Monday, August 18, 2008

Monday Mystery: What am I?

For today's Monday Mystery, you must figure out the answer to this riddle:

It comes in just one color,
though it can change size some
It sticks to your feet,
but it is not gum!
It loves the sunshine,
but hides in the night.
It follows you everywhere,
but sometimes leaves your sight.

Do you know what it is? Click HERE to see if you are correct. This was a very hard one, so take a bow if you answered correctly!


98 Notes for Daisy:

Earthypix said...

Ooh! me was right! Clever AngelCake *purrs*

Anonymous said...

I got it right! I'm taking a bow right NOW. :D Nice riddle, Daisy!

Poppy Q said...

Oh Daisy, this week I was clever. Have a good week sweet girl and blow some banana kisses to Pixie.


The Lazy Iguana said...


No...thats not it. Tropical storms do not stick to your feet.

Stay dry!

The Meezers or Billy said...

YAY!!!! we was right this week!!!

The Florida Furkids said...

Yippeee - we got one right!!!

LOL @ the Iguana!! Fay Fay go away!!

michico*Adan*Lego-小芥*阿丹*樂高 said...

Oah I finally correct this week!!!

Anonymous said...

haha, i was right, i thougt i was gona be wrong! :)

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

Yea! We got it right too!

Cute photo of you!


Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

We got it! We got it! We hope you stay safe from the hurricane.

Parker said...

Hooray! I got it right!
Nice bow Daisy!

Anonymous said...

That was very tricky Miss Daisy, but we gots it ;)
LOL you had momma laughing big with your tongue hanging out like that, it is very long Daisy :)
Please keep you and your family safe Miss Daisy!! We is thinking of you much! :)

Isis said...

Ooh I was right! :) I've never managed to get one of your riddles right before... I'm very proud of myself now!

I have just published my first investigative report Daisy, so now I can really call myself a reporter I think! :)


The Whiskers and Purrs Gang said...

Dearest Daisy,
We think some of your smartness is rubbin' off on us 'cause we guessed right!!! Dang...what a good way to start the week!

Very truly yours,
The Whiskers and Purrs Gang

Alastriona, The Cats and Dogs said...

Alas, we never get them right. Maybe we should send Mommy back to school. ~S, S & C

Anonymous said...

From time to time I look gladly here past, in order to read the well written contributions as suggestions. Here I would like to leave a greeting from Thuringia in Germany!

Anonymous said...

:: Bowing :: We are clever this week! Hooray!!

Unknown said...

The SHADOW knows...

Hee, loved that photo, Daisy, it looks like your shadow is sticking out its tongue at you! Naughty shadow...

How are your pets? Mommy thinks she say some of your butterflies this weekend in Pennsylvania!

Your pal,


Chrissie said...

Nope, once again, I am a dunce. But I did notice your tongue stickin' out in your shadow photo!

P.S. How are ya regarding the storm? Are you in the direct path, and will you be evacuating? I hope you and Miss Pixie and your mommie stay nice and dry and that the alligators stay far away!

Mickey's Musings said...

That was a good mystery today :) It's fun playing this game!!!! YAY
Purrs Mickey

PeeEss: Stay safe from Fay!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Are you sticking out your tongue and thinking real heard, Daisy? You can even see your tongue in the shadow...

Sabrina, Sam and Simon said...

Wooohooo Daisy, we are all taking a bow because we got this one! That was a great Monday Mystery! We hope you and Pixie and Mommie and Daddy don't suffer any effects from tropical storm Fay ...
Purrs and headbutts,
Sabrina, Sam and Simon

Teddy Westlife said...

Wow for once I got it right!

Stay safe from the storm Daisy!

Huffle Mawson

Anonymous said...

"Yay" I got it and I didn't need mom's help....Hugs Ariel

Dma said...

yoo hoo me and my shadow get to take a bow.

Alexi said...

Yay! I gotted it right. I'm a smart kitty and you're a smart kitty to think of these every week. Hope you, Pixie, and your Mommie are doing okay with Fay on the way.

The Taylor CatSSSSS said...

Very good riddle!!!!

Laila and Angel Minchie said...

Your clues were so great we got the answer right away!


Laila and Minchie

Marian said...

Daisy - We got it right with just a couple of promptings from Crazy Lady. Stay safe during the hurricane and please send some rain up to dry old Georgia!!!
:o) Thomas, Phoebe and Trixie

The Fitness Diva said...

A shadow, right? i'm not looking at anyone else's answers.....

The Fitness Diva said...

By the way, Daisy, is that your 'gangsta' pose? You look very cute doing it! ;)

Milton said...

::clap, clap, clap::
I guessed right!
This was a fun riddle.

Empress Bee (of the high sea) said...

well daisy that was an easy one for me because that is my favorite thing to photograph!

smiles, auntie bee

Sweet Purrfections said...

It's a shadow, I think. I will go back and see if I am right. Have a great week.

Anonymous said...

Ooh! Ooh! I guessed right! Yay! I guessed a shaddow. I am SMART!

Thoughts said...

Good riddle Daisy! We got it right!

Theodore and sasha

Tybalt said...

I got it right! I got it right!


I think that was my very first time guessing correctly!

Anonymous said...

Nice arm styling, Daisy!

Gemini and Ichiro said...

Oh dear! We did not know. We were guessing all sorts of things that didn't quite fit before we looked! I was thinking the moon but that does not stick to your feets at all.

Babs (Beetle) said...

Woooh, woooh, wooooooooh I got it right!

Purrs, Sukie x

Shaggy and Scout said...

We got it!!!!

jenianddean said...

You are pretty sassy, sticking your tongue out at your shadow. (Or was your shadow sticking its tongue out at you?)

i beati said...

What hurricane preparations has Daisy made?? My answer was finally right hee heh

Mo and The Purries said...

I got it right, too!

Skeezix the Cat said...

I GOT IT RITE! I'm on a Munday Mistery role!

Anonymous said...

I just love these monday riddles!

Nomi said...

Wow Daisy, I got it right today..yeah. So now I am going to take a bow. Gee, I'm clever.

PB 'n J said...

Oh as usual, you are far more clever than we are dear Daisy!


Ooo you were right Daisy we had to think really hard, but we got it...hope that your weather isn't too bad today or tomorrow...Fay is a bummer...


Sarge Charlie said...

Drats, I should have got that one right but you fooled me again. You are very tricky Miss Daisy.

Tara said...

I got it! How fun!

Take care over there!


Anonymous said...

Oh i got it right!!!!

The Island Cats said...

We gots it right!!! Yippee!

Wally, Ernie & Zoey

Alex the Blogging Kat said...

I iz sadz cause I dunt getz anzer. OK?

Randi said...

Awww Daisy! You are always so clever! Sorry I've been MIA for a while...I had to lay low due to the pawlympic doping scandel I was innocently involved in...who knew antibiotics could cause such an olympic uproar?

You look very cute in all your pics in the last week!

Love & Licks,

Rosemary B❤️ said...

Shadow... that was a good one daisy.

I hope you and Pixie have a safe time during your rainy storm down there in FLA

Love and purrrs

Anonymous said...

Oh I was right! My furs match mine too.

~ Shadow ~

Kellykat said...

Woo hoo!! We got it right! It took us two times of reading it but we got it right! That was so much fun Daisy.
-Stryder, Scotchy & Sugar

Anonymous said...

Hi Daisy!
Is it a shadow?
Just wanted to let you know your underpants toy is on it's way (hope it doesn't get blown off course by the storm) and we have an award for you!

Black Cat said...

I am bowing and curtseying at the same time... Oops, just fell over. My shadow is laffin n laffin. Now, if I'm so smart, why can't I get back my remote desktop connection which has gone down yet again? I've recovered it before but this time it's being very stubborn. Duhr! :) xxx

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Hahahaha we is taking a bow cuz we gots it right!

Forty Paws said...

Ooohhh. You are way too clever for us!!! Be furry kirful of da rain frum Fay, OK?

Luf, Us

Anonymous said...

I got it! Thanks Daisy for another fun Monday riddle. What a clever cat you are!

Sunny's Mommy said...

I finally got one right!

I hope your family stays safe today during the tropical storm.

L. Alida said...

Oh my Cats Daisy, I got it! :) I really liked your cute picture too.
Your Sunday Comic was pretty funny also. Your friends seem to be agravating you.:)
How are you and your family? Is Fay coming towards you? I will keep you in my thoughts and purrayers.
Gentle hugs,

Spooky said...

Oooh, that was very hard. I was wrong. :(

The Furry Kids said...

Oh, we got it wrong again. Darn!

Happy Monday, Daisy and Pixie!

Asta said...

I got it, I got it, hehehe..I'm so happy , cause oosually I don't get it
smoochie kisses

BeadedTail said...

Yay I was right! Nice riddle Daisy!

Gaston said...

I was right too ^_^ you have a nice blog, i send you a bunch of meowwwsss

Chaffee Street Cafe` said...

We are taking the big bow. It was the only answer we came up with.


Bobby and Theresa111

Laura said...

What'd'ya know... I solved the riddle! I'm feelin' my oats now! :)

Donna said...

I got it! That was fun. :)

Angel Junior, Orion and Sammy said...

I can't believe we got this one!!!!!

Fred said...

I got it!
I got it!

Since it's the first time, I thought I'd say it twice.

Mr. Hendrix said...

holy moly! we got one right!! wowee wow wow! that is a hard one too.

you have great riddles Daisy.

Pixie, Bendrix and I wish we were better about taking medicine like you. We will have to try harder to be nice.

Max said...

I got it :) Dang, I feel smart today!

Cats~Goats~Quotes said...

That was a good poem!
One clue let us know what it was..
'hides in the night'

We can't bow like you can, tho.

~ Bandit and KittyBoy

The Devil Dog said...

We knew it, we knew it. Wow, we're like 1 for 4 or 5? hahahaha

Roxy & Lucky

meemsnyc said...

I guessed it right!!! Great riddle. And cute shadow Daisy.

Anonymous said...

I guessed it wuz my big red ball but my big red ball doesnt never change size it is always big!

Motor Home Cats said...

We were right - yea! Is that your tongue sticking out in the 2nd picture? It sure looks cute.

Tiki, Tavi, Cody, Camie and Miss Jade

Tommy and Teaghan said...

Da answer wuz on da tips of owr tongues but not on owr feets. Yoo are good at riddles as well as comics and stuff. Yur alrite, fur a girl dat is.
~Beau Beau

who wouda thunk it?? said...

Daisy, we hopes yoo haz yoor pink raincoat handy!!

Cat Street Boyz said...

We got it!!!!! Shadow was the name of one of our past brothers we never met. We hope you stay safe from that awful storm. You are in our thoughts and purrs,=^Y^=the Cat Street Boyz

SophieKitty said...

Holy moly! I actually got it right.

Just Ducky said...

Your shadow! and my shadow too.

Evergreen loves Kilroy said...

Whooo! I got it right too! Yay! Thanks, Daisy!

Toffee K. Ripple Fuzzypants & Feline American Angels said...

I know what it ISN'T: A hurricane, right?

Grandma calls me "it" sometimes 'cuz I stick to Mom like glue!


Jans Funny Farm said...

Woohoo, we finally guessed one right. We thought sure if we guessed it, it would be wrong.

Anonymous said...

That was sooo clever Miss Daisy! I'm glad you're safe!

Anonymous said...

We think it's your shadow! Now we'll go back and click to see if we were right!
MamaCat & the FurryPurries
Ozzy, Alice, Bootsie, Freckles, Lola, Dandelo & baby Honey

Amber-Mae said...

Ooohhhh! I had no idea what it was. Was thinking it was toenails or something. BOL! What a fun riddle this was!

Butt wiggles,
Solid Gold Dancer

Kimo and Sabi said...

Wowy - that wuz a sooper hard riddle! We hadded to check da answer cuz we didn't figure it out.

Dragonheart, Merlin, Devi, and Chloe said...

We were right! :) Yay!

Samantha & Mom said...

Yippee! We got one right! We got one right! Monday mystery is co cool!
Your FL furiends,

Jaya said...

Yay, I guessed it too!
(even though I'm half
asleep right now)

Kimberly Walker said...

I actually guessed this one. Jingles new best friend is his shadow!!!!

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