Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Bee-ing Happy!

GUESS WHAT!?!?!!! I got my PRIZES from winning Catster's Buzzin' Into Spring Contest! These are just a FEW of my FABULOUS and EXCITING prizes. I think my very MOST favoritest present is my MORGAN BEE BED! It is very COMFY, and the colors make my furs look HANDSOMER! You can get your very own MORGAN BED. Just click on the words MORGAN BED in this sentence. Morgan, you are one COOL kitty! Here is a BIG BEE! I like to hug him. And bunny-kick him. I hope he will not STING me!
My favorite TOY is the little fuzzy bees made from PIPECLEANERS! I can STRETCH out the curly antenners.
I have HAPPINESS OVERLOAD! Thank you for my WONDERFUL prizes. I am the LUCKIEST cat in the WORLD!
I made a MOVIE of ME having FUN with my PRESENTS. Daisy tried to STEAL some of my presents. She is BAD like that.

If you cannot see the video, you can click here to watch on YouTube!

65 Notes for Daisy:

Sparkle said...

You are not kidding about happiness overload, Harley - you hit the jackpot! Although I do think it would be nice if you shared your toys and with Daisy. It is the gentlemancatly thing to do!

Christine said...

Concatulations, Harley, you got lots of nice toys and noms and stuff. But yeah, Sparkle is right, you should share with your sister. I bet she would share with YOU!

michico*Adan*Lego-小芥*阿丹*樂高 said...

Congratulations Harley~!
Those are lots of toyssss!!!!
I can totally feel your happiness!

Cat with a Garden said...

Just pawsome, Harley. Many concats on these fabulous prizes!

Quilts and Cats said...

Wow...you look like you're on happiness overload! What fantastic new toys and your bed looks very cosy. Maybe you share just one new toy with Daisy. Jaimie

SeaThreePeeO said...

Wow! Those are pawsome prizes!

We loved the video of you and Daisy enjoying the prizes.

Charlie would love the big bee and the pipe cleaner bees. He's a bee-holic

Karen and Gerard said...

You look like you are having so much fun with your prizes in this video! It's only right to share with Daisy though. It actually doubles the fun if you have someone to share it with!

MyCatsRule said...

Wow, H, concats! Looks like you definitely hit the awesome gift motherload. Enjoy your toys, and at least spare a couple for your sister. It would be the polite thing to do!

Raymond and Busby said...

Dude! So awesome! Concats on the great prizes! Love the video.

Marg said...

You sure do like that bed Harley. And congrats for winning all those terrific toys. Well done.
Good job Daisy trying to get some of those toys. That is what Harley gets for chasing you so much.
The pipe cleaners look like a terrific toy
Have a super day.

Lin said...

WOW! You did get cool things there! Love the bed with the bee theme. And your mommeh chose some fine "bee" music.

The Florida Furkids said...

ConCatulations on winning those great prizes! That bed looks great and those toys look pawsome.

Sniffie and the Florida Furkids

Sweet Purrfections said...

Cool presents! Loved seeing the video with Action Harley and Daisy. That Daisy was sneaky, wasn't she?

Kea said...

Wow, concats on winning those awesome presents!

Harley, you seem to be such a happy, silly, fun boy--it's always a joy to come and visit your blog and see what you and Daisy are up to. :-)

Sarge Charlie said...

ok harley, if i remember right, miss daisy shared her toys with you.

Flamincatdesigns said...

Concatulations! Dat bed looks totally pawsome! You found da best kind of bee, no stinger! MOL

Meghann said...

Very cool presents! I love that song in the background...what was it?
Hope you love your toys for a long time, and hey Harley, you can share you know, I know Daisy sometimes shares things with you ;-)

Amusing Bunni said...

Ahhhhh, Harley, you have so many cute prizes, I love the bee and your cozy bed. Have fun playing.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on the toys, Harley! You deserve them all! What a funny little boy you are. :)

Can your mommeh share the name and artist of the song that plays in your video?

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

What a great prize Harley. We can see how much you like your new bed when you were making biscuits in it. Maybe you could let Daisy play with some of them. She liked the bag.

Empress Bee (of the high sea) said...

BEE stuff???? tits! i love bee stuff! that bed looks so comfy too harley! are you going to let daisy nap in it?

smiles, auntie bee

Dma said...

wow that's quite the haul. congrats!

Hannah and Lucy said...

We love your bed Harley and it looks as though you do too. Poor Daisy - you are a meanie - could you let her have one of bee toys to play with. If you don't we shall call you Scrooge!

Forever Foster said...

Concatulations Harley! Your package looks like lots of fun, and your Morgan bead looks very kneadable.

brokenteepee said...

Well, Harley it is nice to share you know. You do look like you are having fun.

Anonymous said...

Wow, that is some nice bunch of presents. I can see you like your new bee bed too.

Anonymous said...

oh Harley, you are so handsome and happeh wif all your new toys!!! you looks especially good in that sweet bee bed! i am sending my mommeh over to etsy to check out morgan's beds.

JD at I Do Things said...

WOW! Harley!

Those are some great prizes! I bet Pru would like the pipe cleaner bees, too.

I don't think Daisy meant to be bad. She just wanted to play with you.

That bed looks very good for making biscuits on.

i beati said...

harley i would pick the bee too sandy

The Oceanside Animals said...

Just remember not to play with REAL bees!

Guido the Italian Kitty-Big Angel Now said...

WOWza MEOWza Daisy! I gotza da 2nd purrrEyes in da Beeing Silly foto contest and me and myself izza bussing bout my bag of pipey cleaner bees! Let's get together fur a Pipey Cleaner Fest!

The Crew said...

Hey, congratz Harley. That's quite a haul there!

Puglette said...

what an awesome prize package!! you really are a winner!! your new bee bed is bee-u-tiful! you were making biscuits and snuggling so nicely.

so, it looks like daisy ruins your good times too. i think you guys are just siblings and sharing can be difficult.

i hope you both have lots of fun with all of the cool stuff you won!

Kathy said...

Harley, what a fine collection of toys you got there. So many! But it's because you are special mancat. I'm sure you will eventually share with Daisy. Maybe give her a toy of her own? Do you know what a peace offering is?

Amy & the house of cats said...

Wow Harley those are GREAT prizes you got! They look super FUN! And we think you could always put on your OFFICER outfit and arrest Daisy for stealing your toys - BUT we know you are a sweetie and so we think you would be nice to SHARE with Daisy!

Your Daily Cute said...

Whoa! That's a lot of bee stuff! You made out like a bandit, Harley.

Pip said...

WOW you got lots of stuff! You look so very happy in your movie.
We like watching you and Daisy playing.
Have fun with your prizes!

Angel Junior, Orion and Sammy said...

Concatulations Harley! Those all look like wonderful prizes!!!

Jacqueline said...

Congratulations on getting such great prizes, Harley; that bed looks so comfy and those toys look like lots of fun=we're sure there is enough stuff to share with your beautiful sister..It's great to see you so happy, handsome boy!...kisses and hugs...Calle, Halle, Sukki

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

congratulations! THose are great gifts!

Ann said...

You hit the jackpot with that one Harley. Loved your video, you sure are enjoying those prizes. I did spot Daisy trying to get at them too. I'm betting you'll end up sharing with her.

Katherine said...

You need to be the spokescat for that bed company! You are LOVING that thing!

MYM said...

love the movie! :)

The WriggleButts said...

What great pressies!!

Shaggy and Scout said...

What a great batch of loot!
It would be nice of you to share with Daisy so she wouldn't have to resort to stealing them......

Donna said...

That is awesome. Good for u. :) And yay Morgan too. :)

Skeezix the Cat said...

Harley, yoo better share yer toyz with Daisy, or I'll come and beet yoo rite up. Yoo woodn't even be on the innernets if it wuzn't for Daisy. Show a littul gratitood, pipskweek.

Anonymous said...

Gotta love the Bee theme, it does make your furrs look more handsome!!

Ozark Mountain Cats said...

We just love Morgan Bed's. We finally got one last year after the biped gave away a bunch to her cat friends. We wanted her to order some more beds cuz there's some really cute one's on Morgans etsy site right now.

Anonymous said...

Wowie Kazowie! You really got a lot of good prizes Harley! We also think you should share with Daisy. She would share with you.

The Island Cats said...

Wow, Harley! You sure got a lot of good prizes!! Congratulations!

CCL Wendy said...

Wow Harley -- you must have BEEhaved very well to get all those prizes! Most of them seem bee-related -- very cute. That bed seems very cushy, and you really seem to like to chew on the pipe-cleaner bee. Surely you can share a little with Daisy! She shares everything with you.

Hey, you should wear your bee costume and pose in your bee bed with your bee toys! Bee Overload!

Rosemary B❤️ said...

Oh wowiewow Harley, you got a lot of great prizes, all well deserved.
LOVE the video of you two testing out the stuff.


Lorenza said...

Congratulations, Harley!
I can see you are really enjoying your presents!
Kisses and hugs

BeadedTail said...

Concatulations on your prizes Harley! You got lots of pawesome stuffs and we enjoyed watching your video of you in action with them! Daisy did try to get in your bag but since you got so much stuffs, we're sure you shared with her.

SophieKitty said...

Holy cow! You hit the mother lode, Harley! Your happiness is contagious.

Katnip Lounge said...

Harley, all we can say is you look SO happy! You make us smile...Daisy too! Although we do not think she is bad...

Just Ducky said...

Cool stuff Harley, have fun.

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Concats Harley. Um, amember when yoo din't haf a real home and lived at da shelter? Well, Daisy shared not only her home but her mommy wif yoo...don't yoo think yoo could share some of dem toys yoo won?

maya said...

wow well done for winning all those cool prizes, harley.
you are a very lucky kitty.

Keiko said...

Oh Harley, what a wonderful prize pack! You look so happy in the video! We love the song too! It is very cool that everything is bee-related!

Milo and Alfie Marshall said...

Daer sweet Harley,

If anycat deservs a happiness overload it's yoo! We always fink back to that sad time when yoo was in the shelter (before yoo got a forever home) and yoo only had one toy to yoor name ~ and we cried when we read about how yoo tried to protect it. And now we are smiling big time 'cos yoo have an awesome stash.

Terrie D. (StarSpry) said...

I love the video! Congratulations on receiving all those fun prizes! I can see how you would have happiness overload :)

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

Wow, Harley, you got some great stuff. Mr Bee looks cool!

Maureen said...

Aw, that was adorable!!!! Congrats Harley! You and Daisy both are very, very lucky!

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