Friday, July 31, 2009

Fashion Friday: It's Time to Ride!

Get your motors running! LOOK at my cool new Harley-Davidson CAP! This is a very SPECIAL cap in MANY ways. My kind and thoughtful friends ML and KC sent it for ME. It belonged to their special friend Schatze, who had to go to the Bridge last year. Schatze was a VERY handsome silver schnauzer, and he loved Harley-Davidson. I am PROUD and HONORED to wear this special cap. Schatze, this is for you!
Hey, bebbeh!
And finally, here is my BEST and most GLAMOROUS MANLY pose!
Do you notice any similarities?
ps: I am saddened to learn this morning that Bruce Rossmeyer, the world's largest Harley-Davidson dealer, passed away yesterday after a motorcycle accident. You can read the story here. Our hearts go out to Mr. Rossmeyer's family and friends. Mr. Rossmeyer, I tip my Harley-Davidson cap to you.


98 Notes for Daisy:

Teddy Westlife said...

Harley you are making me swoon!

Huffle Mawson

Unknown said...

You are indeed a handsome mancat, Harley. I can just hear the motorcycle in the background.

Autumn and Jasmine the Maltese said...

I like your outfit and you look great with that! <3

Just to inform that I'm back for after so long <33

With love,

Poppy Q said...

Harley, you look like a tough guy. Well done dude, have a nice weekend.

i beati said...

you've got that special je n'est c'est quoi- you special man cat you !!I believe you really were born to be wild !!

Karen, author of "My Funny Dad, Harry" said...

Now that is a great mancat hat for you! You are posing very nicely there too! Excellent job, Harley!

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

Wow Harley! You do look good in your cap. That was very thoughtful of ML and KC to send it to you, and very thoughtful of you to wear it in honour of Schatze.

Parker said...

Harley, are you going to Sturgis this week?

The Whiskeratti said...

Harley!!! You've made Leia faint!!! All that mancatliness!!!

ceemee said...

You look really manly in that hat and the scarf, Harley! Great pose you have!

Anonymous said...

Whoa, dude! You look ready for a long ride, Harley... just follow the sun.

The Monkeys said...

That is the best outfit for you, Harley! We want to see your hog!

The Meezers or Billy said...

Harley, all the girlcats are going to go CRAZY for you!

LadyJava said...

You look gorgeous... you mancat.. you!!!

RJ Flamingo said...

OMG! Harley, that is so *you*! And you are really turning into a Mancat Supermodel, too! I'm sure Schatze and Mr. Rossmeyer are beaming with approval, right now.:-)

The Island Cats said...

Harley, dude! Love the cap! You look so good in it!

mister jeter harris, hizself said...

harley iz indeed verree hansum.
he cood be a model.

JD at I Do Things said...

Oh, my goodness. If ever there was a glamorous mancat, it is you, Harley. That cap was simply MADE for you. I think you are really maturing in terms of your facial expressions and poses. Good job!

Jude said...

Those are some cute photo's. If there's a local Harley shop you should enter him in their pet photo contest.

Anonymous said...

what a hottie mancat you are!!!!

Alastriona, The Cats and Dogs said...

You look very manly Harley. We are sorry about Mr. Rossmeyer and will purr for his family. ~S,S,C & F

Little Big Man said...

WOW look like Marlon Brando with your Harley!


Get your motor running
Head out on the highway
Lookin for adventure
In whatever comes my way

vroom vroom
That's you Harley born to be wild!
Such a handsome mancat!


Hitesh said...

well thats my fav......harly cap......

Cory said...

Vroom Vroom...that's my heart revving up over you Harley!!! Ok, all us girl kitties here are on the floor...and Nigel and Madison are jealous!

The Kitty Krew said...

Ohhhh, Harley! You have our girlcats making goo-goo eyes at the computer and making all kinds of squeely noises. They think you iz very handsome with your Harley Davidson cap!

Purrs and hugs,
The Kitty Krew Girlcats

Unknown said...

Harley you are super Macho Mancat in those pictures!! We read about Mr. Rossmeyer in our paper too.

Sniffie and the Florida Furkids

Gypsy Lala said...

I like your cats so much, they are so lovely. They cheers my friday night.

Unknown said...

Harley, you look so darn cute with your new cap!

Dma said...

geez harley, given that great outfit i hope u consider me manly enough with my lil scooter.

Janet said...

Harley, you are very, very handsome in that hat!

The Crew said...

Harley, take it down a few notches, will you!! The girlcats are fainting left & right.

Of course we know all about Harley's here in Milwaukee. Why don't you come up and we can tour the factory.


Forever Foster said...

Harley, you've got my motor running! Hahahaha!

Angel Junior, Orion and Sammy said...

Harley, you look super handsome!!!!!

Percy the Cat said...

Harley, my mum thinks you look very handsome and mancatly! And my sisters are swooning over your bad-boy-ness. :)

Puglette said...

wow! harley, those are great photos!! you look fabulous in that hat and neckerchief. you look so cool and a little bit a good way.
have a great weekend!

WillOaks Studio said...

Harley, you are a dead ringer for my favorite Marlo!! I could just kiss you!

Gemini and Ichiro said...

You look great Harley! It is too bad about the dealer.

Margaret Elmendorf said...

OMG that is so darn cute. Just the expression on Harley's face is perfect So sorry about that person's death. So sad.

The Oceanside Animals said...

hello harley its dennis the vizsla dog hay nice hat!!! now all yoo need is a littel scotter to ride arownd on!!! carefully of korse!!! ok bye

The Creek Cats said...

Harley, you look super tough today!

RIP Bruce Rossmeye.

Reese =^..^= said...

That is the perfect look for you! Sorry to hear about Mr. Rossmeye.

Jans Funny Farm said...

We just read about your new cap and its special meaning on Missy Blue Eyes' blog. What a special present! And it looks great on you, Harley. You really look handsome in it.

We didn't know about Bruce Rossmeyer the HD guy. Purrs to his family.

brokenteepee said...

Harley, your eyes are just lighting up in these photos. Stinky needs a boyfriend.......

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

Harley, you are very handsome mancat in that hat! You model it very well. You area also a sweet soul to pay tribute to Schatze and Bruce.

KC and the Giggleman Kitties said...

O, Harley, I know Schatze is looking down from tha Bridge, so proud of you. His Harley hat was his prized possession, and it is in good paws now.
Love & Purrs,

pee ess: Could yous be any more hansome? Whoa.

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

Woo are soooo hot and bad!

PeeEssWoo: Maybe woo khan khome to York this weekend to make a special appearance at the ride to show support fur keeping the HD Plant open! I'm sure woo would be khwite the hit!

Dream Mom said...

Great pictures! I love your manly shot! And it's soooo much better than wearing Daisy's pink clothing. Now you have found your, um, man groove.

Shaggy and Scout said...

Love it Harley!
That last picture is very mancatly!

Angel Ginger Jasper said...

It suits you very much, you could be a model..

Hugs GJ xx

Donna said...

I likes ur hat. It is a good tribute.

Mishkat said...

Harley, you look wonderful! And we do think you look like Marlon (except you are cuter!)

Jackie said...

My oh my Harley you are looking quite dashing today.

What a mancat you are! I see a resemblance but you are more cute!!

I always did love the Harley look!:-)

Whitey said...

Harley, you look awesome in your Harley Davidson garb! Be careful, motorcycles can be very dangerous, even more dangerous than being a 007.5 SpyCat.

CCL Wendy said...

I'm very sorry to hear about Mr. Rossmeyer and Schatze. Our condolences.

That Harley-Davidson outfit really, really suits you well, Harley -- and, of course, it even goes with your name -- so it was meant for you.

Orange is your colour!

Max said...

You rock the Harley, Harley!

We heard about Mr. Rossmeyer's death, too, and are pretty sad. The people ride rumbly bikes so every time they hear of a rider down, they stop and send good Mojo.

Teri and her Stylish Adventure Cats said...

Wow, you sure are a manly cat now, Harley...and that motorcycle man would be smiling now if he could see you...

Anzu said...

You are really
a Heartbreaker !

From Natsume :
Please tell me what brand of
your eye-liner. I'll try it !

Amy & the house of cats said...

Oh Harley you look perfect in that cap! You have the perfect look for that one - very manly!

Misha said...

Looking good Harley! You've obviously been reading my tips on how to be a cat model.

P.S. Are you wearing guyliner? Makes you look very Rock n Roll!

The Furry Kids said...

♫B-b-b-b-baaaaad, bad to the bone...♫
Harley, you are awesome!

Debbie said...

What a handsome model you are!

Anonymous said...

Whoa - Harley that glamour pose is awesome!

VetTech said...

Meowlin Brando!

Robyn and The (Mostly) Badass Cat said...

Yoo looks grate, Harley!

Scrooge said...

you look all ready to go out and ride on wheels.

I had a bad day for wheels though. I made Her fall down go boom.

Split Rock Ranch said...

Oh Harley, you stud muffin you...MEOW! Is Daisy going to be your Biker Babe or do you have somebody else in mind?

Mickey's Musings said...

Harley,you are way more handsome than that bean!!! We love your outfit too !!!!!!
WE purr for Bruce's family.
Purrs Georgia & Tillie

The Taylor CatSSSSS said... got our motors running! :)

Love, The Taylor GirlSSS

Black Cat said...

You look stunning in that cap Harley! :) xxx

Anonymous said...

Harley, that is definately THE hat for you! Uh oh. Now Alice has a crush on you.

jane & Alice

Meghann said...

Very handsome Harley, you have your model face down pat!

Anonymous said...

Harley, your a natural!

Anonymous said...

Yowza! You are quite the looker, Harley:)

Chrissie said...

Harley, you ARE Brando! Whoa, who'da thunk a lad from the shelter would turn out to be such a heart throb? Some girlcats gonna fall down and bonk her head over those pictures, Harley.

The Fitness Diva said...

Wow, Harley, I am speechless!!
You are really good at this modeling thing now....your poses are so smooth and super model-like!
And, boy, what a lady killer you've grown up to be!;)

Watch out girls, here comes Harley!;)

Sweet Purrfections said...

Oh Harley, you look purrfect in your hat. You are making me swoon.

Quill and Greyson said...

Wow you look pawsome in that cap! What a nice present!

Anonymous said...

Harley yoo DO look gud in dat hat!

(angel) Grrreta and Fam said...

It is very sweet that ML and KC sent you such a special hat. You look very handsome and glamorous.

Daisy Deadhead said...

Harley is beautiful and so manly!


Woman: What are you rebelling against?

Brando: Whaddaya got?


PS: My prayers go out to Mr Rossmeyer's family.

caspersmom said...

Harley you wear that cap very well. You look so debonair in it. You honor Schatze by wearing it. So sorry to hear about Bruce Rossmeyer.


Lorenza said...

Hi, Harley!
Yes, very manly!
Kisses and hugs

Asta said...

You look amazing,gulp, the giwls awe going to flip. You twooly do the Hawleigh Davidson Cap justice, youw look is even mowe smoldewingly handsome than that hooman dude.Schatze would be pwoud!
Smoochie kisses

Motor Home Cats said...

Harley, the girls here fainted dead away. Then they started mumbling something about too much mancatliness.

Tavi and Cody

PS - that hat looks perfect on you.

Deni said...

Nice post - I like cat
thanks for share

Snowy and Crystal said...

You look SOOOOOOO cool Harley ^_^

Maltese Paws

Ariel said...

Harley you look so handsome.Mom was feeling sad today and your post made her smile...Thanks :)

Ariel BushyTales said...

Ooh, you are a very, very handsome cat! LOVE the outfit!!

Skeezix the Cat said...

Wow! Yoo look grate in that hat. I hope yoo didn't git yer cooties on it.

michico*Adan*Lego-小芥*阿丹*樂高 said...

Oah My Dear~
You look so so handsome!

The Furry Bambinos said...

Harley, you look very handsome in your Harley hat! By the way, our Uncle Jon rides a Harley!

Padre, Panda Bear, Meerkat, and Cookie and Caramel (the fosters)

PussDaddy said...

Awww, that is so cute.


Anonymous said...

Harley I have never seened you look so manly as this! Even Star fainted at yer manlyness!!

Yer pal Dozer

MISS PEACH ~(^.^)~ said...

Harley I think you are a "contenda"

Milo and Alfie said...

Harley yoo look like a film star ~ yoo really do. We just knew you'd be a biker ~ yoo are so COOL!

Maureen said...

Oh Harley!!!! You ARE adorable!! I am definitely NOT letting my female cats near you! ;)

Hannah Parkin said...

Mr. Rossmeyer’s contribution and heritage to Harley Davidson will always be remembered, that’s for sure. =) Anyway, that H-D hat is chic. Your cat is definitely pulling it off, and I think anyone can definitely make a statement and strut their stuff upon wearing this vogue cap.

Hannah Parkin

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