Today we have a guess game. This is a game I just invented, and it is about paws!

Here are two pawprints. One is my pawprint, and one of them is Harley's pawprint. Can you guess which belongs to each of us?

It is always best to think real hard before you answer a quiz.

When you think you know the answer, press the Answer Button to see if you are correct!

ps: Soon I will show you something extra-special that we did with our pawprints! Can you guess what it is? Maybe my Mommeh got a pawprint tattoo?!?

Tic, Tac, Toe!
52 Notes for Daisy:
Awwww....I knew that daintier paw was yours, Daisy.
I guessed right too! I bet I know what your human did with your pawprints, but I will wait for you to tell us instead of saying what I think.
I got it right! I know what you got for your mommeh too, but I won't spoil the surprise.
We guessed right too! An' we have a suspishun that we know wot yoo did wiv 'em! We bet yoor mommy was thrilled wiv it!
That was easy because Harley is obviously so much bigger than you. I am anxious to see what your mommeh did with your paw prints. I don't think she got a tattoo.
Yay... I guessed right... Wow... a tatoo of your pawprints would be pawsome.
Can't wait to find out... Max
We guessed right too! Looking forward to the next story!
We knew the little dainty pawprint had to be you Daisy.
We got it right too. We can't wait to see what you are doing with them. We know one neat thing you can do with them. Hope you have a super day.
That was a cool game! And if your ma got a paw print tattoo.... THAT IS TOTALLY PAWESOME!
I got it right. But of course yours would be the petite looking paw.
I can't wait to see what your mom did with the paw prints
I know! I know! I'm with Sparkle--I think I know, but I'll let you tell everyone! ;) (I'm on FB, so I've got an "in" with Daisy info!)
huzzah! i got it right! but i guess i kinda cheated.... :p
hmmm... perhaps your mom made a beautiful work of art using your pretty pawprints. :)
I guessed correctly! Daisy, you are too dainty for that giant Harley-footsie! Tattoo, perhaps??? That would be cool. Can't wait for the big reveal!!
I was wrong. Darn it...
I think a tatoo is a great idea!
We got it right!! We knew you had the small, dainty paw!! We can't wait to see what your mom did with those prints!
I guessed correctly :) Daisy, you both have really cute paw prints! Is your Mommeh going to frame them?
I had it wrong Daisy! I thought the one Harley made was yours. How embarrassing. You are far too dainty to make such a large paw print. By the way, my mommy LOVES paws. She's always giving mine little kissies! How mommy-like!
We were right - we were sure the biggest paw had to be Harleys!!!
your paw is very adorable, Daisy~!!!!
That was a little bit easy Daisy because you are smaller than Harley. I can't wait to see what your Mommeh did
You are so creative and with such dainty paws, too! You always make us smile, Daisy!
That was fun... Harley sure has manly paws.
We like your games. THat one was easy
yep, you have the daintier paw miss daisy, such a lady.
We were right! We thought the smaller cuter paw was yours!!!!
We got it right too! We are very curious to learn what else you did with your pawprints, Daisy. A pawprint tattoo would be cool!
Pip, Smidgen, Minnie, and Hollie
Yay! We got it right! Now inquiring cats wanna know what you got your mommy!
YAY! I was right! I knew Harley was the bigger pawprint too!
Can't wait to see what you did with the prints, maybe T-shirts?
We guessed correctly!
Daisy, what kind of ink did you use? We would like to do our pawprints for our Mommy, too!
I bet you made a bigger picture with several pawprints...and then.... made it into some great wallpaper! How about that?
Oh that was sooo easy Daisy - you petite beauty, you!
I guessed right! I know Harley is bigger than you...
Yay we got them right! We think that one was way to easy - there is no way that giant pawprint could belong to a dainty little girl like you Daisy! And we are very curious about what your mom did with them (and how she got them - mom has tried and not been successful at all!) We think a pawprint tattoo sounds like a great idea!
We were right in guessing you had the dainty little paw Daisy! And we're pretty sure we know what your mommeh did with your pawprints but we'll wait to see it.
Miss Daisy, we guessed right! We knew that the teeny tiny footprint was yours! That would be so cool if your Mommie got a tattoo of your footprint!!!
Hi Daisy, I knew that dainty paw was yours :-) We can't wait to find out what the surprise is!
PS - tried to comment yesterday several times but couldn't for some reason.
I got it right too!
Harley sure has big paws!
Kisses and hugs
Daisy, I knew that little petite paw was yours :D I don't know what your Mommeh did with your paw prints but I'll bet it's very creative and cute.
That was easy - Harley has big giant man-cat paws! And I know what you got for your Mommeh, too. But I won't tell!
We got it RIGHT!
I guess right! Paw prints are adorable.
Yep, we got this one right! We knew that little paw had to be yours!
mmmm I give up!
Coffee is on.
I got it right, too. Did you make paw print ornaments for your Mom?
I'd recognize those petite little hands anywhere...
I guessed right! You have a dainty little paw, and Harley has a big man cat mitt! I think I know what your mommeh did with your prints, and I can't wait to see!
YAY!! We were right about whose paw was whose :)
We cannot guess what your Mom is doing with the prints!! We are eager to see what she does!!!!
Purrs Mickey,Georgia & Tillie
I figerered youse would haf the tiny paw print since you is a dainty lady like me!
Harley is a manley big boy ;) mohmeh would be a big hit wif a tatoo of boff of yur prints too! ~Faythe ~GMT
I got it right!
Yea I got it right. Can't wait to see what your mom did.
We guessed correctly! You have tinier feets than Harley. How did you make the footyprints?
Padre, Panda Bear, Meerkat, Cookie, and Caramel (& fosters Sunny and Sky)
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