Monday Not-So-Funnies
I am very sorry there are no Monday Funnies today. A bad, bad, bad thing happened over the weekend. Can you tell I am skerred and crabilated?

You can also click here to watch in full size on YouTube!
I am very sorry that I will not be able to visit as much as I would like, and I am on a hiatus from modeling. No cat can model with this much racket and confusion around! Luckily I have some posts already made in advance.
Once the ceiling is dried up, they have to tear up the shower and replace something called the shower pan, and then rebuild the shower, and then fix the ceiling. Ay yi yi!
Once the ceiling is dried up, they have to tear up the shower and replace something called the shower pan, and then rebuild the shower, and then fix the ceiling. Ay yi yi!

81 Notes for Daisy:
So sorry to hear of all the trubs and tribbelations, Daisy! Hope everything is back to normal soon!
Poor Daisy and Harley! We had a REALLY BIG flood in the room next to our apartment. Mom-Lady said it was so deep the water would have come up to the tips of my BELLY FLOOF! There were a bunch of those same machines running in there for days. I didn't like it at all and hid in the living room far away. And they weren't even in OUR house!
I hope your water all dries up soon! And the fixing the shower is quick and QUIET!
Maybe Ceiling Cat is skerred and crabilated too and is hiding?
Oops, that was us on mom's account.
Oh no, poor you two. Those machines are very loud and scary...we dealt with a leak not that long ago. Hopefully it is fixed soon so everything returns to normal!
OMC, that is terrible! Not just he part about Ceiling Cat either. Our old house had lots of disasters like that. The living room ceiling had to be replaced two or three times! We had machines, workers, you name it! I hope things calm down at your house soon (but judging from experience, I think it will be a while).
What a nightmare!!! No model can work under those conditions! I hope you will still receive the same amount of treats. You shouldn't have to go without...this isn't your fault. You'd better check your contract.
~Lisa Co9T
Oh Daisy! That is a terrible. terrible sound! We can quite understand why you are feeling so out of sorts. We hope it's all over very soon.
COD !!!! That's so loud !!!! How you can have a beauty nap...No way !!!
I hope you got some good sleep tonight !
I hope it's all over very soon.
The horror!!! I hope you guys are getting tuna. Ceiling cat knows you're the real boss Miss Daisy, he leaves your house alone.
Yikes....that's very skeery1 We hope things get fixed up soon. Camping out might be fun though. We think Ceiling Cat probably isn't as brave as you and Harley and ran away from all that noise.
The Florida Furkids and Angel Sniffie
Oh how awful and very skerry! We hope it is all fixed up quickly. Smoochies to yoo yoo and Harley.
that really sucks... :( i hope that things go smoothly so that things are back to normal soon!
and omg, no ceiling cat there?? i wonder where he/she went....
Sorry to hear about all the trouble; our Mommy went through the very same thing on 3 different occasions over a 20 year period(twice within a few months when they "said" the leak was fixed and it came right back after the ceiling was completely fixed)=it was such a pain Mommy refused to buy another 2 story house and now we live in a 1 story!!...We hope things get fixed very soon and everything returns to normal=hey, maybe you and guys can get extra treats while being so inconvienenced...Sending beautiful Daisy and handsome Harley big smoochies and big hugs to your lovely Mom=best of luck, sweet friends...xoxo...Calle, Halle, Sukki
Oh, Daisy, that's terrible! That's even scarier than the vacuum cleaner! No wonder you don't want to write a post or model--I wouldn't, either. *gentle ear-licks*
Oh Daisy, we are so very sorry. Major household repairs like that are no fun and involve lots of racket and strangers in your house. You have our sympathy and we are sending some comforting purrs as we knows how upsetting this can be.
I am sorry to hear that. Feel better! :)
We had those fanz when we had owr flood an it wuz horribulz. Iz sending *softpaw* an I hopes this iz all a bad memreee soon.
we're so sorry this is happening to you. No cat should feel scared in their own home. ((((hugs)))) to you all.
Peffe and Lussie
Oh no. How awful. We hope it all gets fixed very soon (and for less green papers than it looks like it's going to need).
Oh Daisy and Harley we are so sorry you have to be with those horrible machines right now. That is scary and we would be hiding under anything we could find. We sure hope it gets all fixed soon. Never a dull moment. You need to get some ear muffs. Take care.
Oh gees, that is like the vacuum times 10!!! EEEK! I can see why you are skerred. I am sure Mommeh and Daddeh are all stressed out too, which does not help. I do not like when the house causes trouble. :(
Daisy, you and Harley can come up and stay with us until the noise goes away.
Oh what a terrible noise, and those machines are so BIG!
We hope they work extra fast and get things back to normal quickly.
~ The Bunch
oh NOES!! we is so sorry! our little human litterbox room gotted ripped up a few monfs ago and efurryfing replaced, it was furry loud and annoying
Daisy and Harley we are so sorry you have got those noisy machines going but we don't think your mom and dad have any choice if you don't want the whole ceiling falling on you. It must be very scary for you and Harley when your mom and dad aren't at home and that noise is going on and on all day. We hope it dries all the wet up soon and gets mended.
luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx
So sorry! Good luck and I hope everything goes back to normal as soon as possible!
Daisy and Harley, we are so sorry this bad thing is happening at your house. We know it is usually pretty humid in Florida, so we think it probably takes a while to get things to dry out. We hope those horrible noisy machines to the job quick so the work can be completed and you can have your lovely quiet home back soon. xoxo
We hope everything gets repaired soon, Daisy, and that life can return to normal.
We have a mystery leak from our bathroom...the mom can hear a drip...drip...drip from between the bathroom floor and the kitchen ceiling below. It's not the tub drain or pipes in that area, because part of the ceiling has been removed to look. So she's stumped! She thinks the whole ceiling will have to come off. So we understand your distress at all the noise and confusion and chaos!
-Fuzzy Tales
that is bad news. hope things get back to normal soon.
Poor Daisy and Harley!! We had the same thing here, without the dehumidifier. We just sucked it all up with a Rug Doctor and shooed our babies, laying down a bleach solution for possible mold. We also have an air purifier. We thought the spot was fixed. Sigh. So new roof this summer.
The kittehs do not want to help. They don't like the new airfilter, but mommeh can breath better.
Oh house repairs and "home improvements" are the worst! What a mess and what a racket! Hope your house gets back to normal soon! I remember how terrible it was when our humans had insulation put in and the Naturestone floor.
Aw, poor Daisy!! A couple years ago, we had the same thing happen in the master bathroom. We didn't have to dry up all the water first with all those noisy machines but the strange mens came in and ripped the bathroom all apart and made a big mess! Mom says the only good thing was that she got a new bathroom out of it.
We hope your problems get fixed soon and you are less crabilated, Daisy.
Oh my goodness that's a big job - I bet the humans are a bit crabilated too!
Oh Daisy your Little Curly World is going to be turned upside down for awhile, and we know your people don't like it any more than you do!
But the worst part.....No Ceiling Cat! He doesn't like water any more than you do but he is watching and blessing you from afar...never doubt that.
oh, miss daisy, we are furry sorry yer world is all topsy-turvy an' noisy insteada just curley. at least you din't end up haffin' to go swimmin' from the leak!!
we bets ceiling cat has just relocated to a diffrent part of the ceiling; we're pretty sure she don't like rucktions eifurr. hope you an' harley can get take a little break outside an' go lizzerd-huntin'--just look out fur those GREAT BIG 'UNS! ;-)
Do not like! It sounds like it will be awhile before things are back to normal.
Dat is terrible!!! We would be under that bed with that much commotion going on in our house!!
hope it gets fixed and back to normal soon.
LP's friend recently bought a house and the same thing happened to her! The upstairs "shower pan" had been installed incorrectly and the livingroom ceiling and wall below had to be opened up, dried, replastered and painted. We hope the problem is fixed lickity split! Hang in there kitties!
the critters in The Cottage
Oh my Daisy! That sounds like a long drawn out process. I hope it goes quickly and easily!
OH NOOOOO terrible just terrible. I thinks that you are very brave. I would not be brave enough to go near those big blue thingys. I would be totally skerred too!
Oh Daisy! Those fans are scary! We had them at our little house 3 times before they found where the leak came from! You's lucky they only cut one hole in the ceiling to find it!
Me is sending yous lots of purrs (harley too)
When will someone invent ear plugs for cats?
Mocha Barney, Ashley Pumpernickel and Winniechurchill
Oh Daisy, what a dirty, rotten, no good thing to have to deal with. The water heater busted right after I moved in (the Great Flood of '09), and I had to try to be brave in a new home with those fans blowing non-stop. So I know how annoying it is.
Your friend, Zoe
Oh Daisy, what a mess. I am so sorry - I bet your Mommy said some bad wors, I know my Mommy would...
I'll bet your mommeh and daddeh are pretty crabilated too.
Oh my goodness! That is WAY TOO MUCH NOISE AND CONFUSION!!!!! We would be going bonkers here! Hang in there and stay far away from those machines!
Luf, Us
Oh my goodness Daisy that is frightening. Plus the fan monster, yikes!
Benny & Lily
Goo luck getting everything fixed and back to normal!
Oh Daisy and Harley. We are so very sorry the bad, bad thing happened. We hope it all gets fixed up soon!
Hi sweet babies. As bad as it is for you, and for your mom and dad...they feel even worse knowing you two are skeerd. ♥♥♥
Daisy, I am so sorry all of this has happened, but don't be skerred, you and Harley are brave little ones and all of this will be fixed before you know it.
Sorry you are having all this trouble and sorry you have been so scared. I hope it all gets sorted quickly and you can get back to normal.Hugs GJ x
I'm very sorry for your troubles. The fan did not sound so loud, but then I likely didn't have the volume turned up all the way.
It sounds like this is leading to a big renovation job, which will be nice in the end, but awfully intrusive until then.
It's totally understandable that you cannot model during this time of upheaval, but we'll be happy to see whatever your Mom has prepared.
Oh Daisy, how terrible fur you and Harley!
My mommy had this happen once, only was a gasket that breaks and sprays water every where. So she sais some guys comes and cuts holes in the ceilings and the walls too, just like you! But ceiling cat not lives here either. Lucky fur us it was afore we gets to live with mommy and daddy.
We hopes the camping is a little bit fun... Leaks sure can ruin your good-times!
OH man those big things are loud! I too would be very upset with those things in our house, making such loud noises! We hope everything will get fixed soon.
So sorry to hear this happened. Harley and you are much braver than I am because I wouldn't come near those loud fans.
We sorry to hear that not everything is great at your home. The fan and humidifiers sound noisy! We would be scared of them, more than the hoover! Be brave, Daisy and send our love to Harley.
Nishiko and Xanthe xxx
I'm so sorry for all the trouble you're going through! I hope everything dries and gets back to normal soon!!
We are so sorry that you had a leak. Repairs are no fun and those monsters are too loud!
That doesn't look like much fun at all. I hope they get everything fixed real soon so you don't have to be scared any more
Yikes :o !!!!!!!!!
You might have to move to the top floor of your cat tree!! That will not deal with the noise though :/
We hope things get fixed very soon so you two do not suffer from BIG TRAUMA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Purrs Tillie and Georgia
Oh no folks, so sorry to hear about this! Purrs to you both and your family, hope it all gets fixed quickly. I don't blame you Daisy, we'd be crabilated too.
those fan and dehumidifier thingies make way too much noise. we hope it gets fixed soon.
Daisy, I am so sorry to hear about the leak. And I know kitties don't like loud noises...I hope it will dry up soon.
Yikes with all the noise! Hope things dry up quickly and get back to normal.
Oh Daisy and Hawley
I'm so sowwy youw ceilings got all wet and you have to do all that wowk and be scawed and uncomfowtabull and spend youw tweat and costoome moneys on this stoopid showew thingy.
Stay stwong and comfowt each othew
I love you
smoochie kisses
My goodness...just be a good example for Harley and try to stay calm Daisy!
Oh noes! That is a very bad thing! We hope the shower and all the related stuff gets fixed real soon.
Daisy, that must be quite disturbing for you and Harley. Sorry your modeling career has been put on hiatus too.
You're a little early for House of Horrors week! Yikes!
You two are so brave!
I'd be hidding under a bed or into a closet!
I hope everything will be ok!
Take care
Kises and hugs
Oh Daisy & Harley, I am sorry you and your mom & dad have to deal with this. We've had water damage twice, and both times it was from a busted pipe under the TOILET! EW!
Strange men were all around with big boots and leaving muddy messes, and then the BIG VACCUM!! And those fans!
We have carpet, so it was a big mess. And then they put the fan UNDER the carpet, and teh carpet was bouncy! We didn't like that at all, and had to stay upstairs.
Tripsie and Kitty hope everything is better soon!
Oh Daisyyyyy and Harley buddy.
It is okay. Disaters happen like this so annoying.
We had this in our housetoo... and they had to cut a hole in the ceiling in the dining room. I was not living here yet... caesar and Prinnie thought it was very annoying but they love strangers and they were loving the fixer guys. It costs a pile of moneys too. As long as you are getting a new shower... get something nice.
bonks to all of you for a good week!
you poor thing!!!!! I feel so bad!!! That is awful!!! Hope things are repaired soon!! xoxoxo
I am so sorry that you got flooded and you and Harley are crabilated scared. That is not fun! And you know, I think Tenzing makes a good point about Ceiling Cat. Do you have a basement? Maybe *gasp* he is hiding there!
With all that going on, we'd be scared and crabillated too1
Oh no! A leak isn't very good at all! That sounds loud! I hope your leak clears up soon so you can have a nice quiet home.
Ack, water AND noise? We hope things get back ta normal real soon!
That's really loud!I would run away, too. It would get on my nerves really fast, in fact, I couldn't listen to more than 17 seconds. Whew!
Hi Daisy,
Am really behind with blog friends so am just catching up with your posts! That does sound really scare - in fact, I was scared just listening to it in your video!
Honey the Great Dane
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