My Earliest Movie!
Ohai! This is a picture of me from when I was much younger. I been thinking about how I have some new friends who might not have seen some of my oldest movies...

If you can't see the movie, you can click here to watch it on YouTube! We just got a new HD camera, so we will be posting movies from the new camera as soon as we can figure it out!
ps: I want to wish a happy, happy, happy birthday to my extra-special friend, the handsome Skeezix!

61 Notes for Daisy:
Thanks for posting that historical video. I wasn't on line back then, so it's fun to see you when you were little. Great!
We LOVED watching the movie, Daisy! And it was so nice to see Pixie again. Thanks for posting it.
Great movie Daisy, and onve again, I LOVE the music. I wonder how you manage to find such cool quirky music for your films!
Miss D - we love your movies and it is a treat to catch a glimpse of Pixie bananas.
Daisy, we LOVED seeing this video (we neber saw it before). Yoo were cute then, and yoor cute now! We love yoo, sweet gerl.
Oh, how nice to see sweet Pixie again!
Daisy, your beauty is timeless!
PS. We also love to drink from the faucet! Especially Whitey!
That was a fun video! We liked seeing Pixie too!
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
Oh Daisy, you've always had star quality!
~Lisa Co9T
Hey there, thirsty girl! Cute then, cute now! I loved the video :)
You looked very busy in that video! That was fun to watch!
Thanks for sharing the video. I really enjoyed it!
I don't think I'd ever seen that movie Daisy!
Thanks for sharing! We are always delighted to see Baby Daisy.
Your a cutie Daisy, then and now! We loved your movie - we hadn't seen it before. Thanks for sharing it again.
-Pip, Smidgen, Minnie
Awwwwww! Pixie!!!! Very cute!
you wear your age well.
psssst daisy... i think u may have had a drinking problem... and it looks like pixie taught you the proper way to react to younger siblings...
Hi Daisy. A great good morning to ya! That music you and your mommie chose was purrfect! And I see you were a healthy minded little girl and hot the salad bar there as well as drinking lots of good water to help wash it down.
That was mommy's name there,,it's me, the Admiral.
It's a lot of fun seeing pictures and videos from way back when. It was lovely to see Pixie, and we laughed at your design skills in distressing the leather :)
Wow Daisy! You were quite adventurous back then!!!
Luf, Us
Daisy, you are the most glamorous movie star ever!
We hadn't seen your movie Daisy - it looked as though you were having so much fun. We loved you drinking from the tap - slurp slurp
luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx
Dat is a good movie. It had a lot of funny parts! :)
wow, you were a child star, i had not seen this
You're so adorable, Daisy! Thanks for re-sharing your very first video :)
It was nice seeing Pixie. Mom was thinking about her yesterday.
We love your movies!
~ The Bunch
I really enjoyed watching that video of you in your early days, Daisy. I see you had lots of energy and got into everything -- hmmm, sounds quite a bit like Harley.
And it seems you pestered Pixie -- hmmm, shades of Harley pestering you!
It seems everything comes around in time! LOL!
Oh look at you as a kitten!!!
You were working hard in your film, Daisy. No wonder you were so thirsty!
It was great seeing Pixie again, too. From her response, we don't think she wanted to play with you.
Daisy you were certainly an inquisitive kitten girl. Pixie obviously was NOT in the mood to play. Loved the movie!
Daisy you were a star from the day you were born.
very cute movie! you have always been a star! i it was very nice to see pixie, although it was kind of like she thought you wanted to spoil her fun nap. hugs to you all!!
That video was adorable!!! You angel sisfur was furry beautiful!
That was fun! We've seen all your vids before but like all good movies, you can watch them over and over and still enjoy them!
Oh, we have a 'distressed' leather chair in our house too...courtesy of Coco!
Hi Daisy! That was so fun to see your first movie, and to see Pixie. We haven't followed you that long (well, probably a year now) but we do click on the random post thingy sometimes - but we had never gotten this one so it was super fun to see!
Great movie, Daisy. You sure had that kittenish attitude about you.
Hi Daisy,
Great first movie. You are quite the star. I like your orange toy.
Hi Daisy,
Great first video. I hope to get in the movies soon. I like your orange toy. Fun!!
We love your movies Daisy! And it really was nice to see Pixie again!
You were very playful Daisy!
What a fun video! But Daisy, I am kind of wondering... could it have been that YOU were Pixie's fun-killer, sort of the same way Harley gets on your nerves now?
That was a fun movie Daisy! You sure know how to have a good time! You were such a cute little kitty. We liked the cameo of Pixie too!
Daisy, this video sure put a smile on our faces! We hadn't seen it before and it was so fun to see Pixie's reaction to you. Felix says he thinks Pixie was quite a gal.
How old were you in here? You don't look fully grown yet.
Love your first video. I got the impression that Pixie did NOT want to play :) Loved the casual act at the end when you got busted with the Christmas decorations.
Ha! The Woman says that music is going to be stuck in her head all day. Good job! The video was really fun to see...Buddah distresses all the leather around here just like that!
Daisy, we had so much fun watching you have fun!! Thanks for sharing that with all of us!!
Daisy you were destined to be a star from the very beginning!
How nice to see Pixie again!
Don't think we've seen this movie even though we are old-timers! Our fav is 'your brain on nip' one.
What a classic movie Daisy. My only ? is did you finally get enough water?
That is a cute video of you Daisy and it was lovely to see Pixie too. We watched Catnip Reefer Madness after because that one always makes us laugh.
Watching video - grinning like an idiot!!
Thanks for sharing your early years with us. We have a purple toy like your orange one. It was Wizards favorite toy!
I do enjoy your curly world. How photogenic you are Daisy!
Oh Daisy!! That was a fun movie and one we had never seen!! We loved the part with Pixie!! And we loved the outfit you sent to Skeezix for his birthday!! It was purrfect for him!!
Your TX furiends,
You are a star!
Theresa and Bobby
You are just tha cutest cat effurr, Daisy.
It was nice to see Pixie, again, too.
Looks like hers didn't want to play wif you, though.
Love & Purrs,
Hi, Daisy!
I loved your video!
Sure you were having fun around your house!
Aaaand... I guess Pixie did not want to play with you!
Kisses and hugs
Daisy, I fell in love with yoo all over agin, seeing that old video of yoo. Thoze were the days, wern't they?
Thanks for helping make this my BEST BERTHDAY EVER!!!!
Thank you for sharing that, Daisy! I had never seen it, so I very much enjoyed it. Especially the part where you drink . . . and drink . . . and then drink some more.
Aw, Daisy, thank you for reposting that; I hadn't seen it before! You were (and of course STILL are) so cuuuuute!
Dennis says ha ha ha that Pixie was funny! Daisy is beautiful
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