Fashion Friday: Glamorous Hair!
Look, I got some new hairs! My fancy new wig is a very beautiful purple color. I think purple is a good color. I wish I could find a PINK wig though.

Fashion Friday: Glamorous Hair!
Posted by Daisy at 4/23/2010 04:00:00 AM
Labels: cats in wigs, cute hair, wigs for cats
89 Notes for Daisy:
Daisy, purple is a stunning colour on you!!!
Oh Daisy ~ yoo look SO beautiful. Purple is clearly yoor colour!
PS: Can we see Harley innit too?
Heehee!! We wanna see it on Harley too!!
Daisy you look lovely in purple and I must say that is quite a stunning sytle.
Daisy! You look so lovely in your purple hairs. I love purple. I have an iPod Nano in purple. Do you know what nano means? It means tiny.
Daisy, you look gorgeous in purple. We can't believe you love to model--you are just fabulous at it!
MOL @ seeing the wig on Harley too!
Tres Chic Miss Daisy.
Wiki x
That is a hard style to pull off, but you do a wonderful job :)
I really dig the one ear peeking out!
Miss D, you look sweet and punk rock at the same time. Thanks for making us laugh this Friday.
Have a lovely weekend with the family.
Oh Daisy, that is the most glamorous hair I think I have ever seen! You look stunning :)
Daisy, you look just gorgeous. That is such a dark pretty purple. What a lot of great poses. We like the ear popping up too. The whole picture is just great. A little funny too.
Have a great day.
Now That's a Glamor Puss! You should have your own rock band.
~Lisa Co9T
You model great, but seriously, I think the purple wig looks a bit silly on you. I do like purple though--even have my purple outfit on today!
I like ur hair! It is so cute! :)
Your new furz iz verry glamorus daisy, I do luv them but i wud like to see pink onez too!
Daisy, what will you come up with next?
Wooooooooo weeee! Yoo are hot stuff today Daisy! Purple is da color of royalty an yoo look it fur shure.
I like the one ear peeking out. Where's the other one???
I love the purple wig, Daisy. It goes with your eyes!
You look very chic in that purple wig - with it tucked behind one of your ears it makes you look very stylish.
Oh you look so beautiful! Purple really suits you very much!
Purrs, Keiko Kenji & Pricilla
Daisy, you are SO glam! We love the one little ear poking out.
You look furry purrty in your Purple hairs!! Your a great model too. We would never pose so nicely.
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
With that wig you could pass as a hardcore Minnesota Vikings fan...
i LOVE your purple hairs daisy!!!!
smiles, auntie bee
Try here....
Marian in Houston
Hi Marian. Thanks for the link ... Do Want!
I've always said you look good in purple (and yellow too).
Purple is the color of royalty enough said
Purple is an interesting choice for you Daisy. You did a great job modeling that new hair. We would be very squirmy!
you are so glamorous miss daisy
You look extra glam and exotic today, Miss Daisy.
Oh Daisy, purple looks completely natural on you. Of course, I am a bit partial to purple myself. I love the way your ear pokes out behind your bangs!!
Oh my, you do look very glamourous with the purple hair! It is so shiny and curly! Very nice. =)
We think purplr is a PAWesome color for you! You really know how to make us and mom smile, everyday! Thanx Daisy!
purple is a beautiful color for you!
Daisy, you look very striking. The color suits you. But you are still a young woman. The purple reminded me of some of the rich old lady "snowbirds" who come to Florida in the winter, with their lavender hair.
ooh la la!! daisy, your new hairs are very pretty and shiny. i like the little tip of your ear peeking through, very mysterious!
I like the purple. I think it's unexpected for you--I'd totally expect pink so the purple is cool!
I love your new hair, Daisy. Purple is my very favorite color.
Purple suits you! My cat, henry, would like this wig too, I think!
Absolutely stunning Miss Daisy!
Your glamor shot is purrfect.
oh my goodness, DaisyCakes! you could go to a rave with that purple hair! where are your glowsticks?
We like your ear poking out too!
That's a good color on you. Very vibrant.
Oh my goodness, a starlet!
I wonder how that would look on me?
Daisy, you look great with bangs :) Purple looks great on you! It looks like you can buy a pink wig here:
Daisy, you are quite the fashionista!!
Daisy your purple wig is beautiful and you look lovely wearing it. I really like the fashion-forward right ear peeking out - very chic!
Now I am hearing Purple Rain in my head.
You look lovely Daisy!
Thanks for stopping by and commenting on my Fluffy Friday post.
Yes, we do have a nice home.
Pretty wig!
You are so glamorous in purple!
Wish we could se you in pink too!
Sara Cat
You look sooooooo good in that purple wig Daisy! Meowm is jealous cause she really likes purple.
Yoor furry glamerus Daisy, purple is da color of royalty!
Daisy, you look fabulous and ready for the paparazzi out at a Hollywood red carpet event :)
Daisy you do look cute in the purple wig! But we know you love pink, so we hope you are able to find a pink one soon!!
Daisy, you are rocking your glamorous purple wig; we love how your ear sticks out!...Happy Friday beautiful girl...xo...Calle, Halle, Sukki
You look furry fashionable, Daisy!
Bajas, Virus and Hyssy
Daisy, you are a fashion DIVA for sure!!! Purple hair...WOW!=^Y^=
Oh, my goodness, you are STUNNING, Daisy! I love how your ear tips stick through your wig. That is a convenient feature! ;-)
That purple looks great on you, Daisy! You are such a supermodel! :)
Wow. Just wow. That ear sticking out makes it really perfect. You are one glamour lady, Dsisy.
Love the poses with one ear sticking out - what panache!
OH daisy,
Iris here your wing is boootfal I always telling LL to try more puple and less pink
It' super, I've got to go back and see photo hunter #40!
Stunning! Looks like you've been getting some fashion tips from Dame Edna!
Our Mom loves purple and she thinks this is the best wig you have modeled!
Yoo look ravishing! I think purpul is the next best color to pink!
Here in Las Vegas we have some different kinds of "specialty" stores...Mommy would be glad to go and...what Mommy? Oh, nevermind.
xx Lounge Kats
Your wig is pawesome!
You look gorgeous!
Kisses and hugs
Darling Daisy, that rakish angle of your ear sticking up from the mass of glorious new purple hairs...glorious!
Purple hair, um, well, er... We think pink is more yer color... Dont get us wrong, ya look good in anything. But purple is, well, Goth, an that is like, last decade.
Any color would look good on you!
You are a star Daisy!
Daisy! You look so beautiful! I love the way your ear peeks out ever so daringly in the last few shots.
Daisy, you are just adorable! That is a very purple wig, and you can really pull off that look!
Padre, Panda Bear, Meerkat, Cookie, and Caramel
You look beautiful Daisy,purple is a wonderful color for u.
MOL hehehe you is so purrty Daisy wif or wif out da purple wig, purrrfect glamor shot dere at da end!
daisy we love the wig on you! it's stunning! you are so pretty!
hello 1980s rocker doll jem its dennis the vizsla dog hay wow i am glad to see yoo ar bak in the myoozik bizness agin!!! wil yoo sine sum rekords for me??? thanks ok bye
It's unexpected, but of course you make it work!
Daisy, you look very glamorous in your cute purple wig.
I don't think purple really suits you Daisy - maybe if it was curly?
I don't know much about hair-styling but I think that's a great look for you!
You are so vogue and you remind me of the British model, Twiggy.
Love Always,
Your Bobby
Ooooooooooo Daisy!!!!!
WE love that intense purple colour!!!!!! It looks so nice on you :) Very dramatic!!!
Purrs Mickey,Georgia & Tillie
This is a gorgeous color for you, Daisy! I hardly even noticed it was a wig.
You look especially lovely in that new wig Daisy! I need one of those!
Oh Daisy! You rock purple!!!
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