A Harley-Monster!
RAAAAAWWWRRR! Did I SCARE you? It is just ME! The Harley Quinn. Here is my Halloween COSTUME. I am a MONSTER with FOUR, no SIX EYES! (Including the ones in my OWN head).

A Harley-Monster!
Posted by Daisy at 10/22/2010 04:00:00 AM
Labels: Halloween costume for cats
73 Notes for Daisy:
Hee hee hee! That is furry funny, Harley!
Oh Harley, you are very scary!
*Alice runs from the room*
we love your costume, Harley!
it suits you perfectly :)
Love, Bella & Ollie.
YIKES! We're scared!! We like your shiny blue costume. Even Daisy looks a bit scared!!
The Florida Furkids and Angel Sniffie
I am a little bit scairt of you Harley!
You are a scary monster Mr Harley, we hopes you don't frighten any kids.
Oh my goodness! My kitties just heard me scream and ran downstairs!
Harley, you look like a scary monster from OUTER SPACE!
eye see you!
Oh Harley, with all those eyes, you are going to be very dangerous. You really are scary. But good job modeling that wild costume. Sure is different.
Hope all of you have a super week end.
herl-eye you still look adorable...
smiles, auntie bee
Harley, I'm not so sure you're scaring Daisy. She has that big sister look in her eyes that says, "what now?"
holy crap harley, you are scary
Oh Harley..my catness! What a scary costume. be careful around kittens now!!!
Yikes Harley, you are so scary that our mum ran off screaming! We are big tough mancats so we are not scared..........are we?
Quick!! Runnnnnn!!!!
I think I would like a hat like that too!
But not Kali!
Hi Harleye - we feel a bit nervous with you having so many eyes - we hope you won't tell our mum if we're just a little tiny bit naughty.
We hope Daisy and you have a fun weekend with your mom and dad
well i hope you never need to get a pair or pairs of glasses.
Eeeeeeeeek! We wuz scared til we knew it wuz yoo!
hilarious and scary
Harl-eye, you is one funny dude!
hi harl-eye!! i love your costume! in fact, i love it so much i bought four of them for my doggies to wear to their pug party this weekend!!!!!
how cool!
I for one welcome our new B.E.M. overlords.
hahaha! What a great costume, Harley! You're sure to get lots of treats wearing it!
You scairt us Harley! We don't think Daisy was too amused though but we think you're an adorable monster!
Daisy does not look very afraid.
MOL. Harl-Eye! You are too FUNNY. :)
Be careful not to scare any little beans or kittens with that outfit!
Hee hee! Harley, Daisy looks like she may smack you at any second. Or maybe that's what I would do to EG. hee hee
That is a unique costume Harley!
Luf, Us
Ha! Extra points for you, Harley, for keeping that costume on your head, that must have been difficult! We love the eyeballs on stalks! Daisy looks scared, did she hiss at you?
Daisy doesn't look real thrilled with that...
MOL!!!! Harl-eye! You are a scary monster!
OMC. That's a great outfit Harley... I love it. IT makes me laugh with all those eyes.... The eyes have it... HEE HEE HEE
have a great weekend.... Max
Haha! Harley, we don't think you are scaring Daisy at all!!
Wow, Harley. That ios quite some costume. Don't scare any little children coming tyou house to trick or treat!
Your costume made our Teri snort and we woulda had bug eyes too, just like Daisy, if you had walked up to us!
Oh, boy! :) Dat is weird! :)
Harl-eye, I don't think Daisy is scairt.
(But I do want to know... where did that wild costume come from?)
Harl-eye, you look like a scarey bug from outer space!!!!
::runs away::
Harley, you made me laugh!
Very cute Harley!
So many eyes, Harl eye. You are a crack up!
I hate to tell you this Harley but you didn't scare me at all. I think you are the cutest monster I have ever seen.
That is some costume Harleye
Pip's mom here ... Pip was so scared of Harley's costume that he is hiding under the bed!
Your pal, Pip
DOOD! THAT IS A TOTALLY AWESOME COSTUME! I love the stalk-y eyes and the shiny-shiny skin...Hail, Harle-eye!
I guess Daisy is really impressed with your costume!
Kisses and hugs
Hahaha! I love your costume, Harley! Super scary... in a cute way, of course.
Yow! you are very scary, Harl-Eye! (hee hee!) Though Daisy doesn't seem too impressed...
Happy weekend to both of you-
Pip, Smidgen, Minnie
Hilarious. I don't think Daisy is scared but thinks you are goofy, Harley :D
Zoicks! Harley, that is one funny costume.
I am not so sure that Daisy is scared! THat is a nice costume, though
Oh, Harley! You're the cutest six-eyed monster I've ever seen!
Thanks for the Purrthday wishes. It is taking me forever to get around and thank everyone for stopping by.
Well!!! Mr Magic Eyeballs is pretty spectacular ;) heeheehee
Purrs Mickey,Georgia & Tillie
You are a very cool momster, Harley!!
Harl-eye, we're very scared...
You got too many eyes!
Daisy looks extremely dubious...
Purrrrs, Keiko, Kenji, Pricilla & Yuji
LOL, oh Harl-eye, you are a sight for sore eyes!
What a laugh :)
You look appropriately concerned Daisy!
Harley, with all those eyeballs, you'll be able to find all the treats!
We think you are the cutest skarey monster we have ever seen!
And, um, are you REALLY that much bigger than Daisy?
That is an awesome costume, Harley!!! The blue is perfect for you!
Oh my goodness Harley, I almost didn't recognize you! What a fabulous costume you're wearing...is there a contest?
Oh Harley, you look scary! But very cute at the same time :-)
I myself am terrified Harley. I don't think you should wear that because other kittehs might get all fainty from fear and that can't be good.
Oh my goodness, Harley - that is such a witty costume!! :-) Although I have to say - Daisy didn't look very impressed! Ha! HA!
Honey the Great Dane
He he he that was soo funnys! But it scared Mumbles and he hid under the couch.
Oh my goodness Harley, you look like a space alien!
Harley, that is very scary, but you somehow manage to look CUTE at the same time. We love your costume!
We love your costume.
Theresa, Joe and Bobby
Ahahahaha! Wow, what a costume Harley!
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