Friday, August 26, 2011

I am not an Attack Cat!

I was very surprised and skerred this morning when I saw that my blog was listed as a Reported Attack Page! I swear I am not an attack cat.
When we got the details, it turns out that one of the blogs listed in our blogroll had been hacked, and since I had a link to it, I was in trouble, too! We removed the reported blog from our blogroll and submitted a request for Google to review my bloggie. I breathed a sigh of relief when Google removed the warning.
Now I am sad and worried that all of my friends will stop visiting me because they think I am an Attack Cat! I swear I am a good cat. Most of the time...

ps: Now we are wondering if we should delete our blogroll, just to be safe. We visit other blogs using Google Reader, so it's just there for other visitors to use. What do you all think?

Update: We have decided to remove our blogroll, at least temporarily. Harley and I also want to say we are sorry for anyone who got skerred when they tried to visit us earlier today!


68 Notes for Daisy:

Vanillabeanseed said...

We know your not a attack cat!! It was just unfortunate!! If you hate to delete it for your own safety, then do so! :D

Fuzzy Tales said...

We know you're not an attack cat, either! But yes, we have taken our blog roll/list widget off for now, because there was another message indicating we might be infected from someone else. So just to be safe, we've temporarily removed the whole thing.

Janet said...

You are a good kitty, Daisy! Everybuddy knows that. It's too bad there are naughty people in cyberspace that spoil our fun sometimes!

MyCatsRule said...

For your own safety, I'd delete it. Do people actually use it all that often?

Junk Drawer Kathy said...

Daisy, that was probably just a one-off thing. I wouldn't remove your bloggie roll. I bet it won't happen again. And Google did quickly restore you when you got rid of the bad one, so that's good news for the future. I love Officer Harley's picture and I always laugh at your "What?!" face. Have a happy, dry(ish) weekend and don't worry anymore. Worrying makes wrinkles and those are BAD!

Kali and Aswell said...

Wow! You do had a very big mouth! It is a good thing you is NOT an attack cat!

I do be glad google fixed your blog so fast! She did taked we's blogroll down so people would not getted that skerry warning on we blog but now that you's is fixed, we's is fixed too.

She do liked to use blogrolls and She all the time follows links from you's blogroll but if you do decided to take it off She will just find new blogs to read from you's visitors' comments anyway.

Rosemary B❤️ said...

Sorry Missie Daisy. You and Harley are too sweet to be attack kitties.

we deleted our blog roll a long time ago because it was more trouble than helpful.

bonks for a happy snappy week-end

Anonymous said...

attack cats... bwahahahahahaha.... not y'all! Except the fierceness for bugs and lizards...

Val said...

Harley looks like he's ready to lock up the bad guys once you find them. GO gid dum Harley!

brokenteepee said...

I am glad you are all fixed up. It is not nice that people hack blogs. Not nice at all

Anzu said...

Fortunately it might have been a cool black humor in your performances.( ;^・ェ・)ゞ
I'm fan of your Attack Cats whatever happens.

Helene said...

Awww Daisy I have tears---from the look on your face :-)
I pretty much click on the comment names when I want to go to a blog.

The Whiskeratti said...

We were very disappointed we couldn't read you this morning! We always look forward to Fashion Fridays very much.

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

We're very sorry you had such a nasty experience. We will always remain faithful fans!

weaverpat said...

Hi Daisy,
I didn't have any trouble with your blog this morning. I will continue to visit because you and Harley are THE BEST!

The Florida Furkids said...

We knew you were not an Attack Cat! We're thinking of taking our blog roll off too since we visited a couple of other blogs that reported a different attack site. We read from a reader and wonder how many people actually use them.

The Florida Furkids and Angel Sniffie

The Island Cats said...

Oh poor Daisy! We know you are a peace-loving cat!! We don't know why anybuddy would think otherwise. We're glad you are okay now.

Gemini and Ichiro said...

We would never think you were an attack cat!

The Island Cats said...

Daisy, one more thing...we do use the blog rolls on some blogs. Not that you should keep yours for that reason, but we do use them sometimes. Our mom has yet to figure out how to use google reader. She's pretty lame.

LP said...

Daisy ,anyone who would call you an attack cat is obviously an attacker!! Gah.Some people spoil all the fun :(
We think you should do whatever you feel most comfortable doing but we will drop by regardless of your decision :)

the critters in The Cottage

Angel Prancer Pie said...

We know! We were listed too! We checked and had "our man" check. We didn't find anything. It made mommy very upset that we might lose furriends. Mom's laptop crashed last week and she's been using our newly restored home computer. Her hard drive on the laptop crashed immediately after being infected. Not on blogger either. She was doin research. Sorry if we caused any trubbles. We certainly wouldn't do it on purpose. xoxo

Barb said...

Daisy, that face is fabulous! And, OH, that Harley!

Me and the G's are all still reading honey!

Marilia said...

Oh! So sorry about this Daisy! And we know you´re a sweet and cute girl!

Clooney said...

Oh Sweet Daisy, that must have been very scary! We know you are a good girl and not an attack cat! It's a good thing Police Chief Harley got to the bottom of everything and that it is all ok now!

Junk Drawer Kathy said...

Oh, and p.s. to Harley: I have a picture of you as Officer Harley as my iTouch background picture. And every time I use it, I show it to anyone who's standing next to me. And I do mean ANYONE! They all think you're so cute and "How does he do that? He wears clothings? That's crazy!" And then I feel like a proud surrogate mommeh and tell them how special you and Daisy are, and then I send them your blog link so they can see all your other fashion modelings.

Kwee Cats said...

Daisy, we know you are a sweet girl. No worries here. We are sorry that happend to you too. It sounds awful. We removed our blogroll a while back and use the Google Reader to do our visiting too. Its a shame there has to be such skerey stuff out here.

(((hugs))) to you and Harley. And have a good weekend!

Kwee Cats said...

Hi again. We had to come back because the girls here would not be happy until we let Harley know just how handsome, and by that we mean, HANDSOME, he is in his police uniform. The girls say he's even more handsome as a cop than he is as a superspy...maybe.
You guys have a good weekend!

Mickey's Musings said...

Daisy, the only attacking we think you do is to your supper!! heehee
We are happy that everything is OK :)
We like coming here!!
Purrs Tillie & Georgia

Sparkle said...

I knew you were not an attack cat! I figured Google was just being too cautious and had flagged a link on your blog. I see in my stats that sometimes readers click on other blogs from my blog, so I am reluctant to remove my blogroll - the blogs are there because I think they are worth visiting!

P.S. I AM an attack cat... at least when it comes to lizards. They had better watch out!

Sweet Purrfections said...

I've just been using Google Reader with the new blog and haven't started a blogroll/widget because I really stopped using it once starting Reader. Guess I better check Sweet Praline's page and remove the blogroll.

I know you would never do anything to hurt anyone's computer, so I'll still come back.

Mom Paula

Joanne Olivieri said...

Daisy, don't be skerred. We all know you are not an attack cat. I had to take down my blogroll for that same very reason. I also took off my Entrecard and Adgitize for that reason. You will still have all your friends and fans visiting you because we love you and Harley :)

Kal said...

I checked your name with the RCMP and at least in Canada there is no record of you being an attack cat. Now Harley is a totally different story. Just tell him not to cross the border because there are Mounties on horseback just waiting to snatch him up.

Karen and Gerard said...

So glad you got your blog fixed again so quickly. I knew you were not an attack cat! Now I am a bit skeered though about having my blogrolls. I actually do use them every day to visit other blogs on a regular basis but maybe I should just use my google reader too.

This is very bad! I have a long blogroll on two of my blogs too. I wish the hackers would get a life and leave people alone!

Ann said...

I've been away from the blogs the last few days so I had no idea but I wouldn't suspect you as being an attack cat anyway Daisy. you are just too sweet for that.

Cara n Crew said...

Don't worry, Daisy! We don't think you're an attack cat either! We only had got the message when we were visiting through Google Chrome; we scanned our computer after using IE and it was ok. We're glad everything is ok now with your bloggie.

Pip, Smidgen, minnie, Hollie

Lin said...

I was skerred, but I kept coming back until I got the "all Clear". I knew you were not an attack cat.

Whew! I'm glad you figured out the problem!

Unknown said...

Hi Daisy and Harley
Wes knew that yous was not an attack Cat! Malware is rampent. Blogrolls can be a door. We had some problems with aome of Mommy's work blogs and so wes never uses them any more. Wes also uses Wordpress for that reason.
We loves yous (Daisy & Harley)

Mr Puddy said...

Daisy, Me and Mom never stopped visit you. Don't you ever worry. We love your blog very very much !
and I purrs for your blog to get back to normal so soon !!! which I think it's now. Because I didn't see any evil on your page anymore.
Hugs to you, Harley and your mom

Jans Funny Farm said...

Don't worry, your readers know you aren't an attack cat. It was a wake-up call to all of us cause if it could happen to you - and others - it could happen to any of the rest of us. Very scary!

Glad you're back.

Willow said...

Daisy you are the opposite of an Attack Cat those malware and other computer problems invade so better safe.

Kjelle Bus aka Charlie Rascal said...

Good Morning Miss Daisy ! Me and mom knows that you are not an attack Cat , even if you surely have a big mouth in that picture :) Sorry that you have taken away your blogroll :( My mom doesnt know how that Google reader works , maybe we can learn :) Have a great Caturday !!!

Teri and her Stylish Adventure Cats said...

Oh noes...we have a long blogroll, too...we are hoping that blog isn't on our list. Can you tell us which one it was so we can delete it?

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

Not yer fault, and we didn't have anny harm. Hope things are really cleared uo fer you...

Unknown said...

I somehow thought Officer Harley was on the case. So happy it is solved and we all know these things can happen and it is not your fault.

Poppy Q said...

We knew it wasn't you causing problems. Thanks for looking after all of your friends.


Marg said...

Oh Goody goody, you are back Daisy. Boy we have missed you. We know you are not an attack cat Daisy. We are so excited to be able to get back in the blog again. And glad you got it all fixed. We think you are the best and it was not your fault. Take care Daisy and Harley and Mommeh too.

=^..^= said...

Dun worry, Daisy. Not once did we believe that you were an attack kitty. Harley too!

~Slash & Bronzy

Athena said...

We know you're not an attack cat! I'm sorry this happened to you. It must haf been furry upsetting.

Shaggy and Scout said...

We've never seen one of those skerry warnings before so it took us by surprise. Mom said out loud..."Daisy??!!" But there is so much funny stuff that happens with Blogger all the time we figured it was some kind of mistake and we went away to be sure.
Then when we came back later in the afternoon, they let us in to visit and all was well.
*Whew* That's a relief.

Gigi said...

Aw. Sweet Daisy!! I know you are NOT an Attack Cat (although a part of me finds the idea strangely exciting! Hey, I'm an edgy kind of guy!).

That was such a strange adventure! You must've been real skeered!

We ♥♥♥lubz♥♥♥ you, Daisy (and Harley also). Whew! Glad all that's fixed now!

Cat Wisdom 101 said...

Daisy, that's too bad about those naughty hackers. We still love you!

Barbara said...

Daisy - you're far too sweet to be an attack cat. I'm glad you got it sorted!

Admiral Hestorb said...

I know you're not an attack cat(s). You are too sweet and precius. Mommy has a Mac so she doesn't get affected by these things but even if she did, we would simply use our antivirus as we did back in the day that we had a PC.

Tamago said...

Oh I'm so sorry for the trouble you had! I'm glad the warning was removed. We sure know you are not an attack cat!!

A few Good Cats said...

We were concerned that you yourself had been hacked! And we're glad you've been pronounced clean once more so we can visit.

Smudge said...

An attack cat?! You?! Come on!!! Hope I'll still be able to read you!!

Teddy Westlife said...

I know you are not an attack cat! I created my own blog roll ages ago, and seem to have no problems with that.

Honey P. Sunshine said...

we did not beleave them wen da sed dat yoo were bad, dey were lieing.

Pip said...

We is very sorry this happens to you Daisy. We admire that you knows what to do when this happens. I thinks we would just cry. We marks your facebook splanashun so we might has a better idea of what to does if it happens to us. Thanks fur that!

We not takes you off our bisits, acause we knew you would never does anything bad. (We did stop bisiting you til you gives us the 'all clear'.

Love, TK and Squashies

Mike Golch said...

you are in my reader and you are staying there,No Ifs ands or No Buts!

Fluffy and Heather said...

As long as you continue to show your cute faces, we'll be back! :)

Asta said...

Oh my dogness Daisey and hawley
I can't believe you had to delete youw bloggie woll and you wewe so badly miswepwesented. you an attack cat????
sheeesh, a diva , a sweetie, a most wondewful fwiend but NEVEW an attack cat
I'm glad that Hawley looked into the pwoblem in his official capacity. I hope you nevew have any pwoblems again
smoochie kisses

Oskar said...

I'm sorry that happened. Sometimes Blogger can be a pain!

Nubbin wiggles,

Milo and Alfie Marshall said...

Poor Daisy and Harley ~ wot a ruff time yoo've had!

The Monkeys said...

We think it`s a great idea to take off the blogroll! We noticed someone else is being attacked too! We know you`re not an attack cat!

Your Daily Cute said...

Ohhh, I didn't know this could happen. That is skeery! I'd be horrified if somehow the Cute got blocked! Eeek! Glad you're back.

one of Fae's humans said...

i'm very glad that this seems to have been sorted out in a quick manner. now i wonder if i should do away with mine, too.... although there really aren't that many blogs on mine because i suck and should follow more people.............

ANYWAY, of course you're not an Attack Cat, Daisy! i highly doubt that any of your fans would think you one for even a second. :)

John said...

Is it safe here today or is Daisy likely to attack me? :-P

The blogroll won't trigger any alarms providing you don't include icons or pictures.

The alarm triggers when the visitor's browser loads an icon or picture from the attack site's URL.

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