Look! One of my delicious freeze-dried roasted chicken treats!

I sure would like it. On account of it looks extra-delicious!

I got it! I just had to get on the other side of the glass.

Treat, get inside my belleh!

And now I will show you my calico toes. Do you like them?

Chicken Under Glass
66 Notes for Daisy:
Daisy, I am seeing you from all sorts of new angles today!
Great Pictures of you Daisy. I love the shots of you eating the chicken treat, but the toes are the best. Very creative.
Mmmmmm ... chicken ~ how delishus!
Those are some really pretty calico toes Daisy. Love those shots. very cool
Toes!!! Daisy, you should get double-treats just for showing those adorable calico toesies!!
U be sillyz, Daisy. OK?
Heyz! Ur toez lookz jist likez MY toez.
Sometimes the toes are the best part of a calico!
~Lisa Co9T
You don't like chicken, do you? MOL
Love your calico toesies!
Wonderful post, Daisy! Those toesies are wonderful, perfectly aligned together. Glad you enjoyed your treat.
That chick-hen treat looks very yummy. We think you have very cute toesies.
Your calico toes are very cute.
We can see you were loving your yummy chickhen treat. We love your calico toesies they are very pretty.
Daisy, what cool pictures. You are very smart to get on the other side of the glass to eat your treat!!!
Those toesies are just adorable!
Oh! I love seeing those calico toesies. What a pretty girl you are all over!!! Mommeh loves seeing kittehs thru glass 'specially and she also said she loved the song you wrote for me. She's saving that! ♫
Mommeh wrote both of my kitteh furriends mommehs and tol' them how to do the music notes.
Hahaha! I love those shots!! And those pink and black toes. And your extra pink belleh.....
I luvs your little toesies! An Iz glad that treet got inside your belleh too.
Love the calico toes. Those pictures are terrific. Mommeh must have had to do tricks to get those pictures. That does look like a yummy treat. Hope all of you have a terrific Tuesday.
Your 2nd pic licking your nose is soooooo cute! Well all your pics are cute but that one gave me a big smile.
We like how the treat listened to you when you told it to get inside your belleh!
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
Hahahaha! This cracked our human up. :-D
Very creative photo shoot today!
I like chicken, too~ In fact, we're having chicken sandwiches tonight for dinner!
stupid glass.
We love you, Daisy. Both your toesies and the inside of your mouth. Hee hee!
oh Daisycakes, those cutie-pie toes!!! good job making a mess out of that treat, two paws up.
You are so lucky - send Evie some prayers - she is very very sick..
Aw, that was FUN! Love your little toesies, Daisy!
Mmmmm, we love those treats too. We just got our first shipment of them from Nip and Bones on account of you and Harley blogging about how much you love them.
We love your Calico toes!
Accursed invisible force field.
Fabulous post=we love every Daisy angle!!...You have adorable toes and we enjoyed the views from the glass!...kisses...Calle, Halle, Sukki
I love your toes, Daisy. *blush*
You have wonderful toesies, Daisy.
Yes I like your treats and toes!
When you really want something you really want it don't you?
Coffee is on.
We are glad you conquered the glass ceiling.
I love your calico toes!! Thanks for showing us!
WOW. I really like that shot of the chicken getting nommed.
Daisy, you are so smart to know you have to jump up ON the table to nom the chicken. On the other paw, we can just imagine Harley continuously jumping up and banging his head trying to nom it from underneath. MOL
"The Photographer" did a very good job! Enjoy your treats!
Catzowey itza Chicken Little, oopsatini, I means Little Chicken dropping frum da sky!
Are you sure that wasn't Daisy under glass?
Love the spotty toes!
why yes, i do like your calico toes! i also like the pictures of you planning your attack on the treat!
What an adorable post by you, today! And your Calico toesies are PURRceious!
::drools:: Oh, your treat looks nom-ilicious, Daisy. We do like your calico toes, too. We each have boring all-dark tabby toes...
-Pip, Smidgen, Minnie
I love your toes, Daisy! Those are great pictures :)
Goodness, I quite admire your quick reflexes!
Great action shots Daisy!
Wow you do have amazing toes, and I should know because I have a bit of a obsession :-)
Daisy and harley,
Found the cutest video for you guys to show your Mommeh and Daddeh!
Love, Theresa and Joe and Bobby
Miss Daisy-Face, your toes are KYOOTKYOOTKYOOT! AND! You're so funny, too!
That treat and your toes look very delicious!
hey, guys, I miss you!
love your pink shirt, Daisy! and Harley is a workaholic cat, hã? LOLOLOL... love chicken too!
all the best for you all!
Heck that chicken looks awesome!! * sneaks over for a sniff *
oh cute tosses daisy!
smiles, auntie bee
Mmmmm, I likes chikin! :)
WOW your toes are very pretty and colorful!
bonkbonkbonk for treats
We liked these photos, especially your cute calico toes Daisy!
Wow! That was something to see, Daisy! And taste!!
Ooh, you figured that out right quick! Iza is good at solvin problems like that too.
Im not...
Pawesome pictures, Daisy!
Kisses and hugs
What a great perspective of treat chomping! And love your 'jellybean' toesies!
It looks like someone likes glass tables as much as we do (and treats, too, of course).
Daisy, I would love to chomp on your beautiful toeses just like you chomped on your chicken treat! They are THAT delicious looking!
Yes, I loves your toesies, Curly cat.
Your "pinto-bean" / "raisin toests" are adorable Daisy!!! I love them!!
You have such cute little tootsies, Daisy! We love how some are pink and some are grey!
Padre, Panda Bear, Meerkat, Cookie, and Caramel
Oh yes, I LOVES your toes!
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