Photo Hunters: Warm
The Photo Hunters theme this week is warm. One of my most favorite ways to stay warm is to bask in a sunny spot. It is even better when I am on my beautiful pink sleeping bag.

Photo Hunters: Warm
Posted by Daisy at 2/21/2009 04:00:00 AM
Labels: Photo hunters, sleeping bag, warm
86 Notes for Daisy:
I think warm outweighs color! My cats like to snuggle under a blanket sometimes too, but really like my L.L. Bean winter parka to lay in.
Miss D, my mum says you look so warm and cosy, catching a furtan on your blankie.
That sleeping bag does look lovely and soft and snuggly, no wonder Harley wants to share it.
We don't know why but this post hasn't come up in our reader.
Maybe Harley does not understand that pink is really for girls? Perhaps he needs his own blue one.
Huffle Mawson
That's a nice sleeping bag, Daisy! Sharing is not always fun but Harley looks so cute and snuggly inside it. Maybe you can save up your allowance and buy him one as a present?
That does look warm and cozy! Surely it is big enough to share with your "little" brudder, Daisy? That will be even cozier. :)
What a beautiful sleeping bag. We can understand why Harley would want to have a go. You know what our mum tells us? Only a real mancat can wear pink!:)
You're all lovely. Have a nice day.
Maybe your mommie will find a blue one for Harley sometime and then he will learn about pink for girls and blue for boys! ;o)
óh, but he looks so cute in pink too!!! beautiful - and warm - blankie you have!
it's carnaval in Brazil! "ziriguidum", all the time, for four all days and nights! heheh...
kisses for you all!
have a nice day!
Well at least he's warm and cozy!
We wants to snuggle in dat pink bag too. Harley looks good in all colors just like yoo do.
Hmphhh! Our reader must have overslept cuz your post just came up.
We think you both look adorable on/in that sleeping bag!
Your Pals,
Tom and Tama-Chan
Nice take on the theme! :)
Cats have their own way that's for sure!
Mine is up too!
Happy weekend! :)
OOOOooooohhhhhh...Harley should get a sleeping bag of his own! I'll bet he'd love it!
Oh i know Daisy is warm in that nice pretty blanket. Happy weekend. TC
I can see why Harley wants to share your pretty blankie. One day he may have his own, but until then you are so sweet to share.
~ Napoleon and Sisfurs
That sleeping bag looks so comfy we want to go take a nap. We sure wish it would get warm again in Florida.
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
Maybe your Mom has a blue towel or she could lend to Harley, so you could have your pink snuggle blankey back. If that can't be done, try telling him sleeping on the floor is more manly.
Harley, step away from the pink! No self-respecting mancat should be seen near that colour.
That's the thing with having brothers and sisters. You usually have to share!
Purrs Sukie x
We likes the pink sleeping bag, it looks very WARM and the guys said that like Harley they wouldn't care if it is pink as long as it is WARM. ~S,S,C & F
Last night was a good night for sleeping on and in warm and toasty pink sleeping bags-- Pinky was burrowed inside a comforter.
But sadly she cannot walk very well today .Must be arthritis??
That sleeping bag looks very warm! We can see why Harley likes it even if it is pink!
Awwww! Daisy, you really should share your pretty pink sleeping bag with Harley.... warm cuddles when it's chilly...:-) How cozy!
Mine is a different concept of staying warm in Florida... hope you'll stop by! And have a great weekend!
Harley-you keep on hanging out in the pink sleeping blankie!
Here's some info some people (and cats) might find interesting!
According to the website "Gender Specific Colors," it would seem that assigning color to gender is mostly a 20th century trait. It would also seem that at one time, the color associations were reversed when color first came into use as a gender identifier.
In fact, this reversal of what we consider "normal" was considered conventional, even in the early 20th century.
"At one point pink was considered more of a boy's color, (as a watered-down red, which is a fierce color) and blue was more for girls. The associate of pink with bold, dramatic red clearly affected its use for boys. An American newspaper in 1914 advised mothers, "If you like the color note on the little one's garments, use pink for the boy and blue for the girl, if you are a follower of convention." [The Sunday Sentinal, March 29, 1914.]
"There has been a great diversity of opinion on the subject, but the generally accepted rule is pink for the boy and blue for the girl. The reason is that pink being a more decided and stronger color is more suitable for the boy, while blue, which is more delicate and dainty, is prettier for the girl." [Ladies Home Journal, June, 1918]
According to Jo B. Paoletti and Carol Kregloh, "The Children's Department," in Claudia Brush Kidwell and Valerie Steele, ed., Men and Women: Dressing the Part, (Smithsonian Institution Press, 1989). - In the United States: "The current pink for girls and blue for boys wasn't uniform until the 1950's.
Who cares about color when warmth and coziness are at stake, right Harley! I love to burrow so I think I need to get mom to go get me a sleeping bag!
Oh noes! Harley, onlee Skeezix can pull off pink!
<3 Loki
We must admit Harley does pull off pink rather well!
That does look cozy. Harley does look good in pink. Angel does not like blankets! she will get on a quilt, but nothing fuzzy.
Daisy, you and Harley both look so cute and cozy in pink. And . . . is Harley in the middle of making kitty biscuits? His paw has that stretched-out look!
Hmmm, perhaps you need to try out Harley's leopard print sleeping bag? Obviously, he's in touch with his feminine side and mancat enough to go for the pink.
Your pals,
Petey and Mica
Oah Daisy~!
You are certainly perfect under the warm sunshine and pink blanket~!
And yes,
Harley will be weird if he loves pink, but, hey~~ I think he just want to sniff his dear sister's blanket makes he feel calm.
This is the bestes sleeping bag in the whole wide world! It is warm and cuddly and pink! You are such a lucky girl, Daisy. It seems that there are more cool things for cats where you live then here...
Purrs, Siena
P.S.: I'm sorry, I had to steal that picture of Harley. Makes me want to be in that sleeping bag with him!!!
You both look so warm and toasty! I don't think it is as cold at your house as it is at our house. We have lots of snow! You would really need your sleeping bags here!
Maybe if Harley is really good, he'll get his very own sleeping maybe...I think that's Harley's color. Pink suits you just fine Daisy.
Love your sleeping bag! Nice shots for the theme.
What a nice warm spot you have there Daisy! Those two pictures of you are adorable. The first one gives you froot bat ears, if you don't mind us saying.
Harley has such a cute sleepy face in his picture.
We think "warm" beats "but its pink" everytime!
But if you cuddle up with Harley in the sleeping bag you'll be warmer still..
I LOVE visiting you blog!
Did you make the kitties sleeping bag? Its great and I'd love to have one...
Wow, Daisy, you could get so warm in your sleepin' bag, you'd bake up all nice and fluffy, like a croissant. I like croissants, especially the little flakes that fall off when mom eats one!
Ooooooo . . . we want one of those! Looks snuggly!
What a pretty pink sleeping bag! Harley just couldn't resist a pretty and warm sleeping area. :)
That is a beautiful sleeping bag Daisy. Harley looks very cue in it - and these days blue and pink are worn by boys and girls! Tee Hee! So we don't blame him for snuggling into your gorgeous sleeping bag.
You look very comfy in your blanket.
We have an award for you... pick it up anytime at our blog.
Happy day!
Daisy, you look extra pretty in that first warm photo!
What a cool sleeping bag! It looks very snuggly. Those are amazing pictures of you two.
Must be something about pink. Skeezix likes pink and he's a guy.
That sure is one pretty sleeping bag!
Daisy, we should have known you would have the purrtiest sleeping bag ever!! Did your mommy make it or did you find it someplace special, do tell us!
Teri found some doggie sleeping bags at an outlet store and we all love them, but they aren't purrty!
Maybe you could find a camo one for Harley since he's a secret agent!
The cats of Furrydance and Teri
Daisy, it's obvious that Harley is comfortable in his own fur.
Harley, you are so precious sleeping on that pink sleeping bag. You look so content. Our mom is blogging for us right now b/c we are doing the exact same thing on our fleece blankets right now!
Daisy, you are such a good sister to share.
We have no sunshine here today because it's snowing again, so we're all cuddling to keep warm.
Uncle Mo & The Purries
Cosy, cosy, cosy, (or maybe you would say cozy). Lovely ad warm and I would love to snuglle up with you.
Oh you are fashionable even when you are cuddling Daisy!
Sunny spots are great places to get WARM at Daisy! Your pink sleeping bag is so cute and we think Harley likes WARM over color! Have a wonderful Saturday!
Your FL furiends,
Your sleeping bag does look very warm.
Tavi, Cody, Camie and Miss Jade
That's a neat sleeping bag. Looks like Harley is definitely trying to claim it as his own (the claws out!).
aww! precious Kitty cats. thank you for setting up Mr. Linky too.
Oh my Daisy you certainly do look cozy and warm. And might I say the color suits just perfect too!!:-)))
That does look like a warm spot. And a comfy one too!
Oh Miss Daisy your sleeping bag looks so warm and cozy I think I would be tempted to steal it too! Don't be too hard on Harley, he is a young man cat and doesn't know about colors yet!
Happy Photo Hunt!
You can't blame Harley! Your sleeping bag looks very comfy and warm!
Kisses and hugs
Pink is fashion, and really looking so soft none can resist!
ViVi & AB
I have this same problem wiff the maxie he taken over my pink crown bed Brothers
Daisy, I love your pink sleeping bag!!! If I wasn't visting with Pepi today I would ask if I could come to Florida and join you, because us girly girls love pink and I would welcome some warm weather too ... hee hee! And Harley would just have to make room for me!
Purrs and headbutts,
Our Mom loves pink ... We love it if it's warm. Harley is so cute!!
The Whippy Curly Tails
That looks like fun!! I love blankies and beds and sleeping bags!
Can I climb inside too? That looks so comfy!!!
The combination of youw soft bootiful blankie and the sun is pawfect!!!
I would tell Hawley a little mowe stewnly, hehehe
smoochie kisses
Wow, great sleeping bag; I would like to curl up in it too. Some boys (like Harley) are completely comfortable with their masculinity and are not threatened by the colour of the sleeping bag.
I watched some of you movies with my daughter; we enjoyed them very much.
That sleeping bag does look nice and warm and comfy! I don't blame Harley for wanting to snuggle in it! Did someone make that for you?
What a beautiful sleeping bag! You're nice to let Harley use it too. I needed one like that today because it was windy and snowy here!
Is there any room in that beautiful sleeping bag for all of us?
oh my, you have the snuggliest sleeping bag i have ever seen! it is fabulous! i have seen some other lucky blog pets with nice bags too. I wonder if we should get some too!
have a good weekend!
You look very comfortable Daisy. It is nice to share!
You two got this one in the bag.
ohhh I think Pink is your color Daisy!! you is look absolutely cute in it! oh harley too!
Only you would have a pink sleeping bag!
And, Harley! As one mancat to another---dude! The bag's pink, man!
Mr. Black
What a warm hearted picture !
I has an idea! You send us some of that warm sunshine and we send you some of the snow we haz. We's got lots! Looks so good to be sleeping in the sun. We've not done that furr a furry long time.
Peffe & Lussie
That sleeping bag looks so cozy & warm! Love the photo with your nose tucked in to stay warm - so cute, Daisy. :) Thanks for visiting my blog!
That blankie bag looks awesomely warm, Daisy and Harley - enjoy!
Harley looks so sweet and adorable in your sleeping bag. Let him stay! ;)
Yer problim was, yoo told Harley it was pink, and as evrybuddy knows, pink is the BESTEST most BYOOTIFUL color in the werld. So of korse he's gonna want to sleep thare.
OH Miss Daisy that is the most glorious sleeping bag!! Exactly what momma was looking for to make for us!
You are very sweet to let Harley put his man smells all over it :))
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