Tuesday, January 25, 2011

One of these things is not like the other...

Here is a scientific IQ test I have designed for Harley. Let us see if he passes!

One of these things is not like the other. Can you tell which is the fake bananer? Let's see if Harley can tell the difference!
He's studying the situation....
Hooray! Harley picked out the catnip bananer and passes the test!


59 Notes for Daisy:

Lisa Wallace + current cat said...

Harley sure sniffed that one out!

Freya's Staff said...

I'm surprised how close the colour is!

Keiko said...

Clever Harley!!!!
You look just like Kenji!!!
purrrrs, Keiko, Kenji, Pricilla & Yuji

HH and The Boys said...

Woo Hooo... Harley is very smart. Good job Harley.

pawhugs, Max

Marg said...

Oh Harley, you are just so smart. Daisy we really like your lab coat and glasses. Good job Harley. Have a fun day.

Link the Cat said...

Daisy, you sure are smart for designing an IQ test. Maybe you can make yourself rich that way. My mom, who's day job includes giving and interpreting LOTS of IQ tests, cracked up at this post!

Karen, author of "My Funny Dad, Harry" said...

I had no doubt Harley would pass the test. He is very smart! (Even I had it right!)

Forever Foster said...

Hooray! Well done Harley!

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

Clever boy, Harley! And we love your victory smile!

Dma said...

got to wake up pretty early in the morning to fool harley.

Kea said...

You can't fool Harley! :-D

SeaThreePeeO said...

YAY! We're glad that Harley passed the test!

Hannah and Lucy said...

How clever of Harley to sniff the right banana out of the dish. Well done Harley

Lin said...

HOoRay! (He's very smart!)

Milo and Alfie Marshall said...

We knew Harley would pass 'cos he is a very bright boy and we love him. We love yoo too, Daisy!

The Taylor CatSSSSS said...

Daisy, you look very cute. Harley did a great job!

Admiral Hestorb said...

Daisy, you look completely totally adorable in your glasses and lab coat!

Harley you are my hero!!!

Anonymous said...

Hooray, Harley is a smartiepants!

Katnip Lounge said...

Daisy, this was a no-brainer...maybe that's why Harley did so well!

OKcats said...

Good job, Harley! You proved you are VERY smart!

Gemini and Ichiro said...

Harley you are very smart!

Terrie D. (StarSpry) said...

Good job Harley! That looks like a really fun toy :) I love your glasses, Daisy!

Random Felines said...

Good job Harley (though we don't think Daisy should tease you like that). :)

Junk Drawer Kathy said...

Harley! You're a genius! You should ask Scientist Daisy if she has those funny-looking electrode things. She could hook them up to your head and see what's going on inside of it. Then you can do a "How Does Harley's Brain Work?" post. Because I would like to know.

The Island Cats said...

Harley has an excellent sniffer!!

Angel Junior, Orion and Sammy said...

Thank goodness Harley got that right. We would worry about his sniffer if he didn't.

jenianddean said...

I'm not surprised, Harley is pretty bright and a detective.

Sparkle said...

Of course Harley got it right - he does lots of thinking!

brokenteepee said...

Go Harley!
I am thinking it was probably an easy test.....

=^..^= said...

Golly! You're clever! We cudn't figure that one out!

~Slash & Bronzy

Shaggy and Scout said...

Yippee good for Harley!

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Hey, it was NIP...we sure hope he wouldn't get dat one wrong.

Cat Street Boyz said...

Good for you Harley, brains and a mile, smile........how dooo you keep the ladies from scratching you door down?
Our excuse is.....we live way out in the country=^Y^=

Trixie, Lily, and Sammy-Joe said...

Daisy, what a good test you created! We were totally fooled! But Harley probably had it easier than us cuz he could sniff the catnip, right? :D

Ann said...

Very clever test Daisy and Hooray for Harley for passing

M Dawson said...

I think Harley is adorable!! Well done that boy!!

Anonymous said...

Daisy you look very smart in your lab outfit!
Harley we know you thought that was easy peasy.
Wonder if Daisy could make an IQ test for Lewis...
the critters in The Cottage

Donna said...

Wow, I glad he winned! Yay, u are smart. :)

Forty Paws said...

Tee hee. He probably used his nose to figure that one out!

Luf, Us

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

Well done Harley, you have a high IQ.

Ivan from WMD said...

The nose knows, right Harley?

Lorenza said...

Smart boy!
Kisses and hugs

CCL Wendy said...

Hooray for Harley! At least his nose works -- it's only his brain you've got to work on now. LOL!

Laila and Angel Minchie said...

What a smart mancat you are Harley!

Cat and DOG Chat With Caren said...

YAY HARLEY!! See? he doesn't need glasses to be smart! MOL!
BTW Daisy you remind me of Sally Jesse Rapheal in those glasses! (hope you know who that is!)

Sweet Purrfections said...

I knew Harley was one smart kitty!

Us4 Cats said...

cat nip scores !!!

Anonymous said...

I bought one of those for my cats and it is gathering dust under in a corner of the living room - my cats just don't do toys! (Unless it's a piece of crumpled paper..)

Faythe said...

you sure have been having fun with Harleys bananer this week! Harley is smart & handsome too. I did not know you where a doctor Daisy! wow!

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

Yay, Harley! That's the one we guessed too!

Catsparella said...

I luv your "cat-eye" glasses, Daisy! You look a little bit like a waitress at a 50s diner :)

Two French Bulldogs said...

Your glasses are good dude
Benny & Lily

dArtagnan Rumblepurr/Diego Hamlet Moonfur said...

My dear... it is not kind to do IQ tests on your brother. I say this in preparation for my own brother, who will NOT give me IQ tests...

michico*Adan*Lego-小芥*阿丹*樂高 said...

Harley IS super smart!

one of Fae's humans said...


you are both awesome. <3

Clooney said...

Oh, you two are SERIOUSLY cute! And Daisy, you probably has a Secret Research Laboratory (like I do) to wear your outfit and conduct more scientific experiments...

Pip said...

Good job, Harley.
(We always has a little sad thought for your mommy when we sees bananers... we not forgets the ones who came afore.)

Anonymous said...

hey, he figured it out!

Teri and her Stylish Adventure Cats said...

Hey, we like science projects that involve Nip! Cute post!

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