Thursday, September 2, 2010

How Does THAT Work? Neutering!

Today I will explain an IMPORTANT subject. Many Mancats might wonder, WHAT is NEUTERING? Well, I am here to EXPLAIN everything!
Baby KITTENS do not get NEUTERED. This is because you must WAIT until you get LOTS and LOTS of toy BALLS. Once you have ENOUGH balls, your mom and dad will decide you are READY to be NEUTERED. See, I have LOTS of balls!
USUALLY, the doctor will TAKE your balls when you are SLEEPING. This is so you do not NOTICE your balls are MISSING! Your doctor will ONLY take TWO balls, so you will still have MANY left to play with. When you WAKE UP, they are just GONE!
Once you have been NEUTERED, you cannot make BEBBEHS any more. This is because GIRL cats mainly like MANCATS with LOTS of balls. It is IMPORTANT for every MANCAT to get NEUTERED. Since there are MANY cats without HOMES, giving up your EXTRA balls is a NICE thing to do.

ps: GUESS WHAT!?! I got this fancy BUTTON with my PICTURE on it, wearing my BEST uniform! You can get one, TOO, if you want by clicking on THIS LINK! It is not a REAL badge like REAL police wear though. Oh yeah, and I do not have a REAL fan club, just a PRETEND one.



73 Notes for Daisy:

Sparkle said...

Harley, you have LOTS of fans! Including me! And I don't think we are pretending!

Ann said...

Harley you are the smartest cat I know. What makes you even more special is that you are willing to share what you know. Loved this post, a cute way to pass on a very important message :)

Donna said...

Oh, wow! I think I have to go to the Nawty Barn now. :)

Kthx for remindin the hoomans to get their critter friends spayed or nootered. Is good. :)

I am a Harley Fan too! And a Daisy fan! :)

Angel Simba said...

Harley, this is a marvelous post, and I would LOVE to have one of your Fan Club buttons! But I am sorry if any of the girls are turing you down because you have lost two of your balls. Because you still seem to have plenty.

Anonymous said...

Oh Harley, how funny!! We always wondered how that works. . . . .is it because they're girls that jane & Alice don't have many toy balls??

Forever Foster said...

Hahahaha! Harley, you made our mum snort.

Tommy and Teaghan said...

Mommy just snorted her tea frew her nose while reading bout yur balls. Me just whimpered a little.
~Beau Beau

Angie, Catladyland/Katt Food said...

Harley, thank you for your message! I feel 1000% smarter now :)

Sweet Purrfections said...

Harley, even if you are missing some of your toy balls, I'm sure the ladycats still love you.

AFSS said...

Harley, U has a real fan club. We are your fans.

MOL about the neutering. You are so silly sometimes. But thanks for reminding everyone about the importance of neutering.

The Taylor CatSSSSS said... did a great job of explaining the importance of spaying and neutering!

Unknown said...

yeah, seymour missing two of his balls. it was kind of hard getting use to him not walking around carrying those balls every where he went. but on the bright side...he still has plenty of balls to play with just like you!!

Marg said...

Harley I betcha you have tons of fans. We certainly will put this Harley fan club button on our blog. We loved the explanation of the balls. We didn't understand though, Mom fell off her chair laughing. But that is such an important message and what a great way to get the message out.
Have a great day.

The Monkeys said...

Ha ha! Love it!

JD at I Do Things said...

Harley, that is the best explanation I have ever heard for how mancats get neutered. I'll have to check -- I think Gus still has plenty of balls.

And your fan club is NOT pretend. It is very real!

Golden Woofs! SUGAR said...

woof! Woof! WOWie ... Smartie Harley. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar

Pandafur said...

Oh thanks you fur xplaning that so well Harley, it makes a lot more sense now!

Anonymous said...

Harley, only Gracie has any balls in our house. She has 2 pink sparkle balls... only they don't seem to have any sparkles left on them. The mancats of the manor only have mousies. What did we do wrong?

And you are wrong, Harley dear. You have a huge Fan Club!

Dma said...

thanks for explaining that... although i have to admit i involuntarily cringed through the whole post.

Empress Bee (of the high sea) said...

i think you are right about this harley. i think sarge lost a few of his too.

smiles, auntie bee

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

Your exposeés are always SO fascinating, Harley!

Admiral Hestorb said...

Harley, I am a fan! trust me. My mommeh is too.

You provided such an important message mommeh said, and my mommeh is smiling so much, ackshulky, she's laughing and snorting. I don't know why. You had to give the Dr. some of your toy balls, but it seems like you have a lot of them left for playing with girl cats 'n efurry all is well.

i beati said...

balls hahahahahahah

absepa said...

Well done, Harley! I think this might be the best "How Does THAT Work" ever. It is extra-important that all the pet mommehs know about spaying and neutering, too.

Gail said...

Thank you Harley for a most informative and fun post!

Hannah and Lucy said...

Hannah and Lucy are looking worried and hiding their balls!!

Harley you are such an expert on so many things - we think if you went to kitty school you would be better than the teacher.

las794 said...

Thank you so much for explaining that, Harley! (except I think I ruptured myself laughing...) I'll be a member of the Harley Fan Club... and the Daisy Fan Club! :)

SeaThreePeeO said...

Now we understand everything Harley! Thank you!

Anonymous said...

Harley, you are a geen-ee-us!

The Oceanside Animals said...

Hmm, well that doesn't sound so bad then.

Gemini and Ichiro said...

I made Ichiro look at that--but he said he was neutered already and he is only four months old. They must have lots of toys at his shelter...

Raymond and Busby said...

So THAT'S what happened to our balls! We were wondering. Thanks Harley!

Liss said...

Harley, that was just great! You have such a great take on life ;)

The Florida Furkids said...

Thanks for explaining that to us. You're so smart!!

Thanks for purring for Sniffie.

Sniffie and the Florida Furkids

Puglette said...

thank you for the informative post today, harley. and i would love one of your fan club buttons! and your fan club is very, very real my fuzzy little friend!!

Meowers from Missouri said...

harley, you is quite the studly kitteh, wif or wifout toy balls!

an' yer post is a public service announcement that needs to be made--ofur an' ofur an' ofur again, acause some beans just. are. not. gettin'. the. message. we wish you were a really-policecat who could go out an' arrest all those stoopids!!

Pip said...

Oh Harley- you are just so very smart! I certainly think you have enough balls to attract any girlcat you want!
I am a very big fan.

Sarge Charlie said...

harley you sure know how explain things.

The Whiskeratti said...

Harley, that is one pawsome explanation on a very impawtant subject. Thank you very much!

PS: We can't figure out why our the Mom is still laughing but she is. Hoomins are weird.

Mo and The Purries said...

Oh Harley, I think that's your best post ever!

Cats~Goats~Quotes said...

That was a very good lesson, Harley.
~ The Bunch

Shaggy and Scout said...

It's a good thing the doctor doesn't get too greedy and take more than two of the balls. If he nooters lots of cats we imagine he must have an entire room full of just balls, even if he just takes 2 from each.

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

I khouldn't not khomment today!

Well done Harley!


Theresa111 said...

Dear harley,

Thank you for the good explanation about the balls. I am sure you have helped some male kitties decide it is a good thing to do.


Uncle Bobby & Theresa

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Harley, yoor fan club IS real, we know, we is members. Do yoo think da vet is giving da two extra balls he takes to da kitties dat don't haf homes? Speedy agrees dat it is furry importint dat all da guys get der neuter so der aren't so many homeless. We think it's importint fur da ladies to get it too, so we don't haf a bunch of babehs to take care of.

Anonymous said...

You don't need a fan club, your house has central air conditioning!

Cat said...

Harley you are fantastically funny and so very clever. My boys were wondering what happened to their balls and now they know!

I am a huge fan and hope it is okay if I put your Harley fanclub badge on my blog :-)

Katnip Lounge said...

Harley, Thanks for explaining that to us! None of us Lounge ManCats have our balls. Although Johnson acts like he does. Every evening. Poor Scouty.

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

Thank you for explaining it so well to us Harley. We never were sure where our balls had gone until now.

Two French Bulldogs said...

Ooooh so that's why I am missing 2
Benny (& Lily)

SophieKitty said...

This was your best post, Harley. My momma just laughed and laughed until her eyes were leaking.

The Creek Cats said...

MOL!!! The doctor took 2 of Ziggy's toy balls and part of his left ear yesterday. This really confused Ziggy so thanks for explaining it to him.

Jacqueline said...

We are big Harley fans!!...You are so smart=thanks for clearing up that neutering subject!...We have lots of toy balls and will share with you anytime, sweetie=you are always welcome to come play with us!!...We love you, handsome Harley...kisses...Calle, Halle, Sukki

Skeezix the Cat said...

Duz this meen Daisy won't wunt to be my speshul frend if she finds owt I don't have any toy balls? I'm confyoozed. Don't tell her, k?

Lorenza said...

Hi, Harley!
You need to have lots of balls and then they take away your balls?? Hmmm....
Interesting that neutering thing!
Kisses and hugs

Lin said...

Uh...I'm speechless on this one, Harley. But it made me laugh. ;)

Terrie D. (StarSpry) said...

Harley, this was an awesome post!! Thank you for the badge...I am definitely a member of your fan club :D

BeadedTail said...

Harley, we're glad you explained all that and that it is very impawtant for Mancats to give up their two balls! MOL! We'd love to be in your fan club too!

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

You are the smartest mancat We know! Know we know what happened to our favorite balls!

Chrissie said...

Harley, you slay me DED! And my mom is cackling so loud I think the sound barrier has been breached. I know she's singed a couple of my ear-hairs, for sure!

Dude, I would be PROUD to be a member of your fan club!

Your Daily Cute said...

I love this. I'm sharing it on the Cute's Facebook and Twitter.

Harley, you are one smart kitty.

Shauna said...

I am new here! Would love for you to come visit me too :)

Have a great day!

Rosemary B❤️ said...

*wimper* I am glad you still have some balls Harley
I think every kitty wants one of those cool Harley fan club pins. They are bonk cool

Rosemary B❤️ said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
(angel) Grrreta and Fam said...

Great message! The best part is that the vet never takes any of the jingle-y or sparkle-y balls.

We are REAL members of your fan club.

brokenteepee said...

Harley I think it took a lot of your balls to explain that to everyone.
Good job!

Kimo and Sabi said...

Is there a Daisy Fan Club badge too?

fambly kittens said...

We is gonna joins your fan club even if you don't really have one 'cause we think that you deserve a little worship!

Amy & the house of cats said...

Hi Harley! This is Gus from the House of Cats - the others let me do the comment today because I just got neutered last Friday - and so I am very glad that explained this because I had no idea what happened! I know that my mom is super proud of me for being a good boy and giving up two balls, but I didn't know what she was talking about - now I do! I think it is great for all the boycats to get rid of their balls - that way the ladycats won't be interested in the ones with more balls. And there are some ladycats who do like the boys who are neutered - they just don't want to have kittens with them. My only question is do you know what is up with the ladycats - my sister was there with me when I got neutered and they did something - did they take her balls too - because she has a bunch but she prefers pom poms and mousies - did they take those instead?

Oh, and my mom and the others said to tell you that we think you are awesome and we are totally Harley fans - and we think if you have a button that is enough to mean you have an official fan club!

The Meezers or Billy said...

I wants mine back - Nicky

Janet said...

lol Harley, you MUST make a commercial! Every mancat will want to give up his balls when he hears your testimonial!!!

Cory said...

I checked Nigel, Figaro and Madison...and guess what? Theirs were missing...only toy balls in our house, and most of them are under the couch!

The Furry Bambinos said...

With a name like Harley, we think you have lots of balls! Thank you for explainifying that to us!

We would like to join your fan club.

Padre, Panda Bear, Meerkat, Cookie, and Caramel

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