the lizards and she can photograph 'em -- maybe you need to contact Animal Planet.
I know we would watch Daisy The Lizard Hunter every week!
Not The Mama & Jazper
Wow!! Wonderful job at coralling that beast. I wish I had such a pen and such a beast. They look tasty but do those scales get caught in the teeth?
You are like the Lizard Doctor. That is a cool observation pen. Do you put other animals in it too?
I wouldn't mind one of those lizard pens... That is cool!
I WANNA LIZZARD! Not just fur play, but fur studying, acourse.
Your scientific observations are very astute, Professor Daisy! I like the way you set up your observation pen for closeup viewing of your specimen..I wonder, is it possible that your reptile knows my crustaceans?
where do i get lizards?? me want one!!
That would be cool if you had a nature show Daisy! I would watch!~Queen Snickers
That lizard looks like he could use some lotion.
I am delighted to dicover that you are a scientist Daisy! We need more like you in this world!
You are a scientist Daisy. that's so cool...lizards are funny looking.
Kodak, Winton and 3 Perf
Yum ... Lizards. Do captive lizards taste as yummy as your free-range lizards?
NIce lizard your Mommie brought you. How long does it have to stay in the observation lab?
Daisy, you are a furry good scientist! And hehe, that's a great lizzard to study. Maybe he'll listeun when you try to teach him mannurs!
Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!
I am impressed with your scientific acumen, Daisy dear! Perhaps one day you will win a Kitty Nobel!
Purrs and snuggles from Marilyn.
Dear Daisy, the boy would love to have your lizard, but mom said no to pets that she has to feed live things to. I think she is really afraid I might try to eat it.
Do you watch the lizards to learn their behaviour? It would helps you trap them for an easy bake oven dinner I think.
wow! you have a very nice picture and I love the way you put consistency of the picture, indeed that is a great post for this week theme! keep it up!!!
check mine:
Have a great Weekend!!!
lizards give me the creeps but yes, they are free creatures... maybe because they also creep other people out?
wonderfully taken pictures, by the way :)
Daisy, Daisy, Daisy, do you REALLY believe that guy wouldn't prefer to be free? Why don't you open the door and see if he stays there?
Wow, you are very lucky to have your very own pet lizard, Daisy. It must be very fun to look at.
Hahahaha. Forgive me... hahahahha. You make me laugh out loud! Hahaha.
(A day without Daisy, is a day without laughing)
this is the most unique and interesting post of the week! I had no idea they had little pens for lizards. You could raise your own!
Does he also count as FREE food?
My mom loves lizards after seeing this post she says she wants one.
Yet I told her she better not.
Thank you for posting the lizard pics, Daisy. Like you, I'm very fond of lizards - but not in soup!
Hi Daisy,
We think you are a very good scientist :) Your Mommy takes wonderful pictures, too!
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