Monday, November 16, 2009

Professor Daisy Talks on Water

Hello, students! You have done well in our earlier studies about feline nutrition. Today, let us learn about water. It might seem like a simple subject, but maybe we can learn something new!
Did you know our ancestors were desert animals? Here are some interesting facts I read:
...several features of cats' physiology are unusual and are probably due to their descent from desert-dwelling species. For instance, cats are able to tolerate quite high temperatures, with humans starting to feel uncomfortable when their skin temperature passes about 112°F, in contrast cats show no discomfort until their skin reaches around 126°F. ...As well as being tolerant of high temperatures, cats' feces are usually dry and their urine is also highly concentrated, both of which are adaptations that allow cats to retain as much fluid as possible...
Cats do not naturally have a very high thirst drive. We were designed to get most of our water from our foods! Dry kibble has up to about 10% water, while canned foods are around 75% water, which is close to our natural prey. Even though cats who eat a kibble-only diet will drink more waters to compensate, their water intake from all sources will still usually be much less than a cat who eats canned food. This can result in a chronically dehydrated state!
Not getting enough fluids can lead to an increased risk of urinary tract problems. You may not know that a few years ago, I had oxalate bladder stones that had to be surgically removed. Back then, I was on a high-quality kibble-only diet (Wysong). This is how my tummy looked right after the operation to remove the rocks from my bladder. It was hurty!
Many times, cats will search for puddles and other sources of water because we do not like the taste of heavily-chlorinated tap water. Sometimes, the scent of the detergent used to wash the water bowl will be stinky to us. Many cats also like to drink from water that is not near our foods, or from a fountain or running tap. We usually like to drink from bowls that do not interfere with our sensitive whiskers.

We all know that a source of fresh, safe drinking water is important for all cats. Here is what we do at my house:
  • We drink only filtered water so any bad chemicals are removed.
  • Our water dish is on a counter, away from our foods. This is mainly because Harley still plays in the water dish and makes a big mess.
  • We have a clean bowl with fresh water every day.
  • We only use glass or stainless steel drinking bowls
  • Our Mommeh uses the "Anti-Bacteria" setting on our dishwasher. I do not really know if this helps anything, but I think it kills germs better.
Remember, my Milton Bradley Operation home-study course does not qualify me to give medical advice. If you notice any change in your drinking habits like excessive drinking or not drinking enough, be sure to consult your veterinarian.


ps: We added lots of tee-shirts and buttons and magnets to our shop! I hope you like them. You can click on the tee-shirt, or the link to go to my shop and look around if you want. There is international shipping to most places, too!


83 Notes for Daisy:

Skeezix the Cat said...

I'm hyperveniltating over that tummy shot. OMC, whut a way to start my week!!!!

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

Thanks for all the interesting info, Daisy! I eat more dry food than either Tama-Chan and Yuu-Chan, and I am very good about drinking more water! And #1 is very good about having several bowls of fresh water in different parts of the house.


Hitesh Rawat said...

yawn.......i was bad at school and used to sleep in the last row.......and i lack cat info's......hope to find a girl who likes cats....


Misha said...

I'm really big on getting plenty of fresh water after I got FLUTD last year!

Karen Jo said...

Thanks for the information on water, Daisy. I am glad that you pointed out the importance of using glass or stainless steel bowls for water. It goes for food, too. I will remember to rinse out and dry Herman's water bowl very well, so he doesn't get any detergent smell or taste.

Zoe and Indy said...

Thanks for the good info. We're always worried about the cats drinking enough water.
They'd drink more if we had a fountain again, but I don't want them drinking out of plastic...I'm actually starting to consider trying to figure out how to make one out of glass or something.

Forever Foster said...

You're a good teacher, Daisy. Mum is obsessed with our wate intake after Suey had cystitis.

Poppy Q said...

Doctor Daisy, that was great information. My mum might look into getting me some filtered water, and moving it away from my food bowl.

Jemma Chihuahua said...

You're very right that water is important, Daisy. Mommy makes sure to syringe-feed water to the cats for extra security and she also adds water to my food all the time. I pee a lot because of that, but I know it's better for me!

Sugar Daddy Dating said...

Very informative post Daisy! *two thumbs up!* This will be very helpful.

The Florida Furkids said...

Excellent and informative post. We drink from a water fountain. Sniffie had a UTI a couple of years go, so we have to be careful.

Sniffie and the Florida Furkids

Junk Drawer Kathy said...

Thank you, Professor Daisy! Maybe with your instruction, I can get my Shadow to stop drinking from the faucet! We don't have the right bowl, I don't think. I will make a change there. And I'll keep the bowl on the sink from now on.

Goldie, Shade and Banshee said...

Great info, Daisy! Maybe this will finally push the PM into getting us our fountain!!!

Karen & Gerard Zemek said...

We only give our cats the Science Diet dry food for sensitive stomachs but after reading this, I think I'm going to try some canned food too for them. Any suggestions?

Angel Ginger Jasper said...

Thank you for that info. My mum worries because I dont drink much water, she will try other things now. Hugs GJ x

Luzinha said...

Daisy, dear, thanks for the tips!
you're very clever!

I didn't know that you play piano! so great! you're lovely!

and Harley is so funny!

have a great day, dear, both of you!

marg said...

Wow Daisy you are a great professor. That was super info on the water drinking. Our mom keeps water everywhere for us. Some of us just won't eat canned food but we do drink more water. But that was great information.

Freya's Staff said...

Very interesting! Thank you Daisy!

Parker said...

Thanks Daisy, that was a very good lesson!

Angel Simba said...

Your PSA about water is a good reminder about how important water is for kitties. My Mom is going to try me on Brita filtered water - she didn't know we dislike the chlorine, but it makes sense.

Mango the Maltese kiddo said...

Thank you Professor Daisy,
I listened to your water lecture and I'll get a grade A+ on the test!
Love ya!

Alastriona, The Cats and Dogs said...

Water is very important. We all like to drink out of the pond. ~S,S,C & F

The Creek Cats said...

We can always count on you for great advice! You will notice on our blog today that our mom slaved over making raw foods and only 2 of us ate it. She will try to reintroduce it to us soon, but in the meantime we are now on a wet food.

Milo and Alfie said...

That's good infoon water Daisy ~ we learnt sumfin todat we didn't know ~ thanks.

Cindy said...

Dr Daisy, well done

JD at I Do Things said...

Thank you, Professor Daisy! I learned a lot today. I think I will change our cat' water bowl to a metal one. Also, I will no longer believe them when they stretch out on a hot day and try to look pathetic.

(I'm very glad your belleh isn't hurty any more.)

Lin said...

I think Grace drinks out of puddles just for the mere drama of it all.

Donna said...

Thank u, Docter. I has a learn. :)

Cory said...

Now I know why my Jonesie sister likes to drink out of puddles and Ginger insists on mom running the faucet. I like to drink my mom's filtered water from her cup. I try to be good and not put my paws in it.

Sweet Purrfections said...

My mom has started giving me bottled, spring water lately and I am drinking more. Thank you for the lesson.

Dma said...

very good information. now i'm thirsty.

Quill and Greyson said...

Excellent Post Daisy, I love my water from the faucet.

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

We both like to drink our water from nice muddy rain puddles. If we can't find any, then we drink from the bath tap which mum leaves trickling for us. We don't like drinking from our water bowl even though it is ceramic and the water is filtered.

The Island Cats said...

Thanks for the water lesson, Daisy! We get mostly canned food because our mom knows water intake for us is important...'specially us mancats!

Surfie said...

Wow, I did not know any of that stuff about cats and their waters, Daisy. Thank you for teaching me!

A Bay Horse said...

Good advice, Daisy. Our girls like water from the faucet. We bought them a water fountain with a filter and they like that too now.

Meadow said...

Glad you are all better miss Daisy! Mum puts water out for us, but we don't drink it much unless its hot out. We like to play in it more then anything! But mum isn't worried about us, she says our litter boxes are full, so our raw fuds must be giving us all we need.

GLOGIRLY said...

That was a great lesson, Daisy! Thanks for clearing up so many things I've been trying to explain to Glogirly about water. Maybe now she'll stop bugging me when I try to get water from somewhere other than my dish!

Hey, you have a really COOL Daisy shop on Cafe Press!! Glogirly loved it so much she's working on some nifty designs for me. I'm going to have to get me some Daisy-gear!


Anonymous said...

First, we Love L-O-V-E the pink ringer t-shirt...insisting Santa brings one! And the insight on drinking and sensitive whiskers explains a lot, thanks Daisy, you rock!

Empress Bee (of the high sea) said...

that is very interesting daisy! sarge will only drink water in plastic bottles. unless he is in a restaurant and then he will drink out of a glass but not at home. isn't that a silly boy?

smiles, auntie bee

i beati said...

professor I enjoyed your lecture and learned a lot when will you be speaking again??

Anonymous said...

That is good information to know, Daisy. When it comes to our drinking water, our human staff Gets It. We get filtered water every day in bowls that are washed in dish detergent without dyes or perfumes.

Anonymous said...

Isn't that funny but our Miss Frankie Fat-butt was getting crystals in her bladder and we had to put her on prescription dry food and in 4 years she hasn't had that problem any more. She does like her water in a cup, served on the counter tho. That was interesting that cats were desert creatures - you are always filled with good information.

Ann said...

Very interesting facts. I was not aware of this.

Meghann said...

Well Daisy, I am glad you are feeling better after your poor tummy operation! Arwen likes to have her water raised about 8 inches off the ground to help her not to strain her neck when drinking. We use a bowl from our dish set (it's porcelain and dishwasher safe). Even though it is smaller than most doggy dishes, we like it because that means she gets fresh clean water several times per day :)
Have a great week Daisy, and Harley too, we love your shop and hope to be able to buy something soon, I just have to sell some jewelry first :)
Meghann and Arwen

Cat Street Boyz said...

OUCHY, that tummy shot was scary...but cute too. We eat canned Merrick in the morning and evening. We get only a small amount of dry in the afternoon for a snack. Mom buys our food from Petfood Direct when they have 20% off.....she goes and picks it up in Harleysville.........did you know there is a place named after you Harley?LOL=^Y^=

michico*Adan*Lego-小芥*阿丹*樂高 said...

that is very good info!!
Me and Lego likes drinking lots of water, but won't play it, I think we are good boys~

The Furry Kids said...

I bet Skeezix passed out over that tummy shot! hee hee
Daisy, do you still do your glass of water on the counter trick?

Two French Bulldogs said...

Thank you so much for our lesson. Can you tell momma we have to get on the sink to get some water.
Benny & Lily

Tammy said...

LOVE the belleh shot :)

Our cats are funny about water. We have one, Ben, who loves to drink out of the bathroom faucet. Then Henry, he likes to get in the shower and drink. Oscar is very non-interested in any other than their bowl.

Anonymous said...

We are furry fursty after reading this. Skeeter wants to invite both you and Harley to come to the 13th purrday pawty tomorrow!

Puglette said...

that was a great lesson, daisy! the dogs drink lots of water but our kitties take just a few sips.
have a fun day!

Purrfect Haven said...

We learnt alot Daisy - thanks! We love drinking from the tap and Mrs H lets us do it whenever we want. We have also asked for indoor fountain for Xmas. H, D&B

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

Thank you for the lesson water. We learned a lot.

Anonymous said...

Good stuff Daisey - read about Only's UTI in our blog.

Unknown said...

Very good lesson Professor Daisy!
Both Sara and I have posts today.


One Cats Nip said...

I love your lessons Daisy! I always learn so much! thank you!

CCL Wendy said...

Wow! Your mama is certainly very meticulous in every detail of your care. I give my kitties fresh water every day in more than one place in the house, but they still prefer to drink out of MY glass, of course!

Angel Gracie=^o.o^= said...

You sure know a lot of good facts of the care of a kitty. The mom here is doing a lot right as my water is also filtered and a clean glass bowl every day. I will have to heqd over to your store to see what you have there. The shirt is really cute.

brokenteepee said...

Daisy, you are such a smart kitteh! You should open a school so all the kittehs in the world can learn what you have to teach.

Mr. Grumpster Wilfred III said...

i get sad everyime i see your tummy from after your surgery. i bet you were just pitiful. mom always gives us filtered water too! i like to drink out of the shower sometimes as well!

Anonymous said...

Whitey drinks at least twice as much as Gandalf and Grayson! And of course, he loves faucets, running water and Mom's water glass!

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Our mom musta been reading yoor stuff afore we even gots here...she uses a big square dish and only filtered water. We love dat water sooooo much! Da only thing is dat it is next to our food dish (lack of space) but it's okay cuz it is seperated by a foot and we can get her to turn on da tap when we ask.

Jans Funny Farm said...

thank you, Professor Daisy. Very interesting lesson. Now we can submit a formal request to Jan for more non-kibble dining. It will probably be returned, Denied for lack of funding, but we will try.

Rupert said...

Nice specs, Daisy!

Paws 'n Claws,

Sparkle said...

Ouch! That operation did look hurty!

We have a Drinkwell Pet Fountain, and everyone (except the humans) use it. Thanks for giving humans a little kitty education today!

Shilgiah the Cat said...

Thanks for the great lesson Daisy! I prefer my water from the tap also! Mom has our glass bowls near our food though and now she's thinking of changing them to a seperate location. Tommy prefers to play with his water rather than lapping it up.

Your tummy operation looked hurty!

Laila and Angel Minchie said...

Thanks for all of that interesting information about water!

Lisa Wallace + current cat said...

Thanks for all of the great knowledge. Jack eats canned food and drinks alot from his filtered water fountain. He urinates alot too, but he has a condition that the vet monitors. Daisy we are glad you recovered well after your ouchy surgery.

Angel Junior, Orion and Sammy said...

Now Meowm understands why I don't always drink alot of water!~Junior

And Meowm understands, well kind of, why I purrfur my water out of a glass.~~Orion

Team Tabby said...

That's a lot of good information, Daisy, you did a great job telling us how important it is to get enough good water.

Mindy, Moe, Bon Bon, Cookie & Mike

Francesca said...

Excellent post! Ollie is a Water Cat by nature, but Theo is the most difficult to lure to the water-drinking side. Thank goodness for wet food!

LOVE the mid-splash shot!

✿A 'n' L✿ said...

Thank you Teacher Daisy! We'll take note of that.
We drink water for the drinking bottle. ^,^v

Alex & Lolo

Lorenza said...

Very interesting info, Daisy!
Kisses and hugs

Raymond and Busby said...

Thanks for the very interesting post today Professor Daisy. You are smart and pretty!

Mickey's Musings said...

Great water facts Daisy :)
We all like to drink water here,but we love stinky goodness too,heehee
Purrs Mickey, Georgia & Tillie

Rebecca said...

That was very interesting, Daisy. Thanks for telling us! I still wonder why Sumari will only drink from her humans' glasses and mugs. The water is the exact same filtered water that's in her glass bowl, but she absolutely refuses to drink it. Instead she jumps on the counters and table and drinks the people water. Maybe you can figure out why? Do you think she likes our people smell?

SophieKitty said...

I always learn so much from you, Daisy. I drink filtered water, but I don't like to drink it from the faucet. That scairts me.

loki said...

Daisy, thanks for all the interesting info. You're a great teacher!


Maureen said...

Ow, ow, owie tummy Daisy!

But I sure learned a lot; you are a very good teacher! My three cats all love to drink from the tap; now I know why!

dArtagnan Rumblepurr/Diego Hamlet Moonfur said...

We love our fountain, and our sink water. you're very wise Daisy.

The Oceanside Animals said...

hello daisy its dennis the vizsla dog hay for sum reezon dada is klutching his tummy and saying "oksalat stones owwwww" i hav no ideea why!!! ok bye

Theresa111 said...

Great post Daisy!

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