Now that the weather is warm and sunny again, you know what that means... it's Lizard Season!

Here is a fine specimen. Come closer, lizard, so I can examine you.

Good-bye, lizard. I wish you could come inside and play. I will be waiting for you!

Lizard Season!
74 Notes for Daisy:
That lizard looks like such a fun friend to play with. We hope you are enjoying lizard weather and feeling completely healthy.
Ooooo, lizard season again, maybe your mommeh would fetch one inside for you to play with? ;)
oOO, I wish we had lizards here!!!
We have lizards too and #1 ays she saw the first one of the season a couple of days ago. They are so much fun!
Lizards are so good to chase. When we stayed with Gammy and Gampy, Harry taught me how to get them and bring them in to surprise Gammy - but she did not like them as present, I do not know why.
Winston x
Oh, lizards! You'd better be careful because sometimes "playing with cats" doesn't end well for you.
Hi Lizard, you look very tasty.
We have the lizards here, too. Love the lizards. I just wish they were just a tad slower... HEE HEE
Our lizards are out here too! jane loves to play tag with them.
You are so lucky to have lizards come and visit, all we get is the occasional boring ant...
Now that would be fun!
~Lisa Co9T
Lizards look like fun. We wish we could have some instead of mousies for a change.
We thinks the lizard would have fun playing with you inside MOL & BOL. ~AFSS
We never had a lizard at my house but I wish we did. It looks like it would be fun to play with!
That lizard looks like he'd be lots of fun to play with!!
That lizard looks cute! We've never seen one, but we bet we'd have A LOT of fun playing with one! ;-)
LIZARDS.....Mommy just went shrieking from the room....but we are intrigued! Daisy, would you really just "play" with the lizard??? :)
Yes lizard.... a little bit closer... she won't harm you.
Lizard season sounds like so much fun! We don't have anything fun like that here.
Hooray! We love Lizard Season, Daisy! We have not seen any here at the Swamp yet. Do you suppose they know it's Lizard Season?
Don't worry, those lizards will be all over the place soon. Sometimes baby ones get in the house too.
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
Get him, Daisy!!! Do they ever get in the house??
The boy and I disagree on whether it is a good thing we don't have lizards.
Sharpebning your lizard skills . We don't see too many here anymore Milady and Kissipurr are serious Lizard hunters.
Oh my where is Harley. We know how he likes to play with the lizards. Good job, Daisy keeping your eye on that lizard. It took one look at you and off it went.
Have a great day.
The lizard looks like fun ~ is he sure he doesn't want to play wiv yoo inside? Tee hee!
YAY! I love lizard season! Well, I would if I were a cat in a warm climate. As a human who really doesn't see many lizards, it's hard to get all that excited.
But I'm happy for you, Daisy!
Ooh, play toys... Daisy just doin what comes natural...
that lizard was very small and cute. maybe now that it's lizard weather you can go out strollering or for a walkie!
was it George?
Daisy, I can see the excitement in your eye!!! Are your eyes back to normal? You'll need good vision for Lizard season!! You would look cute in glasses but I know Harley would break them.
Rats! you were so close..maybe next time he will come in! then you two can "play"!
I like lizards too, tho I think we might have two different ideas about what playing with lizards means...
We never saw them!
We do want to examine them close!!
Hope next time Lizard will come inside and play with you,Daisy!
get that lizard, DaisyCakes!
It is too bad that lizards are so rude that they can't just come in and play.
What a perfect toy!! We never see toys like those around here.
oh what fun!
smiles, auntie bee
Oh my cats! You are so lucky to have lizards. I don't get to see very many lizards anymore.
When mom used to take me on walks at our old place I used to love to chase them. But it's hard to chase lizards when you are being walked with a halter and leash.
Daisy, can you send some lizards this way please! Bayou and Asia would really love to eat, errr, meet them!!!
The lizard is undoubtedly running off to tell all the other lizards that there is a very friendly curly cat who wants to play with them.
Wow! More exciting then the bugs we get in our garden.
Better keep Harley away from those lizards...I know he likes to nom them!
WOO HOO!! Lizard season!!!! We will ive vicariously thru you Daisy!
Daisy, maybe a lizard will come in the house to play with you!...Our Mommy does not like it when that happens!...Have a fun day...xo...Calle, Halle, Sukki
We don't have lizards here in Minnesota... but we do have bunnies! I've been bunny hunting in the window sills every night!
Don't worry, I'd never hurt one. Glogirly would never forgive me and since she keeps my dish full...
I like to chase lizards! :)
You have such a cute lizardy furriend!
We have lizard season too! We manage to get a few each year. They don't stay down so good though. We don't know why. Too scaley, perhaps.
xx Lounge Kats
Hi Daisy, My kitties have their own pet lizards in an aquarium. They love to watch them and try to get them. They also get to watch the lizard food hop around (crickets). They sit so still and all of a sudden - whoosh, they dart off. Fun times.
Man, that would be sooooo cool, Miss Daisy! I saw one last year, but that was when I was still allowed outside. This year, it'll be through the window, like you.
We have lizards here too! STinky the Farm cat brings them home to the publicist - or really just their tails. They are called Western Skinks and their tales are electric blue!
Window shopping can be so frustrating, can't it Daisy? You see what you want, but it's just beyond your reach!
Very cute, again!
Daisy you are so lucky! We don't have any lizzards here to look at or play with!
We don't get lizards here, Duke has to settle for bugs. Have fun with your new lizard friend
Hey Daisy - that looks like fun. All we get are birdies outside the windows. Don't you think a little lizzie snack would be a good addition to a raw diet? MOL!
Virus and Hyssy
We don't have lizards here...but we sure wish we did! They look like they'd be fun to play with!
Could we do a swap? I'll give you one of my mouses and I'll have one of your lizzerds. Looks very tasty, I mean fascinating !!
Visitors are always fun.
A lot of fun there I bet they keep you amused for ages.. Hugs GJ xx
Ooo we would like to play with lizards too! We haven't had one here ever. We just play with caterpillars, millipedes and spiders!
Purrs, Keiko Kenji & Pricilla
Oh Daisy, I would love to have a lizard. It is great that you have them stop by and say hello.
Lizard Season might be my favorite season!
We are sooo envious of those leezards!
I wish I could play with lizzerds. That stoopid Tripper eets them beefore they can come in the house for a playdate. Have yoo ever eeten a lizzerd? Did it give yoo lizzerd breth?
Looks yummy!
Lizards...BOL...Lily thought it was an alligator..Happee hunting
Benny & Lily
We bet that you'd like to pet him...WITH YOUR CLAWS!!!
Hi, Daisy!
Next time tell you mom to open the window so the lizards can come inside and have a good time with you!
Kisses and hugs
Here lizard, lizard, lizard! Daisy just wants to play!
I hope those lizards don't come in (I am scared of them!). But that's what kitties are good for... Lizard duty! :)
I think I'd like to try and eat one!
You are so lucky to get to hunt for lizards! They look very fun and tasty! We have to go back to Mouse Patrol in the basement now!
Padre, Panda Bear, Meerkat, Cookie, and Caramel
Here leezard leezard leezard ...
That looks like fun, I've never seen one of those! Do they taste good?
Sara Cat
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