Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Cheese, PLEASE!

You know I love my treats! So, I made a movie with me and my Mommeh sharing some delicious CHEESE! I love cheeses. Get inside my mouth, delicious treat!
Nom, nom, nom!


89 Notes for Daisy:

Teddy Westlife said...

I have never had cheese before! Now I HAVE to try some.

Forever Foster said...

We have not tried cheese either. It looks delicious!

Sandy Kessler said...

Yes there is a cheese gang here too and Evie the chips eater !!love to all sandy

Parker said...

Cheese is about the nommiest treat there is!

Goldie, Shade and Banshee said...

We enjoy a nice crumble of that dairy product as well!!

Junk Drawer Kathy said...

Mommeh, don't be a tease.
I even said please.
I'm down on my knees.
Just gimme some CHEESE!

Karen & Gerard Zemek said...

My mom loved cheese! Didn't know cats did!

Anonymous said...

Dear Daisy, I love your site but your new 'Home' button takes up a lot of space on my tiny laptop (I have an EeePC) - it's covering your content and I never get to see your whole, beautiful photos :( Love MissWiniW (and Patch - who doesn't like dairy!)

Sweet Purrfections said...

Mom has tried to give me cheese and I don't like it. It appears that you love cheese! You are so patient waiting for it.

hitesh said...

its been seeing you moving....nice movie....\,,,/

Dma said...

good thing you are not lactose intolerant.

The Creek Cats said...

Cheese is super nommy isn't it, Daisy!! We love cheese too!

The Florida Furkids said...

That cheese looks good! We've never tried it! We loved your expression when you were waiting for your Mommeh to give you the cheese.

Sniffie and the Florida Furkids

Scrooge said...

Cheeses is very good foods!

Alastriona, The Cats and Dogs said...

We love cheese too. Which flavor is your favourite? ~S,S,C & F

CCL Wendy said...

So funny! Another good song for that would be "Anticipation". Daisy certainly is one patient little girl. I love the lip smacks.

Anonymous said...

Yeah cheese!

Cory said...

A day without cheese is like a day without sunshine!

I live for cheese...I was born in Tillamook you know. Land of the cheese.


xoxo Cory

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

We both like cheese too. We can see it was lip smacking good.

Empress Bee (of the high sea) said...

i love cheese too daisy! i think we are secret sisters! ha ha ha

smiles, auntie bee

Meghann said...

Aww, Arwen loves cheese too, Daisy! As soon as she hears any Ziplock bag open (we keep our cheese in resealable bags), she knows there might be cheese and comes running from where ever she is in the house!
Have a great, cheese treat filled day :)

Cats~Goats~Quotes said...

You are very patient! We like cheese, too.
~ The Bunch

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

We agree that cheese is delicious! And #1 tells us that Ikkyu, TOWCB, loved cheese so much he would even eat blue cheese!

Tama-Chan, Sei-Chan and Yuu-Chan

Lisa Kolosey said...

Daisy! You are so funny! You look like you're truly enjoying that cheese! Our Wizard loves his cheese treats too. He might even steal it off our plate if we don't guard them.
~Lisa Co9T

One Cats Nip said...

Mm that cheese looks yummy! Tygana loves cheese too! I must agree with both of you cheese is super delicous! Your so cute eatinggg I love to watch your muzzle!

Mango the Maltese kiddo said...

Do you apply nosestick? Your nose has a pretty strawberry color, must smell nice too.
That cheese is irresistable, here I say it too CHEESE please!
Love y'all

JD at I Do Things said...

I loves cheeses! At first I thought your Mommeh was going to give you that whole stick of cheese, and let you chew it like a lollipop (yes, I chew my lollipops). Anyway, I very much enjoyed your movie about cheese. (Is that a special cheese-eating pillow?)

Janet said...

You are so precious, Daisy! Cheese is one of Lily and Tinsel's favorite treats, too. Although Tinsel will only eat the really expensive kind. :-)

Raymond and Busby said...

MMmmmm cheesey goodness!

xo, Ray and Buzz

Anonymous said...

My gray boy loves cheese but only the "good" provolone LOL

Rose Clearfield said...

Yum yum! My cat Angel loves cheese, too. :)

Two French Bulldogs said...

Daisy we loved the matinee. Now we are all friends for life. We love cheese too!
Benny & Lily

SeaThreePeeO said...

We love cheese too!

Marg Elmendorf said...

Oh what a good idea. We must have our staff give us some cheese. We will just share with our staff. Thanks Daisy for that good idea.

The Oceanside Animals said...

hello daisy its dennis the vizsla dog hay hmmm wen dada herd that song he started to git all twitchy and sed sumthing abowt fallen and denzel washington and azazel i hav no ideea wot he is tawking abowt as yoozhual!!! ok bye

Maureen said...

Ha! Our three had a taste of mozerella the other day. Needless to say, it was gone in seconds!

Daisy you sure are one lucky cat!

Shaggy and Scout said...

You look so bright eyed & happy Daisy!

CCL Wendy said...

Oh yes Daisy, I almost forgot. You should check out Domino's new dress today. It's to-die-fur!

Puglette said...

oh my, miss daisy, were you ...drooling? we love cheese too. very cute movie.

Sara Katt said...

Calle Cat loves cheese. I can take it or leave it. But I can understand that you like it.

Split Rock Ranch said...

Ha! Our Ruff LOVES cheese, too! Whenever he hears the sound of a cheese package he starts meowing like crazy until we give him some. In fact, if we just look at him and say "Cheese Ruff!" he starts meowing, whether we have cheese out or not. Enjoy!!! Nom, nom, nom.

Milo and Alfie said...

Daisy, have we ever told yoo, we LOVE yoo AND cheese!

Anonymous said...

What an adorable video of you and your cheese! Skeeter LOVES cheeses too! And, we love you as well...Harley too. Where was he???

Angel Junior, Orion and Sammy said...

We haven't had cheese! Maybe Meowm will bring some home and we can try it.

Gemini and Ichiro said...

Oh now I am SO hungry...

JR said...

I love the licks of anticipation.
-Bogdan's Mom

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

We like cheesw, too. Nice video!

Surfie said...

I especially love cheese snacks when they are all warm and melty!

Sparkle said...

I just had some cheese for the first time a couple of days ago - my human shared some shaved parmesan with me. It was yummy!

Angel Simba said...

Does your Mommie use cheese as a reward when you pose so nicely in your fashions? I bet you would be very good in order to get your cheese!

Leigh-Ann said...

I have a secret to share with your Mommeh, Daisy, so cover your ears. There's a snack for dogs called "Cheese Please", and it's made of little pieces of cheddar cheese which are baked and puffed into little wafers. There's nothing in the product but cheese, and it's 100% safe for dogs, cats, and HUMANS. I love Cheese Please snacks so much, maybe even more than fresh cheese... it tastes like the cheese from a grilled sandwich or omelette that's melted into the frying pan and become brown and crispy. If you have a chance to buy them "for your pet", I highly recommend eating the entire bag yourself. I don't know why the manufacturer doesn't package them for people, too, because they're amazing.

Mr. Grumpster Wilfred III said...

I LOVE CHEESE TOO! mom can not get enuff cheese! its one of her favorite things. i am the other!

you are so cute Daisy girl! we really love you :)

brokenteepee said...

I am most in favor of cheese. Especially goat cheese!

nom, nom, nom is right!

brokenteepee said...

I am going to go vote for Harley right now!

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Not only do you and Zippy haf da same coloring, yoor both cheese lovers! She'll even do tricks fur cheese...she comes running when one of da beans opens da cheese bag!

Amy & the house of cats said...

Daisy your posts always make me smile!

I love how that cheese totally has you under it's spell in that video. You really do love it!

Ann said...

Well come on over and I'll serve cheese. I love cheese :)

Anya said...

I eat also cheese Daisy
its only not good for my big belly
hugs from
Kareltje =^.^=

BeadedTail said...

Your dainty lip smacks were so cute Daisy! The cheese looks yummy!

Thank you for the info on the raw foods. We're going to try it since Isabella should be able to eat it okay. We were thinking it was like raw steak and since she doesn't chew her food, that's not good.

Angel Ginger Jasper said...

Cheese.. Yummy yummy. I love it.. Enoy yours.. Hugs GJ xx

Anonymous said...

Sometimes your eyes look gold, and sometimes they look green, but they always look great big and gorgeous!

G&G aren't really people food eaters at all, but Whitey loves him some melted cheese, like from Mom's cheezburger.

Liss said...

I like cheeses too.

Cats in trees said...

You really do love your cheese. And we love movies with happy endings.

Anonymous said...

CHEESE! WOWZA! We ♥s it!

Ariel said...

"Oh" I love cheese especially cheddar.Hmmm I think there's some in the fridge...Mom!!!!! Cheese Please

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

Oh yes: CHEESE!


Luzinha said...

oh, MY! so cuuuuuuuuuute! I love you, Daisy! you're so much fun and lovely and adorable at all!

thanks for these sweetness moments of you!

have a great day tomorrow! kisses for you all!

The Island Cats said...

You are so patient, Daisy. We woulda been attacking to get that cheese!!! Yummo!

Business Cards Printing said...

I didn't know that cats love cheese too. Well, I love cheese. Looks like we share something in common Daisy. Cool!

Angel MoMo and Charlotte said...

I LOVE cheese too! NOOOOOOOMMMMMM! I would even do tricks to get them.

The Furry Kids said...

CHeese is yummy! You were very patient, Daisy. I would've been lunging at Mom's fingers and trying to steal the cheese. hehe

Your pal,

Lisa Wallace + current cat said...

Daisy you have the cutest little mouth and big glistening eyes! You sure got that cheese nommed in the end!

Your Daily Cute said...

What a cute video! I'm glad you finally got some... seems like she made you wait furever! :)

Just Ducky said...

your mum took the longest time to give you your cheese.

SophieKitty said...

You were so patient waiting for your treat, Daisy! You have good manners.

Lorenza said...

Thanks for sharing your delicious video!
I love cheese too!
Kisses and hugs

michico*Adan*Lego-小芥*阿丹*樂高 said...

I am so love your face, Daisy~!
I can tell how much you love the Cheese!

Quill and Greyson said...

Love that slo-mo lip lick!

Motor Home Cats said...

We agree that cheese is very nommy.

Tavi, Cody, Camie, Miss Jade and Gracie

GLOGIRLY said...

Daisy you are just the cutest cat EVER. Your eyes are as big as saucers... I love them. I'm going to have to give Katie a little cheesy treat one of these days. Thanks for sharing your movie!


Misha said...

You look so adorable in that video! Particularly like the slow mo action!

catsynth said...

Luna is quite fond of cheese. She will come and sniff some of the stronger aged varieties we have as snacks here at CatSynth HQ, but she prefers to eat milder cheeses, like mozzarella.

Cheyenne -Millie said...

Hmmm! Sometimes my brother gets cheese. I don't like anything but kitty kibble!

dArtagnan Rumblepurr/Diego Hamlet Moonfur said...

Ooo, you could do cheese ads and everyone would buy them cause you're SO CUTE!!!

Marilyn said...

Cheese is my favorite too!

Bonnie Story said...

Cheez is so good it even makes pills yummy! Very cute movie - watching your mouth watering makes our mouths water!! We appreciate the very delicate use of the clawsies in the still photo, to help your human bean understand the importance of speed in the delivery of the treat!!! Sometimes they don't get the importance of speed in the delivery of treats. Happy treat-eats!!

The Crew said...

Mmmmm...that looks delicious, Daisy. I need to ask Mom for some cheese right away.

Your friend

Skeezix the Cat said...

The FL thinks if I ated lots of cheeze it mite help my littul problim with the sqwerts.

Theresa111 and Bobby said...

What a star!



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