Monday, December 6, 2010

Monday Funnies!


49 Notes for Daisy:

Sparkle said...

I dunno, Daisy, when it comes to Mr. Shrill, I think that maybe it IS the money, not the thought, that counts!

Freya's Staff said...

Maybe a pair of scissors that he can run around with on Christmas day? :-)

Anonymous said...

I have a feeling that Mr. shrill might not be a grateful receiver.

Milo and Alfie Marshall said...

WOW! That is SO generous Harley. We could neber give away our catnip narner.

Lisa Kolosey said...

You must have a really good heart, Harley to give away any nip toys!
~Lisa Co9T

Forever Foster said...

If you have a little play with it just before you give it to Mr. Shrill, I bet he would appreciate the extra spit :)

HH and The Boys said...

What a generous thing to give up you catnip nanner... wow. I hope he appreciates it.


Marg said...

Oh Harley, what a great kitty you are to think about giving Mr.Shrill your wonderful catnip naner. Maybe do give him so money and then he will run away.
Take care and have a great week.

AFSS said...

Harley you are very sweet.

The Island Cats said...

Haha! Make sure you put a lotta spit on the nanner before you give it to him, Harley!

SeaThreePeeO said...

MOL! If Mr Shrill doesn't want the narna Herley, we'll have it!

Dma said...

if mr. shrill doesn't appreciate your thoughtful gift, the boyz will be glad to accept it...

The Taylor CatSSSSS said...

Harley, you would give away your catnip nanner??? must love Mr.Shrill!!

Admiral Hestorb said...

Oh Harley, how precious of you to give Mr Shrill your bananer! I know how special and from the heart that is. Mr Bill will SURELY change his mind! ♥♥♥

Puglette said...

harley, you are a sweetie pie! hugs to you and daisy.

Hannah and Lucy said...

Harley what a generous and kind hearted man cat you are. If Mr Shrill steals your narner we hope he slips on it's skin and knocks himself out.

Raymond and Busby said...

Harley, you are a good dude. Mr Shrill? Not so much.

Kea said...

Harley, you're very generous to give Mr. Shrill your nip naner. We think that earns you extra brownie points with Santa Claws.

Mr. Shrill could use a lesson in graciousness!

The Meezers or Billy said...

what about coal?

Gemini and Ichiro said...

Oh Harley, your gift just brought tears to my eyes!

Shaggy and Scout said...

The thought is nice Harley, but we think he might not treat it with the right appreciation.

Cat and DOG Chat With Caren said...

Ok I must be out of the loop on what's hot but who is Mr.Shrill??? He looks like Mr.Bill! MOL!

I think it is very generous of you Harley to want to share your catnip nanner! That is a prized possession!

Kali said...

I do not knowed about Christmas!!

Do puppies gets presents for Christmas too?!

I thinked I might like Christmas!

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

Maybe some new cloths?

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

You are very generous Harley, but we think Mr. Shrill is not very appreciative.

Your Daily Cute said...

Aw, that is so sweet of you to be willing to give your nip nanner to Mr. Shrill. You are a very kind, kitty.

brokenteepee said...

You are very sweet Harley. I hope Mr. Shrill is as nice to you....

Katnip Lounge said...

We think Mr. Shrill might like cash better...but Harley, you are a sweet guy to offer up your nanner.

Anonymous said...

Now that was so very generous if toy Harley!

Anonymous said...

Gosh Harley, that's one of the nicest Christmas Presents I've seen! Some people (Mr. Shrill) just don't know a heartfelt loving present when they get one! You rock baby boy!

Amy & the house of cats said...

Oh Harley that was so sweet of you to give Mr Shrill your nip banana. We hope he appreciates what a sweetie you are!

Jen said...

That's very nice of you Harley, I hope Mr. Shrill appreciates the banana.

The Florida Furkids said...

We think Mr Shrill should get a piece of coal! You've got a really good heart Harley!

The Florida Furkids and Angel Sniffie

Angel Junior, Orion and Sammy said...

Well, Mr. Shrill may not actually deserve anything but coal for Christmas.

Harley-that is very nice of you to want to give something to Mr. Shrill. And being willing to give up your nip bananer is incredibly generous!

Ann said...

Harley you are so sweet and generous. I don't think Mr Shrill is going to be appreciative though. Some guys just don't get it, not like you do

Sweet Purrfections said...

Mr. Shrill may get the holidays mixed up and think it's "trick or treat" again! Watch out Harley! You mean well, but I wouldn't trust Mr. Shrill.

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Harley, yoor to good fur Mr Shrill...he's a greedy, thawtless oaf. It's a life lesson, not effuryone is as good hearted as yoo, yoor fambly and yoor frends. Sometimes dey do not haf good intenchuns either.

Donna said...

Dat is so sweet of u, Harley! Everyone loves catneep. :)

michico*Adan*Lego-小芥*阿丹*樂高 said...

That is a BIG gift~ Harley~
I am so proud of you!

Rosemary B❤️ said...

Silly Mr. Shrill!
Harley, just give him a bonkbonkie Penny!

Happy day to both of you

Two French Bulldogs said...

Oh Harley, BOL
Benny & Lily

Christopher said...

OMC It's so good to "see" you and Harley again!
I just got back to blogging. I've missed everyone so much!


I just love your Funnies!


Cory said...

Harley, Mr. Shrill is an idiot! Why...a pre-owned and licked nip nanner from you would make us girl kitties go wild!

Cat said...

You are so thoughtful Harley!!!

A few Good Cats said...

You are giving up a prized possession, Harley, so you are noble and unselfish no matter what Mr. Shrill thinks.

Clooney said...

Wow, Harley, you'z such a nice guy to give away your special catnip bananer. I tell you what, if Mr. Shrill DOESN'T appreciate your heartfelt gift, I'll give him a pair of "cement shoes" for Christmas.

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

Harley, mebbe Mr Shrill will give it back as a present to YOU! Then youve both given a gift AND ya have yer Nanner!

Anonymous said...

Everybody loves a nanner!!! We miss you Pixie!

The Oceanside Animals said...

Mr. Shrill doesn't seem to be motivated by sentiment ...

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