Thursday, February 18, 2010

How Does THAT Work? Daisy's Curls

One of my FRIENDS asked if I would EXPLAIN about Daisy's CURLY FURS. I think that is an EXCELLENT idea. EXCELLENT is a big word.
I guess you MIGHT have noticed that Daisy has CURLY furs. Here is a CLOSE UP so you can see for YOURSELF.
I been WATCHING Daisy for a while now, and I think there are TWO ways she gets her furs CURLY. Sometimes, she makes SPIT curls. Like this:
But she has another SECRET way to make curls. I do not think she will LIKE you to find out what goes on UNDER the TOWEL!
Having curls is EASY. How do I look with CURLY FURS?
I hope I have EXPLAINED everything right.

73 Notes for Daisy:

Christine said...

That all makes sense, Harley. But how do Daisy's WHISKERS get curly? Does she just do the spit-curl thing, or does she put those pink curlers on her whiskers, too?

You look kinda cute with curls, but you should stick with that sleek MANcat look!

lovcats said...

Lol! Thank you Harley, nice tutorial! ;) I love your curls Daisy, it's very cute!

Anonymous said...

Ha ha ha! You're so funny Harley but I think you're exactly right! Don't know how Daisy will like you blabbing her secret though. . .

Forever Foster said...

That is another mystery solved. Good job, Harley:)

Kea said...

Maybe we should try the spit way to make curls? We love your curl fur, we'd like a few curls of our own!

-Annie, Nicki and Derry

Karen & Gerard Zemek said...

I would never have guessed Daisy uses curlers! I think you look best without the curls, Harley.

Marg said...

We are so glad to find out about Daisy's curls, Harley. But we think you should maybe leave the curls to Daisy. Daisy you look very cute even in your curlers. You all have a wonderful day.

Jen said...

*Laugh*. Thank you for explaining all that Harley, but what on earth is Daisy going to say when she finds out you let the cat out of the bag? Oh MY (that was bad ;o)

Alastriona, The Cats and Dogs said...

Harley, Thank you for explaining about Daisy's Curls. I was wondering how Artemisia got the curly hair on her tummy. Now I knows, I can get me some curly tummy hair too. ~Scylla

PS: Where do you find curlers?

Anonymous said...

Umm.. Harley? You are one incredibly magnificent deep thinker! Maybe one of your "How Does THAT Work?" segments could explore the cogs and bolts of Harley's brain?

Teddy Westlife said...

I don't know Harley, your curly furs look a little bit like a swimming cap. But thank you for explaining how Daisy gets her curls!

Milo and Alfie said...

MOL! We larfed and larfed! Daisy might not be happy that yoo revealed her secret beauty treatments! And Harley, curly is not a good look for yoo! Tee hee!

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

We always wondered how Daisy kept her furs so nice and curly, and we would never have guessed what goes on under the towel. Thank you for spilling the beans. We prefer you with sleek furs though.

The Creek Cats said...

Thanks so much for explaining that, Harley! We are off to find curlers so we can be just like Daisy!

Hansel said...

oh now i get it! thanks harley!

Sweet Purrfections said...

So, that's how she does it!

The Meezers or Billy said...

very good explanation Harley!!!

Meghann said...

LOL! I wish my hair was evenly curly like Daisy's fur - it is very pretty. I think, however, that you should keep your fur as it is Harley, you're very handsome as it is :)

Rosemary B❤️ said...

Harley, you are correct. Mom curls my furs everyday while I am sleeping. She has a tiny curling iron.

this reminds mom of something about 17 years ago when she just had Caesar and Princess for about one year. Her neighbor's husband came over to borrow something and saw Caesar and Princess. First he said "those are ugly cats" to which she responded "please leave immediately" haha
Then he asked how their fur is so curly and she told his she curled their fur with a tiny curling iron every morning and night.
She did not tell his she was kidding either.

You look super cool with the curly furs Harley


Boy n Beethoven said...

I thinks maintaining her beautiful curls must be awfully hard work for Daisy!


Luzinha said...


amazing pics!

Harley you're so much fun! I loved it, and, honestly, you look well with anything!

have a great day, dear, you, mommie and Daisy!

Anonymous said...

Daisy does have lovely curly fur but you look cute with curls too Harley!

Dma said...

another excellent segment of 'how does that work.' i'm not sure daisy is going to appreciate you sharing her secret with the entire world though.

meowmeowmans said...

Thanks for explaining how Daisy gets her curly fur, Harley! What would we do without you?

The Furry Kids said...

MOL! Harley, thanks for figuring that out for us. You made Mama smile real big.


Raymond and Busby said...

This was one of our favorite "How does THAT work" blog posts, Harley. Thanks for explaining Daisy's 'do to us. We think you look great just the way you are, no curls necessary. xoxo

Anonymous said...

That was way funny!

kaitlin said...

How does THAT work? Is my favorite, favorite, favorite feature on this blog! I get SO excited when I see you with your hat and magnifying glass, Harley!!!

I think you explained very well! I had a hunch that Daisy was using those curlers, her hair is always looking perfect! I don't know about those curls in your hair though... I think you are rocking the sleek look. If it makes you feel better, I think your furs make you look a little like a miniature cow! (That is a compliment, btw!)

The Oceanside Animals said...

hello harley its dennis the vizsla dog hay ummmmm i think yoo ar mor of a strayt hared kind of kitty!!! ok bye

Sparkle said...

Harley, you should know that ladies don't like to be photographed wearing curlers - Daisy will be very mad at you!

Laila and Angel Minchie said...

Giving away Daisy's beauty secrets? :)

Lisa Kolosey said...

Ha! Don't tell Daisy she looks just like my grandmother's neighbor Mrs Fusillo with her hair in curlers! But her hair was a darker red (not natural either).
And Harley, I prefer your hair straight too.
~Lisa Co9T

Tammy said...

I like your "curly furs", Harley! None of our kitty boys have curls, but I think they are pretty cute! I know none of our boys would ever wear curlers like Daisy!

Amy & the house of cats said...

Harley we always learn so much from you - we had no idea how Daisy curled her furs! We hope she doesn't get mad at you.

We like your curly picture, but we still prefer you with your sleek, straight furs - they suit you better!

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

Wow, Harley! Those curls sure are a lot of hard work!

Joanne Olivieri said...

Harley you are a genius. And, you look pretty spiffy yourself with those curls.

Your Daily Cute said...

I hope Daisy doesn't mind you giving away her beauty secrets! And I'm not sure about your curls... I think we like you just like you are. :)

brokenteepee said...

You are an excellent spy Harley...I am not sure Daisy will appreciate this!

Donna said...

That is very inneresting. U could b a barber! :)

Lisa Wallace + current cat said...

Thanks for your interpretation Harley, but I think the reason why Daisy has curls lies in her being a special kind of cat that magically comes with curls already made.

Cindy said...

Harley, I'd don't think it'd look good on you. You're perfect as you are.

Cindy said...

Oh yeah, Love the curlers, Daisy!

The Island Cats said...

Oh Harley! We think you should leave the curls to Daisy!!

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Oh Harley, yoor not apposta let out a ladies secrets.

A few Good Cats said...

Harley, we think there is only room for one curly cat in your house!

BeadedTail said...

Thanks for explaining Daisy's curls Harley! Her curls are very pretty but we think you look better with your sleek black and white furs though!

The Florida Furkids said...

You look cute with curls but we think we like you the way you are!!

Sniffie and the Florida Furkids

dArtagnan Rumblepurr/Diego Hamlet Moonfur said...

Um, Harley? You're perfect the way you are. And you might wanna watch what you tell the world about your sis!!

Angel Junior, Orion and Sammy said...

MOL!!!! Too cute! Both of you look great in curls.

i beati said...

Curls are not manly enough for you . I'm having trouble visiting you these days . My computer is out for another week- loaner booooo

Ann said...

So that's how Daisy gets those lovely curls. I think you better leave the curls to Daisy though Harley.


did you use tiny hair curlers to achieve that look?

*kitty giggles*

purry purrs

Jans Funny Farm said...

Those look like pincurls on you, Harley. :-)

Danielle said...

Hehe, I think you look best with out the curls. Your sleek hair complements your face. :) Maybe I'll try the spit curl technique sometime. :)

DILLY said...

Dilly want hav curls too,
but be weptile.
No fair!


Skeezix the Cat said...

Harley, it izn't vary jentulmancatly to post a pikcher of yer sister in hare kerlers for the hole interwebs to see. Am I gonna have to come to yer howse and beet yoo up?

Empress Bee (of the high sea) said...

ha! i thought so!

smiles, auntie bee

Gemini and Ichiro said...

Harley! You look pretty cute with those curls, but I want to see YOU in curlers!

Lorenza said...

Now I know!
Good job, Harley!
Kisses and hugs

Cheyenne -Millie said...

Ha! Ha! So now we understands about Daisy's furs!

You looks very different with the curls! Hmmmm!!

(angel) Grrreta and Fam said...

Harley, Mommy was drinking some water and nearly spewed it out her nose when she saw the picture of Daisy in curlers. We would have never guessed Daisy wears curlers.

Two French Bulldogs said...

Oh even look cute with your curlers..BOL
Benny & Lily

Catline Crew said...

Ha ha ha, you both look great in curls.

Patrice-The Soap Seduction said...

Thank you for making me laugh harder than I have in a long while!

Can I borrow those curlers Daisy?

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

We think you are having fun at Daisy's expense! We like her spit curls but think you look better with out them!

Charlemagne and Tamar said...

Wow - that must take a long time to do your hair, Daisy!

Charlemagne and Tamar

Samantha & Mom said...

Heheheheheheehe!! We love the spit curls!!! Hope it has warmed up in FL!! We think it will be cold forever here!! And we thought TX was hot! Have a great weekend!!
Love & hugs,
Samantha & Clementine

Debbie said...

Oh Harley, I think you should leave the curls to Daisy. LOL.

Maureen said...

Ahahaha! You both look great Harley! Excellent sleuthing skills!

Rebecca said...

Ha ha that was a very good explanation Harley! Now I need you to come over and explain how Mango got his curly furs! They are not as curly as Daisy's though, she is the curly-fur winner

Meowers from Missouri said...


Teri and her Stylish Adventure Cats said...

How did we miss commenting on your beauty shop, curlers and spit curl tutorial? We must have been at the salon ourselves!

Daisy the strait cat said...

I don't know no not really I purfur you with strait herr

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