Have a Happy Thanksgiving!
I hope everybuddy has a Happy Thanksgiving tomorrow! To get ready for this special holiday, I am modeling my Native American Girl suit. It is perfect for Thanksgiving! This outfit was patterned after the Plains tribe. Do you see my fancy shoulder-bag? There is nothing inside there. Not even a penny. I know because I looked twice.

107 Notes for Daisy:
Happy Thanksgiving Daisy, Harley and mom and dad. We hope you have a fabulous feast and we love your modeling shots.
We are thankful for all the smiles you have given us over the year.
Happy Thanksgiving to yoo ALL too Daisy.
We are thankful for friends like yoo.
Daisy, you look beautiful in your outfit. I bet if you ask your mommeh, she'll put some Temptations in your fancy shoulder bag.
I hope you and Harley and your mom and dad have a wonderful Thanksgiving. Do you like turkey? Our Stinky loves turkey! She'll scream and yell for it during that whole last hour it's in the oven!
That is a fabulous outfit, Daisy! One of the best ever!
We hop you have a very happy (and YUMMY) Thanksgiving!
You are so pretty in your American Indian outfit, Daisy, and you model it well. Our Sara is going through a low period right now. She is considering a career-change ever since Halloween, when it didn't work out for her to model the Halloween princess and cat-witch costumes. She goes and hides under the bed or in the crib that the children use as a secret tent by putting blankets over it so that it is dark inside. She does not want to be seen. It could be that Sara is suffering from "Cabin-fever". Already! But it’s only November!
Thanksgiving is not a holiday here in Sweden. At least not the way it is in the US. There is a day of thanksgiving within the Swedish church-year, but it is not at all a day for feasting on turkey with family and friends. But I’ll be writing more about this tomorrow on my blog post.
Hope your Thanksgiving-gathering will be warm and loving as well as tasty!
Hugs from us all -cat and human- in Norrkoping Sweden: SaraCat, CajsaCat, CalleCat, Elisabet, Erik their mommy&daddy through
Woof! Happy Thanksgiving, Daisy. Lots of Golden Thanks to your Friendship. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar
You look very pretty in that outfit. Is Harley going to be a pilgrim?
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo cute!
I loved your fancy shoulder-bag! ask mommie to give you some penny to put in it! you deserve, dear, because you're always modeling very well!
let your mommie and Harley know that I sent a kiss!
have a great day!
Happy Thanksgiving to you and all your family Daisy. We think you should have treaties in your shoulder bag.
Perhaps leftover Thanksgiving treats in the shoulder bag??
My aunt did work where the ratio was 20-1 but 9 other ladies were secretaries and nurses..
What a cute Thanksgiving day outfit! I love it!! I would think you would put some treats inside that shoulder bag. Happy Thanksgiving!
Daisy, you're the cutest!
Happy Thanksgiving to you, Harley and your mom and dad!
Could you fit Shrill in your bag? It might help keep him quiet:)
We hope you have a lovely Thanksgiving.
you look stunning! I think that your bag is probably a "medicine bag" were they carried herbs and other things, so it would probably need a little nip in there. but then Harley would probably eat it... sigh!
Happy Thanksgiving day Daisy, you look gorgeous.
Happy Thanksgiving all. Am thankful I found your blog.
That is a really amazing outfit, Daisy. Though I hope you don't mind me saying, it is not very slimming :-)
Happy Thanksgiving too all your family. Don't let Harley grab the whole turkey and take it to his pirate ship and sail away with it!
you look beautiful as always Daisy
Happy Thanksgiving, Daisy. That's a really nice outfit and it looks great on you. Maybe you can get some temptations in that bag.
Cat treats? Then you will have an emergency ration just in case you get stranded.
Oh, that's a lovely outfit, Daisy!
A very Happy Thanksgiving to you, Harley and your mommeh and daddeh!!
Purrs and hugs,
The Kitty Krew
OMG!!! Your BEST picture yet Daisy!!! We love it!!! heheheheh
What a gorgeous and purrrfect outfit !
Great outfit Daisy. I like Junk Drawer Kathy's idea of putting Temptations in your bag! That is Lalo's favorite treat, too. I hope you and Harley and your Mom and Dad have a very Happy Thanksgiving! Hope you get some turkey...Lalo likes that, too. ;o)
Daisy, that really is a fancy outfit. Bet it took a long time to get dressed in that one. And the shoulder bag is wonderful. I am sure Mommeh will put something in there for you. You are such a good girl to be such a good model.
And all of us are very thankful that we met you and Harley and your Mom too Daisy. I hope you have a wonderful Turkey day with lots of treats for you.
Hmm, wonder if you could fit a whole turkey in there and run at the same time? (run over HERE and we'll nom the turkey together...mew ha ha ha)
The colors in your outfit just go perfectly with your fur. Everyday must feel like thanksgiving with your wonderful raw diet.
I love, love, love your outfit, and the purse is so cute!
happy Thanksgiving!
I think that shoulder bag would be good for stashing a turkey leg. What do you think, Daisy? Of course, you'd have to eat it before it went bad, but you could keep the bones in there afterwards.
Happy Thanksgiving my American friends.
Oh, Daisy! Don't you look adorable! We wish you and Harley and your family a wonderful Thanksgiving!
how about a haypenny?
gobble gobble.
Glad there wasn't a turkey costume... Happy Thanksgiving.
You've outdone yourself with this outfit, Daisy!! Now is Harley going to dress like a Pilgrim??
Happy Thanksgiving!
Wishing all of you a happy Thanksgiving!
daisy will your cell phone fit in the bag? that would be a lovely place to keep it! and some treats too!
smiles, auntie bee
Happy Thanksgiving to you and Harley and your mom! I hope you get a special Thanksgiving treat
Laura, Hallie, Cosmo and Nemo
Daisy, that is a lovely outfit. You definitely need something to put in your bag. Some catnip maybe?
Hope you and Harley and your humans have a wonderful Thanksgiving.
xo, Busby and Raymond
Are u allowed to hav candy corms? I would put some of that. :)
Happy Tanksgibbin to u too. :)
Catzowey youza da purrty Pocatahauntus! I'ma on countdown fur da Turkey tidbits to tumble off da table and into my direkshun!
Kitty Hugs to youza & a ciao and meow too!
Ohh now you get to teach Harvey the pilgrim about all the good foods you can harvest for them meal!
That outfit is DIVINE! We think you should put some Temptations in your satchel! We offur here, wish all of you, offur there a HAPPY THANKSGIVING!
You look amazing in that outfit. HAPPY THANKSGIVING FROM THE YOUKAY. FAZ
A shoulder bag and a headband - that really IS an advanced outfit, Daisy. But as always, you pull it off beautifully. And I'll bet that if you look one more time, you might find something special in the bag.
Happy Thanksgiving to the whole family! It'll just be plain ol' Thursday here, but that's okay - we had turkey last month.
Super cute! Happy Thanksgiving.
Hi Daisy!
I hope you find something to put in your shoulder bag.
Happy Thanksgiving to You & Harley, Mommy & Dad.
You are an adorable native american kitty Daisy. Maybe you could fill your handbag with cat nip.Happy Thanksgiving
So, so so so precious. Happy Thanksgiving Daisy!
Daisy you look spectacular! Have a great thanksgiving! I hope you get lots of raw turkey!!!
You look beautiful Daisy. We is finkin dat dis is one of our favorite outfits of yours!
We think you look just like a native American princess.
Have a happy & safe Thanksgiving.
Happy Thanksgiving Daisy and Harley too. And to your Mommeh and Daddeh.
Enjoy your turkey and fixings.
Daisy, you've outdone yourself. I'm thinking: Hallmark card #2!
Well, of course you should have some catnip and cat treats in your bag! It's the kitty currency of the land!
OMG - that's amazing. Happy Thanksgiving to everyone at your house.
Oh! Oh! Put turkey in your purse! That way, you can keep some for later!
Happy Thanksgiving, Daisy! And Harley too!
Have the happiest of Thanksgivings Harley, Daisy and family. Daisy, you look amazing in your authentic indian dress. We would donate a penny for your bag, if we could just teleport it over to you.
hi daisy, i think you should sneak a little extra turkey into your purse for a late night snacky! or a little mad money. my mom used to always tell me to have mad money...that's good to have if you are on a date and you get mad, then you can get home!
Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family!!
What an adorable outfit! You look great as a Native American Girl.
I am very thankful for you and your brother Harley, Daisy! Even though I have never met you, you make me smile every day and you have helped me through some really hard times without even knowing it!
I hope you all have a great T-Day! :-)
Wait a minnit! Dare am supposed to be at least a penny and better yet one green paper cuz dat means good luck an lots of wealth.
Hi Daisy,
You look so cute in that outfit.
Happy Thanksgiving
Feline Kisses from Gotchi - The Cat
We are so very thankful for the smiles you give us each and every day!!!!!
Perfect outfit Daisy and I hope all of you have a very Happy Thanksgiving!
We hope yoor fambly haf a wunnerful Thanksgiving too, Daisy. Yoor outfit is soooo cute. And since most of da time beans and kitties dress up as pilgrims it's nice dat yoo went wif Native American dress. Tomorrow we is gonna thank God fur frends like yoo, cuz yoo make us happy effury day.
How about putting a wishbone in that shoulder bag and you and Harley can pull and make a wish on Thanksgiving! Happy Turkey Day to you all!!
Be luvly!
Hav happy day!!!!
Daisy, Happy turkey day to you and Harley and thanks for bringing me smiles each day.
Aww! Little Girl! You look so pretty in your Native American outfit! Your mommy gets you the prettiest clothes!
Dennis says Daisy you are too too much!
Daisy your a lovely lil Indian... Pocahontas nothing on you. Hope your whole family enjoys a thankful bountiful feast.
Happy Thanksgiving to you.
Oh Daisy, I just knew you would be wearing something cute and seasonal today! Yay! You are a lovely Native American Princess.
I enjoyed Harley's little video too!
I hope you and Harley and Mommie and Daddy have a wonderful Thanksgiving!
Dessert and stuffing and sweet potatoes are my favorites, but I will make sure the kitties get turkey! Will you and Harley get some in your cool new diet plan?
Sending Hugs and I'm so thankful to know you!
Daisy and Harley
We all hope you have a furry happy Thanksgiving tomorrow with your Mom and Dad.
You look very special in your outfit! Happy Thanksgiving!
Happy Thanksgiving to all of you!
PS: Daisy, you look gorgeous, lovely,pretty etc...
Happy Thanksgiving to you, Harley and your mum and dad! Your Native American costume is very pretty.
Daisy, you look adorable in your indian suit. Where is Harley? I think he would have made a great Pilgrim!! Just a thought... maybe for next year?
Hope you and your family have a great Turkey day.
Oh Daisy, you'd give Pocahontas a run for her money in beauty :)
Happy Thanksgiving to you!
That is a cool Native American Dress. WE hope you have a happy Thanksgiving!
Sending early Thanksgiving wishes to you and your family. Have a great day!!
Happy Thanksgiving Daisy, Harley, Mom and Dad!
Kisses and hugs
You look beautiful, Daisy. Hope you and your fambly have a very happy Thanksgiving!
Oh Daisy...beautiful! Happy almost Turkey Day to you!
Benny & Lily
Happy Thanksgiving to you, Daisy~!
And your whole family members~!
Big Big hugs to you!
Happy Thanksgiving to you and Harley and your Momma and Daddy! You look adorable in your outfit.
Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao and all the Ballicai!
Woo look pawesome!
Happy Thanksgiving to all of woo!
the Indian look is really cool daisy.......first harley as Pirate....you as Indian...wat's next....????
Happy Thanksgiving, Daisy!
You look pawsome there. I think it'll be great to put some treats in your bag
~ Bae
You look adorable in your Native American dress, Daisy. I think you should get some Temptations to put in your shoulder bag. Happy Thanksgiving!
I tried to leave a comment on your new post but it said it was disabled. Just thought we would let you know in case it was a mistake. FAZ
Happy Thanksgiving to you and Harley and your family, Daisy!
~ The Bunch
Happy Thanksgiving Harley and Daisy!!!!
We love your costume. We hope you have a very happy Thanksgiving!
I love you Indian outfit. I hope you and Harley get all the turkey or tuna you want.
Happy Thanksgiving!
We think you should put lots of Temptations in your shoulder bag.
Happy Thanksgiving, Daisy! I didn't have time to come by yesterday, so I'm just seeing your outfit!
I LOVE it! Very, very perfect!
Daisy, you are so cute.
Happy Thanksgiving to all of you.
Happy Thanksgiving to all of you!
Hahahaha! Oh Daisy, you are a doll!
Happy Thanksgiving to you, Harley, Daisy's mom and dad! Hope you got some turkey!
Happy Turkey Bird day to all!!
Oh Daisy, you look just like Pocahontas or does that have anything to do with Thanksgiving?? Anyhow all of us wish you, Harley and your family a very Happy Thanksgiving. Don't know if I have ever saw a burgandy turkey before, it's pretty though. Have a great Turkey day.
Casper and Crew
Put some fevvers in your bag! It would be purrfect with your Native American costume.
Happy Thanksgiving!
Mebbe ya should keep some "emergency" treats in yer bag!
Hate to say it, Daisy girl, but that outfit kinda makes you look fat!
A big NO for a top model like yourself!
I must say, however, that it is quite stylish and very commemorative of this Thanksgiving holiday!
Only you could get away with it! ;)
Daisy, You look like poCAThontas!
Happy Thanksgiving Weekend.
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