We have not done a riddle in a very long time. Are you ready for one today? I think so.
What asks no questions, but receives lots of answers?
After you have thought for a looooong time, you may press the answer button to see if you are correct. Good luck!

Solve the Riddle!
38 Notes for Daisy:
That was a good one !!!
No , me and mom didn´t guess right :(
MOL.. I guess It's Harley
Silly Me : )
Oh, Daisy. I hardly ever get these right. Professor Daisy would give me a BAD grade! But maybe you would give me a treat if I try harder next time?
I think this is the first riddle of your I actually got right! I have a cat joke today that I think you will like!
I finally had to peek at the answer. I couldn't come up with one. Good one.
Have a great day.
pawhugs, Max
SCCCCCOOOORRRE!! (That is my World Cup sound for today) I got it right!!
Whew! I was biting my nails too.
O hai, Daisy!
Dat very funny. I wuz gonna say "The lady at the desk at the vet hoo thinks she knowz efurrything."
But I fink she just giving answers to questions I no asking cuz I no want to knows about them.
MOL - we got it right with The Human's help.
We like your riddles!
Hugs and Purrs
i have to admit i did not think very long before i hit the button. sorry.
You got me there, Daisy!
Dear Daisy,
Me did not even wait, me knew that yous would have a great picture answer and YOU DID!
Yous rocks!
Well we would have never guessed that right! But Esme likes to take the phone of the hook just to hear it "talk" !
the critters in The Cottage
Naw--we did not get it! But we liked it!!!
We didn't get it right, but we have missed your riddles...
I thinked that is the first one of your riddles that She getted without even cheating!
Daisy, it is too early in the morning for riddles for me - my mind was blank...
Hi Daisy!
MOL. We guessed it (hooray)!
We sure hope you, Harley and Mommeh have a great day.
That was a tricky one, Daisy! But, I guess right :)
Oh GOOD one - I didn't get it...
wow, that was a good one!
We got it! we are surprised that we did!
You are too clever for this goat!
That was a good one Daisy! We didn't get it.
Well, we didn't guess right! Good one Daisy!
You were too smart for us today but meditating on the big yellow button was relaxing.
You got us!! We had to look at the answer!!!
The Florida Furkids and Angel Sniffie
Daisy I was tricked I thought it was going to be Google. I try to talk into the phone too to see who is there.
Gee, we had ti think about that for a while,Mom too ;) But then we guessed the right answer!!! Whew ;)
That was a good one ;) heehee
Purrs Tillie and Georgia
Hi Daisy. You look so sweet with that little paw curled up like that. Usually, I am terrible at riddles. So I was delighted when I guessed yours right! You are such a sweet girl. Thank you for coming to visit me.
YAY!! I gotted it right!
We were stumped on that riddle Daisy.
Good one, Daisy!
We guessed it! We guessed it! Ummmm, the one in the answer picture, is that your very own? Your very own personal one? Like Harley can't use it? That'd be cool.
Thank you, Daisy! This were fun!
No luck with this riddle!
Good one!
Kisses and hugs
I like Mr. Puddy's answer.
In our house, the telephone doesn't get many answers either!!! : )
MOL! Too funny! Happy Friday, Daisy and Harley!
I love this game!
However I think I didn't the correct answer.Anyway it's cool!
That second shot is so sweet!
Ha! You got me! I didn't get that one...
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