New Treats!
Here is a new treat we just got. It is freeze-dried roasted chicken! The only ingredient is chicken breast. And it is made in the USA. I cannot wait to try it out!

New Treats!
Posted by Daisy at 6/22/2010 04:00:00 AM
Labels: treats for cats
67 Notes for Daisy:
How does Harley like the new treats? I will have to order some for my kittehs, since they have the Daisy Seal of Approval, I know they'll love these too!
Oh, they look very yummy, Daisy! Nom nom indeed! :-)
I bet my cat would love these! Whenever he smells chicken he goes crazy.
Wow Daisy, those DO look yummy. I will have to ask Momma to get us some to try. Want to know something funny? Our Momma had a Grandma Lucy!!
You so love your treats don't you?
Looks like you are enjoying your Noms Miss D. I LOVE temptations, but haven't tried any chicken bits.
nom nom nom they look super tasty!
Oh I could see that your eyes followed the treats and the excitement was obvios on your face Daisy. I guess I could enjoy it too.
Viva the treats!
YUM!! They sound like pure chicken goodness! We absolutely love your eating faces!
Oh Daisy, you are making us very hungry. We are hurrying over to check them out. Thanks for letting us know about them Daisy.
Hope you have a great day.
Oh My Cod - those look very Nommy!
I love your photos, Daisy! It looks like you love treats as much as my Charlie does :) We'll have to give these treats a try!
We love Grandma Lucy treats but have never tried the Chicken ones! I guess we'll have to try them now.
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
I think they would be very nice, especially since I roast chicken!
You are a very good spokesmodel for these treats, Daisy! We will have to try them.
sounds yummy daisy. do they have freeze dried cake?
smiles, auntie bee
Ooooh, those made you eyes light up, Daisy! They MUST be good!
I like roasted chicken too!
You've convinced me. You make them look Yummy. I think you should do a commercial on TV.. :0)
om nom nom is right.
those treats look delicious, daisy!
you are one very lucky kitty :)
you look so 'acited about your noo treats!!!
given your recommendation i'll try to get some for the boyz.
Wow, you really like those! "Bird" is the only thing my kitties will eat, I must get some of these for them.
judging fro your eyes, you really, REALLY loved those treats, Daisy!
Mmmmm, Grandma Lucy's! We love her snacks. (although the venison is a bit chewy) We look forward to trying the chicken!
What a tasty looking treat!
That sounds like a really delicious treat!
oh DaisyCakes, you look like you are TRULY enjoying those chicken treats! perhaps i should try some too.
Hannah would go mad for those chicken treats - when we have chicken she swallows hers down so fast if I pause for a moment my dish is empty.
Luv Lucy
Maxikat hasn't nom'd a treat she didn't luvr
Redkat will nom almost anything. He would like to try bug-flavored treats if they made them LOLOL!
Oh Daisy don'tcha just love those freeze dried treats. YummE
Benny & Lily
Your big, googly eyes are proof of how much you love your new treats! I'm happy your Mommeh is willing to try new things, especially if they are delicious things.
Wow! They look really really yummy Daisy!
Oh those look wonderful!
They look very good. I am glad you like them. :)
That chicken looks very yummy!!!
Those look good. Fenris has some Happy Hips duck breast and they are very yummy. Us cats got some of the crumbs that fell out of his mouth.
Yay! Chicken treats! Who could resists chicken? Nom nom nom good huh Daisy
You looks very cute getting dem treats from your momma. Thanks you for sharing and linking to our store.
Daisy, you are the most precious girl!!...We love those photos!...Did Harley like the treats too?...We were surprised he wasn't in the picture trying to get between your Mommy's hand and your mouth!!MOL...Happy day sweet friends...kisses...Calle, Halle, Sukki
Daisy, where do you get the freeze dried duck hearts? One of my kitties has allergies to anything but duck, and I feel bad when the other cats get treats and he doesn't.
Mmm, treats...nomnomnomnom
Those look a lot like the Halo freeze dried chicken treats I love! I wonder if these smaller companies make even tastier treats!
It seems like you almost ate your Mommeh's fingers!
They are not freeze dried roasted chicken!
because of this glowing recommendation bitty bopper wants some off to the store i
Daisy, they look yummy :)
Mmmmmm!!! They do look yummy!!
I gets them too. Here they are called 'Thrive'. Who cares what they are called...they are yummy in my tummy.I love your expression Daisy. Miewmie only gives them to me as special tweets when I have been a really good girl !!
Daisy, your facial expressions are priceless!
Don't eat too many. Gotta keep that girlish figure in tip top shape!
Oh Daisy, seeing your little hand trying to help mama get the treat into your mouth is adorable. But then, YOU are a adorable.
You sure do look like you are enjoying those snacks Daisy. Are you sharing with Harley or are those all yours?
Wow, you look really really happy with the new treats.
Those treats look very nommy. You look very excited to have them.
I wonder if my cats would like these. One of my boys has stomach issues so I have to be careful about treats, but if its just dried chicken...
From the look on your face, Daisy, they MUST be very good!
Wowie Daisy, now I want those!
You make those treats look so yummy Daisy! Does Harley like them too?
Daisy you are so very cute! I wonder how your mommy gets such wonderful picshurs while she is giving you your treats. She is very great.
I has a little bit sad that you not say "They are delishus" I thinks of you everytime I hears that word.
We are glad you gets a nice treat that you likes a lot.
Hi, Daisy!
Those treats sure are delicious!
Glad you are enjoying them!
Kisses and hugs
Oh boy!!!! We can count on you to show us new goodies that are taste tested ;) heehee
Glad you like them!!!!!!!!
Purrs Mickey,Georgia & Tillie
I just love the last picture of you grabbing for the treats!
Those look deeeee-licious, Daisy!
Interesting. Luna is so picky about treats, I wonder if she would like this...
Nom, nom! we love treats!!
Marko, Ani, & Marcel
Boy, don't let Tripper steel yer stash the way he did mine!
"Get in mah belleh!!!"
Awesome photos! I love the one where you're "helping" your mommeh to feed you.... :)
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