Do you LIKE my DISGUISE?!? It is I, the HARLEY QUINN, International Mancat of Mystery!

I have to ADMIT, wearing a FAKE MUSTACHE is very, very HARD! Here are my OUTTAKES so you can SEE why there is only ONE good photo!

Ps: Daisy and I have some EXCITING NEWS to share with YOU! We get to have our very own BLOG on 1-800-PetMeds! Click here to
visit our VERY FIRST post there! You might LEARN some stuff about our MOMMEH!

A Mancat with a Mustache
52 Notes for Daisy:
I always thought that whiskers (human whiskers, I mean) worked better as a toy as well, Harley! We're off to see your first blog exciting!
We're very pleased to have met your mommeh through your new bloggie!
She's lovely!
we just adored the mustache - so manly! (out take had us laughing). Love Helen, Darcy and Bingley xxx
Harley, you're still much better behaved than Hamlet would be in the same situation...
Do you know , Harley ? Every time I click your blog and when your page shows up with your photo, I always burst out laughing ... and Today it's happen again !..Ha..Ha..Ha
Great disguise, Harley. That picture with the mustache made me laugh out loud! You are very funny! Congrats on getting that other blog too!
Woof! Woof! Oh What a DISGUISE!!!! Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar
Woof! Woof! COOL! your mom works at PETMed. I get my meds there. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar
How exciting! Congratulations, Abby! I couldn't figure out how to comment over there. How odd... Don't they want any comments?
Oh. And Harley honey? You are plenty exciting without a 'stash!
oh boy...I think I prefer your white whiskers, they are perfect! You don't need that human mustache! MOL
Anyway you are cute!
Love to your heart,
Harley that is one fantastic mustache!!!
I kinda like your squinty "Man of Mystery" eyes you are making in that photo. THAT'S the hard part!
That mustache is much more fun to bat around. We have already visited the new blog. That is so exciting to have two blogs. We didn't see a place to leave a comment but you know Mom, she sometimes is so daft.
LOVE the look! LOVE that you're getting a blog on 1-800 pet meds, Daisy you are just so amazing. You're the cutest!
we love your 'stache!!
congrats on the new gig to Daisy. I just went over there and left a message...
Love the mustache, Harley.
pawhugs, Max
don't feel too bad harley, believe me i have an equally hard time growin' a mustache.
congrats on the new blog- that's really cool.
Your new blog is very cool, we checked it out and read it!
Harley, we like your real whiskers the best. :-)
We went over and saw your new blog Daisy and your mommeh too. Harley made us laugh with his moustache pictures.
Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx
I like you better without the mustache Harley.
The new blog is very nice
We saw your new blog Harley! We are so excited. Maybe as a celebrity you will need that mustache so that you can get out without having to sign so many autographs?
We already thought you made a most excellent Man of Mystery, Mr. Harley. But that mustaches is just it! Our CatDaddy has one and we likes it on account it tickles when he gives kisses. But, it's not a fake one like yours Harley. He has to wear it all the time. Concatulatiions on the petmeds blog! We gonna go check it out!
Harley...why wear a mustache when you can "toy" with it!Heehee. We crack ourselves up!! Although the picture of you wearing the mustache made you look very handsome indeed :)
We read your Mama's first post on Pet-Meds. Daisy we think you introduced your family beautifully. Thank you for sharing your family with us :)
the critters in The Cottage
Harley! You look different with a people mustache!
Ha- Ha- Harley...Mommy is laffing so hard...she can only IMAGINE the photo session! You look like a totally new and mysterious Cat in your disguise.
We like the 'stach, Harley
Harley, seeing you and Daisy anywhere you go is worth it to me. I went..I liked..I subscribed.
Hiya Harley! We saw the new blog...very COOL!
...I'm thinking that you've got a little mustache-envy though. You were thinking about ME, weren't you!
xo Katie
You look great with a mustache, Harley! Congratulations on having a blog on 1-800-PetMeds :)
Wow, looking good
Benny & Lily
Hi Harley !
I think that mustache´s and beard looking better on humans.
So I understand why you played with that fake mustache !
How exciting! I'm sure that everyone will enjoy reading about you over there just as much as they enjoy this blog.
I do not thinked we would liked to have a moustache!
Daisy, that is PAWSOME news about the new blog! 1-800-PetMeds is lucky - and smart - to have you!!!
You seem a very serious cat with a mustache Harley!
That mustache on a stick is just too tempting a toy to play with, but the picture of you with it is great!
Gonna pop over to Pet Meds and check out your blog! How exciting!
Harley, you look very manly with your moustache. Daisy we like your new blog.
Harley, our Mom thinks you have the prettiest eyes!! She swoons every time your picture is on the blog.
You look very cool with a mustache, we almost didn't recognize you!
~ The Bunch
Harley, we'd rather play with that mustache than wear it too!!
Congrats on your new blog!!
love your out takes and you know not every guy can wear a mustache.
congrats on the new blog
Mom has fallen behind a lot with getting to all our friends to leave comments, though she HAS been helping us read all your posts. So we are leaving the same comment on many blogs, just to say Hi, and we are glad we are friends. Thanks for your comments left on my blog. Hope to do better by next week.
That picture of you in the mustache is making me laugh!
We luf your mustache! How very mancatly, Harley Quinn. We'll hop ofur and check out pet-meds. xoxo
We luf the Pet-Meds page! It was pawsome!
Mayke Dilly larff!!!!!!!!!!!
Harley, you look good in a 'stash ;) However, we thing playing with it looks like way more fun! heehee
We really likes your blog at PetMeds too :)
Purrs Tillie and Georgia
Oh Harley you are too cute! I always fall for a man(cat) with a furry face ;)
Harley, we love your mustache and it's cool it makes a toy too! We really like the post about your Mommeh too!
Harley you are handsome with & w/o the fake mustash... it is hard to tell since it matches your handsome furs so well. congrats on the petmeds blog!!
Harley, your mustache is very creative! It also makes a good toy.
We visited your new blog - too bad about the rule where you can't order snacks online!
Harley, that mustache looks great on you!!!
wow, Harley, you and your mom did a really good job just getting that one shot! i can imagine how hard that photoshoot must have been. :(
and OMG @PetMeds blog
that is so cool! i'm jealous of your mom. :'(
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