Harley at the Movies: Rail Walkin'!
I have showed you BEFORE how I like to walk the RAILS. I can JUMP right on from this little WINDOW. This is a DANGEROUS stunt, so you should NOT try this at home. Unless you are very BRAVE, like me.

Here is my MOVIE! There are some moments of SUSPENSE and DANGER! I hope you like it!
If you cannot SEE the movie, here is a LINK to my movie on YouTube!
72 Notes for Daisy:
You are so brave and so athletic, Harley!
You are so very brave, Harley. But have you ever fallen down and landed on Mommeh and Daddeh when they were sleeping?
That is a very high balance beam, Harley, so you are very brave to walk on it! I hope you get treats for your efforts - you deserve them!
Wow. That is a COOL video!!
Harley, you are soo cute. Your eyes always look so alert!
You are a brave mancat!
Harley you make that look so easy. You have very good balance and you're doing that without a net too.
Harley you are such a daring stuntman! We loved your video a lot. Winston x
Harley up high, you are so brave Handsome Harley you should be in the circus.
You are so brave Harley. You'd better watch that fan though when it's on - it might knock you off!
We like the music in the video. It could be circus music. Maybe you should be become an acrobat in the Cirque du Chat-leil.
We liked watching you in action on that rail very much! You are AWESOME and very brave!
Wow Harley! That looks like fun. I might try to encourage Mabel to do something similar and see if I can convince her to take a cloth and do the dusting while she's up there! x
You're a really brave ManCat to do that Rail Walkin'! We got skeered once, but you were okay!!
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
WOWOWOWOW!!! Harley!! You are soooooo cool!!! I was watching you with ALL MY ATTENTION and I was so scared when you turned around...I had to hold my breath!!! And when you touched the fan, I was also scared that you would try to get up there, but thankfully, you didn't...I don't know if my heart could have taken that kind of fear!! You are such a great acrobat!! I am totally impressed!! I think you are my new hero. Yep, you definitely are my new hero. Your worshipper, Lautrec
YIKES! That's furry scary!
Yay! Will we see you in the circus next?
You're braver than I am, Harley
That was a very suspenseful movie Harley!
Ooooh, SCARY!! I hope you don't do that while Mommeh and Daddeh are sleeping 'cuz that might scare them. Oh--WATCH OUT for the fan, Harley!
Harley, we were very scart for you. Especially when you thought about getting on the ceiling fan. You could have gone for a nice ride on that. But well done Harley, you did a great job of walking the line.
Have a great day.
Harley my words are wow and ore wow. You are very clever but please be careful.. Hugs GJ xx
You are so athletic and super brave doing all that rail walking. Perhaps you should wear a safety harness if your mom and dad are in bed because they could end up with a big surprise!!
Harley, our assistant says you'd give her heart failure if she were your human.
You could be a stunt mancat in movies!!!
It's a very good movie, I can tell your a professional!
the judge from minnesota gives you a perfect ten score.
How svelte and acrobatic you are !!
You are one clever kitty, Harley.
Wow! That was a scary movie Harley. We had to cover our eyes at some points
Your a very brave mancat :)
Bravo, Harley!!!
Very daring. I held my breath throughout the movie. You are very brave.... Bravo!!!!
WOW! Very impressive, Harley! While I was watching this, Gus, who was just sitting on my desk, suddenly fell off, for no apparent reason! I don't think he'd be very good at rail walkin'!
Oh, Harley!!!! What a stuntcat you are!!
What walks on rails
With a balancing tail
And makes a meowing sound?
A cat, a cat, a marvelous cat
Everyone knows it's Harley!
I think you are very athletic Harley. I am impressed.
You are a brave, gorgeous mancat, Harley and we are very impressed with your climbing skills...We love you sweet boy, you are sooo adorable!!...xo...Calle, Halle, Sukki
You are so very brave Harley!!!
Daisy-we have tried Natural Balance Duck and Pea food.....we don't like it very much. Meowm gave us a bit of Chicken with Peas this morning, and we nommed it right down! But what we actually end up with depends on what works with Orion's tummy!
You are a brave entertainer. We likes the fan sniff and the dismount to the window the bestest!
It's a good thing the fan wasn't turning or you would have gone for a RIDE!
harley don't even THINK of walking on that fan honey, you are very manly but that would be too much!
smiles, auntie bee
Harley, you are such a brave mancat and I am so proud of you for trying those death defying feats.
wooh! that was quite acrobatic harley!! you looked like you were thinking about hopping on the ceiling fan! your nose looked nice and pink too!
Harley, we LOVE the video and the music is really cheeky ~ just like yoo. For a minute we fort yoo were gonna climb on the FAN and sp in around!!!!!!!
Harley, you are so brave. And your nose is so pink!
You ARE very brave Harley!
I would try that myself cuz Im good with heights, but I cant figure out how ta get UP onto my shower curtain rod.
You are very daring! We thought you might get on the fan and go for a spin!
::clapclapclap:: Dat was a furry brave and daring thing yoo did Harley...did yoo learn it from Daisy?
Wow, that was good, Harley! :) I liked the music too. :)
Very cute video of Harley. But, that does look quite dangerous (particularly with the fan). Be careful up there. :)
Harley, your chin is looking pretty good!
Excellent, Harley!
Oh gosh Harley, you're almost on the ceiling!! You're so brave.
Not only are you brave, you are lucky! If we tried that we would go deaf from our Mommy screeching at us.
You have the most expressive eyes...where do you buy your guyliner?
That's great Harley! I wish I had a tall place like that!
Oh, Harley! It's a good thing that ceiling fan was not on! You were almost Ceiling Fan Cat!
Wow! That was something, Harley! We hope we don't see you swinging from that ceiling fan next!!
Harley we see yer muscles!
Harley, if you should ever want a new career you could be a cat in trees.
You are a brave daredevil Harley.
You would make a good tight rope walker!
Harley, you are my favorite daredevil!
OH HARLEY! My little heart is just beating so hard watching that! WHAT DARING!
How many times have you surprised mama by jumping down in the night onto her or the bed?
I bet NO kitty can walk rails as well as YOU. I am, as always, so impressed!!!
Hi, Harley!
You make it look so easy!
But you are soooo brave!
Kisses and hugs
You are so brave Harley! The look on your face is so cute!
Walking the rails is purrfect for looking out your windows. You can also catch a ride on the ceiling fan from there too. Whee!
Dat be bery bwave, Harley! U doeded it bery wellz. OK?
It looks better win Daisy is doing it.But I did git sum good ideas frum the video.
Pawsome Rail Walkin Harley! It was very daring of you!
Did you and Daisy gets your treats okay? How did you likes em?
That's sooo cool, Harley!
Oh Harley!! You are very brave and you walked on those rails like they were nothing!!
Your TX furiends,
Yikes Harley!!!! You are brave! I don't like heights! (I would make a bad cat, I guess!)
Ha, this is awesome! I need to get a bed like this now! My one cat used to jump up on the frame of the glass shower door and walk around on it like he was on a tightrope. Then he would think it was too far to jump down and I'd have to get him down.
Harley, you are very agile aren't you? Quite the athlete! You had me nervous when you were near the fan, but you navigated that like it was no problem. Awesome, Harley!!!!
Harley, maybe you should consider being on the US Gymnastics team for the next Olympics! You are very talented and so brave!
Padre, Panda Bear, Meerkat, Cookie, and Caramel
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