The Photo Hunters theme this week is:
party. This is a good one! I would like to show you what I call my Party In A Bag. It's a very large bag of extra-strength catnip. Let's open the bag, spread some all around, and get this party started!

For maximum effect, I like to roll all around in the catnip.

If the catnip is extra-good, sometimes I get the googley eyes and make funny faces!

And if I get too excited, I make a noise like "hoooooooooooot!" and do a funny little hop into the air. My Mommie finally captured me mid-hop. Partying with catnip is very fun.

Now, the party is over and I must try to relax. This is the hard part. My Mommie will say "Daisy, settle down!"

ps: I would like you to meet a friend of mine. His name is Cecil, and he has a brand new blog called
Waiting for the Morning Mewspaper. Cecil is going to keep us up to date on the latest feline happenings around the world! And today is the day his very first article will be made public. I hope you will visit and welcome him to the blogosphere.

Photo Hunters #58: Party
85 Notes for Daisy:
Haha you look so cute on catnip, I love watching our black and white master Ted go crazy for for the stuff too! We have tried growing it in teh garden but he goes off and eats it all, the little dope fiend that he is!
Hahaha. This one made me laugh. Go, roll over! I love the hip hop jump.
We're gonna teleport right over - PAR-TAY!
WOAH! You´re a true party queen, Daisy!
Happy Hunting!
Daisy, you tell your meowmie that I love her imagination for each week's theme. And seeing all your photos, reminds me of a song....
"We're ha-a-a-v-i-n' a par-r-r-ty...."
I hope you can drop in to view my two party themed photos. Have a terrific weekend.
Daisy, you are having too much fun! We think you may have used too much!
Daisy, do you like cake? Gandalf loves cake crumbs.
WoW! That weawwy is a bag of party! Mine Mummy never gives me such a big bag. And you know what, That Thing, does not appweciate nip!
I'm beginning to suspect he's not a weal cat.
Daisy that was a great Hoot photo. You sure know how to party!! I hopes you get nip all the time.
poppy Q
What great shots!!! Love the mid air hop! Wow, that would be a good " Your cat on drugs " poster. I want some now!!
~Goldie and Shade
Oh no, you're on drugs! Last time, my bad bad kitty sista gone drunk with it till she was salivating & her eyeballs were big & black! It was scawie, I thought she was possessed! I told you catnip is a drug!
Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer
Oh My God... who are you now? Daisy or Pansy? You looked so high now! Better watch out the side effect of catnips... hehe LOL
Sit tight! Fasten your seat belt! Drop in to have some fun in my PARTY
That looks like some incredible nip! We love the super nips!
Party time!
woo hoo! party at daisy's!!!
smiles, auntie bee
Guess we won't be seeing your face anytime soon on the "Just Say No" posters- you party animal you.
The mid air shot was cute, though!
Yup!!! You are definately having a PARTY!!!!!!!!!! I love your googley eyes and tongue hanging out ! heehee Thank goodness for catnip!!
I must go visit Cecil now :)
Purrs Mickey
It looks like catnip is an essential ingwedient fow a gweat pawty..I wondew if it wowks on doggies??
Also Daisy..I just heawd about youw win in the wed cawpet contest and want to send you my sincewe congwatulations!!
asalways you wewe bootiful!
smoochi ekisses
nice shots. these photos are making me miss my cats back at home
Party down Daisy! You know how to have a great time!
Partying with catnip looks fun! I doubt I can have that much fun with it. hehe...
Looks like you had a good time with the catnip.
Scylla, Charybdis & Socks
There is nothing better than good nip!
meoooowie wowie
Please bring some to Chey's party!
daisy! how does your momma get all the catnips off you?! I think i might want to try this, because in a toy doesn't affect me at all :(
Daisy, you know how to party hearty, I will be back to read all the post I missed
didn't realize u are such a party animal. yesterday a glamorous classic actress today this... u have the Hollywood thing down pat.
Party in a bag...yup. Love dem googly eyes. Concatulations on yoor red carpet win.
Well this is very very great party time I am sure~!!!!!! I am sure it will be the best party if we have nip!
Don't let anyone tell you that you have googley eyes! They're beautiful :) I was really expecting to see a party dress today but this is such fun.
Hi Daisy! Sounds live you were having a one kitty rave! I've never tried catnip...dont know it it would have the same affect on me..I'd probably need a kilo of it!
Hope you had a fantastic PAWTY!
Love & Licks,
P.S. Win-com-poop would have loved a good RAVE!
hoooooooooooot! ha ha ha, wweeeeeeeeeeee!
That looks like some really good 'nip, Daisy!! Mom likes it when you make googley eyes.
We visited Cecil, and like his header.
~ Gracie
That's a great party in a bag Daisy!!!
Hey, I've seen the human equivalent to that!! Ha, Ha! Good twist on the idea.
We want some!!!!
Hey, Daisy,
That looks like such fun. Oh, the dogs say it looks like fun only if they can chase you while you're high. Don't pay attention to them. They like to chase anything that moves but they're harmless.
Stop by. We gave you an award.
jans funny farm
PS - We will go right over and check out Cecil's new blog. Thanks for the heads up.
jans funny farm
Daisy, the party-coloured party cat! You go girl!
I'll pop over to visit Cecil now.
Goodness that's so funny. I love the mid hop photo you captured. Cats are so funny when drugged up!
I see nip makes you hyper Daisy! :) It makes Billie pass out and Cody and Cricket more mellow. I give Cody extra nip on the 4th of July to calm him down from all the booms in the neighborhood. You sure look cute all nipped out! I like the action shot. (I think we have catnip on the brain today because I posted a post nip picture of Billie.) :)
Have a super fun day!
Love and Purrs,
Oh wow, that looks like great fun!! :)
So sad when someone so young, get on, "the nip." LOL!
You know how to have a good time!
WOO HOO!! Party in a Bag!!!!
Oh Daisy. Now I spent a lot of time helping all kitties with nip abuse and now you are going and doing this.
Well, it didn't work for my kitties either.
I had to look at the large photo of you jumping in the air because that was a great photo.
Daisy, you are a party of one!!! We so laughed at that photo of you hopping into the air!
Your Catnip party looks like fun.
Love your mid-hop photo :)
Daisy, thank you so much for introducing me!
A million purrs sent your way!
Hah hahah hahhah haha!! That's funny. Man, that looks like about a quarter bag...
Luf, Us
That looks fun, Daisy! It's Renzie's birthday today so maybe we'll break out the nip here in Minnesota, too!
Wow, all of that cat nip just for you! Lookes like you had a great time, too hard to settle back down though.
Congratulations on your winning Best Female Real in The Red Carpet Buzz contest.
Oh my goodness, this is hilarious! Cats on drugs??? Wahoo!
I can see you know how to par-tay really well Daisy! Nice mid-hop picture.
Daisy, glad you enjoyed your party. :)
By the way Daisy,
I keep forget answering your questions, sorry.
Many people bring their cats to Minimal cafe, yes. But you have to took vaccine before of course.
Most of cats there are around the cafe neighbor hood. The cafe owner bring all of cats to take vaccines as many as she can. The 3rd photo of my post of Feb 29, the woman behind the little tabby, is the cafe owner.
Many cat friends have supper at that cafe, and sure bring their cats.
There is a big basement (many people don't know, but I am owner's friends now) the cats could all sleep there. Certainly could sleep in the cafe, and all the dining utensils will put into the cabinets very well.
ROFL, Daisy, these are the funnest party pictures I've seen yet! Love those par-tay eyes!!!! That's some quality nip!
Wow ... You REALLY know how to party, Daisy. We finally got a catnip 'nana from the Yeowww! Catnip people. That's some primo 'nip!
My goodness, Daisy. You really do get into that catnip. Do you change? Like Dr. Jekyll & Mr. Hyde? Or are you just more "active"
I really liked the tummy shot. Do yoo have any closeups???
Yoo shood be a spicy vixin. Looks like yoo've got the rite stuff!
wow! you have a very nice picture and I love the way you put consistency of the picture,it is very flexible...indeed you have a great post! keep it up!!!
here's mine:
Happy Weekend!
I have a catnip bush at my place. I am not overly keen on catnip though. Sometimes I have a fresh leaf or two rubbed over my fur. The scent isn't too bad. I can see you really love it Daisy.
You so crazy, Daisy! And you know how to party
You so crazy, Daisy! And you know how to party
Oh Daisy that looks like a great party! Did you know that catnip doesn't affect Puddy at all? How crazy is that! Crazy especially because we have a huge catnip plant growing outside and Puddy doesn't care!
Good idea fer "party"
Garcon, "party of one fer the best table"...
Now that is MY type of party!
hehehe, NIP PAWTAY!!!!! You look like yur havin a blast inna nip! I love that look on yur face!
Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!
What great fun you had LOL
Oh, Daisy -- you look like you're having so much fun in your 'nip! I love your googly-eyes.
Purrs and snuggles from Marilyn.
We loved the pictures, especially the one of you with the "Pansy" eyes!! You are just one crazy little wackjob on the nip, aren't you? You're so cute!!
MamaCat & the FurryPurries
Ozzy, Alice, Bootsie, Freckles, Lola & Dandelo
You really know how to party, Daisy. I love the picture of you in mid-hop.
You look like you are having so much fun with that catnip. We like it too, but never get that excited. Great hip hop.
Tiki, Tavi, Cody and Camie
Quite comical and cute! Way to go Daisy! Little party animal!!!! Have a good week.
Just don't catnip and drive.
Wow, great hop! Must have been some GOOD NIP!
Daisy, Those are some fun photos! Looks like you have some primo nip!
Padre, Panda Bear, and Meerkat
Haha. Nip makes my tongue hang right out like that too.
That's the funniest thing I've seen in a long time...LOL. Moses loves to get high, man. She's addicted. Bear & Emmy think she's weird. lol
omg...seriously, those pics are priceless.
That's an awful lot of catnip. Does your Mommie always let you have that much when you party?
Oh, wow... a whole bag of loose 'nip beats a catnip bananer any old time!
I am going to get my mom to let me try this too! We just got a new big tub of catnip which has not even been opened yet.....MOM!! MOM?
omg...that is funny...i must post about this when i pull the catnip out in my gets
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