Shuffle Bone!
Look what we got! It is an interactive Seek-A-Treat game called Shuffle Bone! Even though it is meant for dogs, I think we can play this game.

Shuffle Bone!
Posted by Daisy at 11/15/2011 04:00:00 AM
Labels: good toys, interactive toys for cats
50 Notes for Daisy:
What a great game. We think you should send your photos to the makers, as they many want to make a version for us cats, and we could all test it for free.
Good work Miss D.
Miss Daisy !!! I want one of those toy !!!
Cool !!! A chance to have EXTRA TREATS !!!
PS : You almost kiss the the doggie in the first photo...MOL
This is supposed to be a DOG toy?! No way are dogs smart enough to figure that out!
That looks like a really fun toy, Daisy!
Now that looks like a fun game!
I'm with Sparkle. It'd probably take a dog two whole days to figure that out! p.s. I told Fatboy Babushka to get on this case. They should not be making fun toys for dogs that they don't also make for cats. That's just wrong. I know Fatboy is always on the lookout for injustices that need fixing.
I think you wanted to demonstrate so you could eat all the treats. Very clever of you.
pawhugs, Max
Thats a great game! Our mom is always looking for cool interative toys for us so she's gonna check that one out!!
Well aren't you clever!
Woof! Woof! Oh My Would LOVE to play that game too .. For sure I'll WIN since I am a DOG. Enjoy! Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar
Daisy, you are one smart kitty! We are impressed.
Truffle and Brulee
That sure looks like a great game Daisy. Who cares if it is meant for dogs. It is much easier for kitties to play since our paws are so much smaller. Have yourselves a great day.
that was very sisterly of you to show harley how it works. you could've shared some of the treats though...
That looks a great game Daisy.
Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx
Daisy, did yoo save any for Harley to find?
wow - that kind of looks like fun!!
What a great game, although we can see why it would take woofies a long time to figure it out. We cats got all the intelligence when it was handed out.
That looks fun! Did Harley learn how to play?
ooooh, cheeky you Daisy....and so clever too! I might have to get one for my husband... so it takes him just a bit longer to discover the chocolate in the house....hahahha....
What a fun game. You keep teaching Harley how to play
Benny & Lily
Hmmm, me wonders if my hairy slobbery sisters could figure that one out. It would probably take them a while...
Daisy, you are so smart!
Ooh, we like that toy very much! Daisy, did you leave any snacks for Harley? ;)
Hmmm.We think the Terror Twins Malou and Levon might benefit from this fun game!!
the critters in The Cottage xo
Wow! Great toy and game!
Enjoy friends.
Marilia & Bavarescats
That's a great game!
Luf, Us
You are very clever Daisy!!!
Wow Daisy, you are a good game player. I'm impressed!
What an awesome game! With the way that you learned the bell trick, I'm not surprised that you figured out this game, too, Daisy.
You are furry clever, Daisy! That looks like fun!
That looks such fun for kitties and small dogs! A real attention absorber!!
That game was way too easy for you Daisy! You are just way smarter than a dog!
ICE had a game similar to that be we took it over...he...he...he=^Y^=
You are one smart cookie, Daisy!
I think we'd have the same thing over here with Moo not knowing how to use it and Pimp having to teach him.
That looks like a fun game! I bet you are really good at it, Daisy :)
What a fun game! Yayhoo. :)
You are very clever Daisy. Harley still has a lot to learn from you.
Finally added your button, but wish Harley was on it too! :)
What a great game! You're so smart, Daisy!
Did you have fun? And did you get to play again?
Oh Daisy we LIKE dat game ^..^ :)))))),,,,,,
We like Treatz ,,, Yay !!!!
You look like you got dat game mastered ^..^ You such Smart girl ~
Purrz ~
You're very smart to figure that toy out!!
The Florida Furkids and Angel Sniffie
Oh! She liked that game!! She thinked She might liked to find that game for we for Christmas!!
That is a really cool game, Daisy! and you are so good at it! We have a game kind of like that called Casino :-)
Pip, Smidgen, Minnie, Hollie
We are GOBSTRUCK! That game looks SO cool.
Oh we gotta get that. Is it from Baby Patches store?
We think you knew all along that you could eat all the treats, if you "showed" Harley how. So did you get to show him some more? And more . . . We wants one.
Taffy and that woman
Oh Daisy, you're so smart to figure out that new game!
That looks like fun!!!!!!!
so smart, Daisy! i've always said anything dogs can do cats can do better. 8)
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