Thursday, December 17, 2009

How Does THAT Work?

I am very EXCITED because I have figured out how SANTA gets the right PRESENTS to all the good girls and boys and cats and dogs. Would you like to KNOW how that works!?!?
Well, FIRST I learned that Santa LOVES cookies. So if you BAKE a bunch of COOKIES, you might get MORE and BETTER presents!
Next, Santa makes a BIG LIST of who has been NAUGHTY and who has been NICE. This might seem like a very GIANT job, but Santa has a SUPERCOMPUTER to help him.
If you nave been NAUGHTY, you will just get a sack full of COAL. This seems very WRONG, but do not worry. I have been FIGURING OUT how COAL is made into DIAMONDS. So coal might be a GOOD gift after all.
FINALLY, Santa delivers the PRESENTS! He can get all the presents delivered in TIME because he uses a GPS. That stands for GIFT POSITIONING SYSTEM.
I hope this ANSWERS all of your questions!

ps: I just found out that I WON Catster's World's Coolest Cat competition in the Stretch & Yawn category with this photo! A strand of SPIT can come in HANDY. I am so PROUD and HAPPY! Thank you so MUCH to everybuddy who voted for me. Not bad for a cat from the SHELTER!


79 Notes for Daisy:

Forever Foster said...

Concatulations, Harley! That is really cool news! You were very artful with your spit.

Thankyou for teaching us about using cookies to get brownie points with Santa. Haha, get it? Brownie points? :P


Poppy Q said...

Who knew spit could win you competitions. Good job handsome Harley.

Your Santa advice was great, I wonder if he likes cat biscuits?

Teddy Westlife said...

Wow Harley! Congratulations on winning the competition. That is wonderful.

And very good advice about Santa, I didn't know he had a Gift Positioning System.

Sara Katt said...

Congratulations Harley! You are the world's handsomest cat!
Thanks for explaining how Santa gets all the presents delivered to the right children and cats. You have also cleared up what "GPS" is. I have been wondering about that for some time now......
Sara Cat

Whitey said...

Guess what, Harley! Mom haz GPS... Whoa! Wait a minute... Do you s'poze Mom iz workin' undercover for Santa Paws?

Good thing Whitey iz an awful good boy!

Unknown said...

Such smart kitties. Thanks for clearing things up :)

Cat with a Garden said...

Concats on winning the contest, Harley. You are an extra cool cat - and so handsome at it.
We didn't have a clue about Santa, so thank you for explaining all this.
Purrs, Siena & Chilli

Parker said...

Yay for you Harley. Thanks for the lesson, I always wanted to know how Santa got his work done!

Quilts and Cats said...

We didn't know about the GPS, thanks for clearing that up! We knew you would win in the contest. Muffin and Bean.

i beati said...

fun post - i voted too !! sandy

Alastriona, The Cats and Dogs said...

Congratulations Harley!!!!!

And thanks a billion for telling us how Santa delivers presents we are going to make Mommy bake some cookies for him. ~S,S & F

PS: can you tell us how to turn coal into diamonds, we may need the info.

The Whiskeratti said...

Concatulations Harley! Woo!!

Hansel said...

Oh boy harley! that's it! We are so proud of your brains. And your winning photo!!!!

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

Congrats on the Catster win, Harley! Well deserved!

We love the Gift Positioning System!

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

Thank you for explaining how Sandy Claws delivers all his gifts on time to the right kitties (and Beans and woofies and all the other furries). We always wondered how he did it. Concats on winning the World's Coolest Cat. You have got the best spit we ever saw.

Cindy said...

Congrats Harley. Great spit maneuvering. Now we all know how the cookie thing works.

The Florida Furkids said...

You're so smart to figure out how Santa gets all the presents delivered!

ConCatulations on winning the Catster Contest!!!!

Sniffie and the Florida Furkids

Cory said...

Concats on winning the competition Harley...we already knew you were a winnner.

Thanks for helping me understand how it works with Santa!

The Meezers or Billy said...

concatulations Harley!!

wow, you is really really smart!

Maureen said...

Yay Harley!!!! Congratulations!!! And I absolutely LOVE that Gift Positioning System...

You are a very photogenic AND smart kitty!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations to you Harley, I voted for you! And that was a very interesting explanation. :)

Dma said...

that is a nice spit shot.

you know in britain they leave santa sherry instead of cookies so it might be a good night to stay out of the sky.

JD at I Do Things said...

Wow, congratulations, Harley! That is a very good photo. I bet when you were yawning, you didn't realize you were going to win an award!

And thank you for all the good information about Santa Claus. I feel a lot better about the whole coal thing.

Donna said...

U looks like a singer on stage. Congrajamashuns on the win!! :)

Forty Paws said...

Harley, you are SO SMART! Thank you for all those answers.

Concatulations on winning the contest!!!

Luf, Us

Sónia Mendes said...

Congratulations Harley, for that prize, you shure look great in that picture.

Feline kisses from Gotchi

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

We wondered what GPS stood for! Congratulations on the win!

Milo and Alfie said...

Harley, yoo could never just be "a cat from the shelter"! Yoo are way too gorjuss, and savvy, and cute, and sweet. We love yoo too bits!

We're enjoying yoor "How Does THAT Work" posts. We espeshully liked this one abowt Santa today. BUT ... do yoo fink we are on the norty or nice list?

Milo and Alfie xx

Anonymous said...

ConCats Harley!!! We totally voted for you!!! And, thanx for the facts of how Santa does it all in one night! Now, we can go to sleep tonight with one less thing on our minds. We're just going to worry about which list we're going to be on! YIKES...

loki said...

Congratulations, Harley! Thanks for teaching us about Santa. I think, I will be naughty...


Guido the Italian Kitty-Big Angel Now said...

Youza purrfecto and full of da Holly Daze infurmashun Daisy and congratucatulashuns to Harley!

Gemini and Ichiro said...

Wow! I never knew it took that much work. Congrats on the win Harley! We laughed at your photo!!!

The Oceanside Animals said...

Congratulations, Harley!

Anonymous said...

Congrats on the huge Catster win...

Now I know how to explain santa to my grandkids when I get some...

Thanks for clearing that up..

Sharkbytes (TM) said...

Congratulations, Harley. Save up some more spit for the next time you need it!

Raymond and Busby said...

Harley, thanks for explaining how Santa does his thing. The photos of Daisy poking at them cracked us up.

Concats on winning your cat-agory of the world's coolest contest. Yay Team Harley!


Shaggy and Scout said...

Congrats Harley!!!!
That was a most excellent picture!
We always wondered how Santa managed that big job every year! The new technologies really help.

SEO Copywriting said...

Congrats! You do look lovely with that strand of spit between your teeth. Humans would never look good doing that.

RE - EntrePOD said...

Whooo Hoooo !!!! Congrats on that win Harley. so we now know what gps realllllly stands for. I feel enlightened. :)

brokenteepee said...

You know, I was thinking yesterday about the photo contest and was going to ask....

Congratulations. I guess sometimes spit is good.

Thanks for the Santa-telligence. You are one smart cat!

GLOGIRLY said...

So THAT'S what all this GPS talk is about!!! COOL! I know for a fact that Glogirly AND Gloman each have their own GPS. Between them and Santa, I'm going to have a great Christmas!!!

Thanks for the tips!

...and kudos, Harley, on your well-deserved award!

(Glogirly's cat)

Anonymous said...

Wow, thanks for explaining that...and I'm so proud of you for winning the contest, your awesome!

Meghann said...

Well, that seems very reasonable Harley, I think Santa will be very impressed you figured out his system.
And congratulations on the award! Being spitty is helpful, Arwen will agree :)

Angel Junior, Orion and Sammy said...

Guess we better get Meowm to baking those cookies for us!

Concatulations on winning!!!

Two French Bulldogs said...

Congratulations Harley. Thanks for all that info. We learned something new today!
Benny & Lily

Julier said...

Way to go Harley! And thanks for the Chrissymouse lesson. You are very handsome and smart

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Wow, won by a string of spit! We thawt yoo were da cutest Harley...dat's why we voted fur yoo. Thanks fur explaning dat stuff about Sandy Claws to us. All mom ever told us was it was majik.

Marg said...

Good job Harley on winning that contest. You are for sure a handsome boy even with spit.
And we like your version of the GPS system. Now we all know just how Santa gets to our houses.

Terrie D. (StarSpry) said...

Congratulations Harley!! Also, thank you for the very useful information on Santa :D

Hitesh said...

that's good news...think good news is always around you harley.....

and thanks for the explanation daisy.....i hope santa comes down my chimney this year.......


Kathy @ The Junk Drawer said...

Harley, you're so smart and so cute, I can't stand it! Do you know that I'm cheating and looking at my Daisy & Harley calendar for 2010 early? You have been hanging in my cubicle at work and staring at me for a couple weeks now. I'm smitten.

Sparkle said...

GO HARLEY! Congratulations on your win! BTW, I never knew Santa had a GPS. I was wondering how he knew which kitties got what presents.

CCL Wendy said...

Congratulations Harley on winning in the Coolest Cat contest! You are one cool cat for sure. I think it helps that your mama is an awesome photographer and she always captures you in funny poses. The spit was just the right touch that put it over the edge.

I love your hints about getting what you want from Santa, too! Of course Santa has to keep up with the times -- glad to see it. But I guess this puts the reindeer out of work.

Amy & the house of cats said...

Congrats Harley! Great job on the photo - I am not surprised you were the winner!

And thanks for letting us know all the inside info on Santa! It makes perfect sense now!

Teri and her Stylish Adventure Cats said...

We got a good Disco yawn pix, but mewmie was too busy to enter she said...but we are meowzingly happy that our friend Harley won! Ha, we didn't even notice the spit at first!

Bobby & Theresa111 said...


Congratulations young man cat! We are very proud of you and we will always root for you.

Your Uncle Bobby

The Crew said...

You've given us valuable information, Harley. Now we don't have to worry about getting presents!

Tibby said...

Hi Daisy & Harley!
Thanks so much for telling us how Santa does his job! It sounds like a lot of work! I bet you are both on the good list this year, I hope I am too!
:) Tibby

Karen & Gerard Zemek said...

Thanks for the explanation of how Santa does it--I always wondered about that. You are very smart, Harley! Also, congratulations on your winning photo!

Split Rock Ranch said...

Congratulations Harley! Who knew spit could make one famous?!

And thank you for figuring out how the Santa thing works...again...who knew?!

Tammy said...

I just saw Harley over at Catster and had to come by and offer my congratulations!! That photo is definitely a winner!

Ann said...

Congratulations to you Harley but then I always knew you were a winner.

Cool info on Santa. I didn't know about the GPS.

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...



The Island Cats said...

So that's how Santa gets us our presents!!

Congratulations, Harley, on your win!!


Daisy & Harley
So that's how Santa finds all the boys and!
Concats on your win Harley that was one cool picture of you.

purr on

Quill and Greyson said...

Concats Harley!!! That is a great photo!

Lisa Wallace + current cat said...

Congratulations Harley! And thanks for explaining Santa to us Daisy.

Quilt Works said...

Your tag team is back! I love kitty cat playing with food!

Hope you will have a chance to tag visit too!

... Join me on the "Passage"

SophieKitty said...

Gift Positioning System!! HA!!

Buggys said...

Harley congrats on your win! Very impressive. Thank you for the lesson on Santa, I feel full of christmas knowledge now.

BeadedTail said...

Concatulations on being the World's Coolest Cat Harley! That's pawsome!

Thanks for explaining how Santa gets the right presents to all of us! We're going to make him cookies so we get more and better presents!

Janet said...

Very informative post, Harley! You are extremely smart to figure all of this out with your magnifying glass! Congrats on the award! You sure deserved it! :)

dArtagnan Rumblepurr/Diego Hamlet Moonfur said...

CONGRATS Harley!! Well done!! You sure deserve it!

BumbleVee said...

congratulations Harley.... sometimes a strand of spit can mean everything.... whoo....

Bae Bae said...

Wah that sure is some very clever answers on Santa. I always wonder how he did it. :)

~ Bae

Cheyenne -Millie said...

Concatulations, Harley! We are so very happy for you for winning the Coolest Cat competition!

I always wondered how Santa worked so efficiently thanks for that info!

michico*Adan*Lego-小芥*阿丹*樂高 said...

Congratulations to you, Harley!!!

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

We gots coal once, but then Santa discovered he confoosed us wif the mean cat across the street. So we got really cool stuff like sardines an treats the next night.

Melinda said...

That's great news Harley! I voted for that picture, you were definitely the coolest of all those kitties, but they all were pretty cool, too. I hear your not feeling so well right now, that your lip thing came back...Your Mommy and Daisy will get you fit in no time! And since you and Daisy have been so good, I'm sure Santa has his trip all planned out to your house!

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