LOOK AT ME! I found this cool BUG outfit in DAISY'S stuff. It has BIG eyeballs! I like bugs. They taste CRUNCHY!

And GUESS WHAT?!! I have TEN legs! I am no EENSY-WEENSY spider.

Do you SEE how the BUG-SUIT matches my NOSE!?! And the EYEBALLS match my own EYES. Sort of!

Harley the Lovebug
62 Notes for Daisy:
ah...like sister...like brother. you look great harley.
with those stunning eyes!!
Do you mean the colour of the eyes, or tha fact that they're googlie? :-)
Harley, Rumblemum was afraid cause she's scared of bugs... but she's glad she was brave and looked cause you are SO CUTE (her words. we said you're handsome)
Harley, you're a Lovebug even without the outfit!
Um, Harley? Have you been rummaging in Daisy's closet again?? That may be naughty, but you're SO CUTE in that outfit!!
HArley, you are the cutest lovebug EVER~!!!
You look just perfect in your bug outfit, Harley!
Harley, you look great as a huge bug. Hope no one crunches you. Good job modeling that outfit. Love those eyes.
Have a great week end.
Harley, we agree, you are a lovebug with or without the cute costume!
Sorry Harley, I think that pink bug costume looks silly on you. It was way too small! You should give it back to Daisy.
Uh oh, Harley! Daisy is going to get you if you don't stay out of her closet.
Harley, you make a great bug...are you crunchy??
Cute as a bug in a rug!!
I nevar saw a pink bug afore but its mai favrit bug evar!
We LOVE yoor love-bug owtfit! And we LOVE yoo too!
I love the crunchy taste of bugs too, Harley! But don't worry, no matter how well-disguised you are in your bug outfit, I will not eat you!
Well, it sort of fits you, Harley.
Ohh my buggy goodness you made us laugh tonight Handsome Harley. We think you did a fab job modeling in your costume.
Hahaha! Oh, Harley, you are TOO funny! I love your buggy eyes!! (The "fake" ones, I mean)
Harley, you are just what Mom needed this morning!!
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
You are the cutest love bug Harley.
That was our mum who said that. We told her you shouldn't call mancats cute.
Oh Harley you look so cute in the lovebug costume - it works - we love you. Hannah xxxxx Lucy xxxxx
Purrs to Daisy.
cute as a bug in a rug harley!
smiles, auntie bee
You are the cutest man cat ever!!!
i've never seen such a handsome bug. honestly.
You make one adorable love bug, Harley! :)
shocking in pink
the eyes were the first thing i noticed - match yours perfectly!
Harley your green eyes and whisker humps have me hypnotized!! What a gorgeous bug you are today!
Harley you ARE a lovebug
You are a precious love bug, Harley :D
MOL!...We love your fun bug suit, Harley=the photos on your blog always make us smile!...We think you and Daisy are terrific; love you both lots!...Happy Friday, wonderful friends...kisses...Calle, Halle, Sukki
Harley, you are the BEST ten-legged bug we have ever seen. We would not crunch you although Mommy might snorgle you to death!
Squee!!!! Harley you look fantastic :-)
Nowmally, I am not vewy fond of bugs, although the cwunch factow might change my mind, but you awe the handsomestest bug I've evew seen..I especially love youw matching nosey
smoochie kisses
Harley you are the cutest bug we have ever seen! We love that your nose matches the bug-suit too!
Awww Harley, you are one cute, scarey, pink bug!! I can't believe you are patient enough to wear that costume...I would have clawed my way out of it in a millisecond. I think I look good as me. But I honestly think you look great in that bug outfit!! You go...bugaboo!! :o) Purrs, Lautrec
Harley! You make a great bug!!!!!!
I quite like a bit of buttery escargot, myself.
Nice suit Harley!
Too bad you can't take off the googly eyes from the costume and just have your eyes. They are always so magnificent!
you look very cute!
Harley, we think you are such a sweet Lovebug!
Oh Harley you are just adorable in that. Some guys can't wear pink but you can definitely get away with it.
Yoor a good bug Harley!
You make a terrific bug, Harley :-)
-Pip, Smidgen, Minnie
Harley, You are so sweet and very comical!
Uncle Bobby
You are the cutest bug I have ever seen!
You look sooooo cute, Harley!
Kisses and hugs
Hmm, we are not sure if Daisy will like you going through her closet and trying on her things, but you look super duper cute in it though!
Harley, you're such a hoot! You know, you could jump up onto the canopy frame on the people-bed and drop down like a spidder and scare Daisy!
Harley yoo look mahvelous in yer spider suit!
10? Really? Cause the Human and me can only see how there would be six? Have you done something sneaky with the other four???
Harley, you are the cutest Lovebug EVER! The pretty pink accentuates your sweet little pink nose perfectly.
O hai! I like ur suit. It makes u look like a very real cat-bug. :)
Harley, well, we'll just say it - you look pawsome!!
...& might we add, delicious!
~Nico, Simon & JayJay :)
Honestly, Harley, you look cute in anything!
You look wonderful in pink! Really!! I like the buggy eyes!
Wow, shockiing. I thought you were a real bug Harley. This is a superb costume and you are a big lovebug for sure
Oh my goodness...Harley, you look great!
You look adorable Harley! Harley the Love Bug!
Padre, Panda Bear, Meerkat, Cookie, and Caramel
Great Googlie Mooglie! You sure make the cutest bug ever!!!
Harley! You look adorable... even for a spider. All set for Halloween eh?
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