My Holiday Best!
Hooray! Santa Claws will be here the day after tomorrow! This is my brand-new holiday dress. Isn't it extra-pretty?!?!
Say, I was wondering... do you think Santa Claws will bring MORE presents for kittehs dressed up extra-fancy? I sure hope so!

I have to admit something... I got dried-up SHRIMPS for this photo shoot. I had to stop modeling early, on account of I had a drool mishap.

61 Notes for Daisy:
Just seeing how bootiful you are is the greatest gift of all *happy sigh*
Merry Christmas Miss D, Handsome Harley, Bert and Ernie and Mom and Dad - we hope you all get to relax and put your feet up.
Great photos sweetie.
Julie and Poppy Q
Daisy, that Christmas dress is one of the best outfits we've seen you wear, we love it. You look gorgeous.
Happy Christmas to you, Harley and your human family. All the best in 2012! :-)
You are very pretty Daisy. Oh, and dad says to ask if you can send him some of those eggnog cupcakes!
You look really pretty in that fancy dress Daisy and I´m sure that Santa Paws will come to you first :)
Dearest Daisy,
I think Santa Claws will be especially generous since you have been such a good girl this year.
You look beautiful in that lovely red dress.
Kitties and humans too drool over shrimp at our house!
A very Merry Christmas to you, Daisy, and Harley and Mom and all your family, from all of us!
Pat, Zip and the Kitties
(Deiter, Tipper, Penny, Izzy and Reggie)
Daisy you look beautiful and we know Santa will spoil you and Harley! xx
Sorry we habn't visited much in the last week or so, mom's been busy.
Happy Christmas dear friends ~ and a joyful and healthy new year to you all. xx
We love your Christmas dress Daisy. That is so fancy and we know Santa will bring you and extra little pressie for having your fancy dress on. Maybe a little shrimp. We sure do wish you and Harley and Bert and Ernie and all of your family a wonderful Christmas.
I love your purry beautiful Christmas dress. I bet you will get some fancy Christmas presents from Santa. Merry Christmas!
drool mishap is my middle name.
Daisy you look great and we didn't see any visible drool (lol)! We hope you and Harley and your family have a wonderful Christmas and a healthy, happy new year :-)
Daisy, that dress is so beautiful!! You should get extra presents for that!!
Merry Christmas!!
WOWEE!! That is one lovely dress, Daisy!!
You look like our "hot" Santa's Helper.We have a miniature hot Santa's Helper to go with our miniature Santa for our train set. Joe picked it out--I wonder why? Maybe he likes Christmas a lot??
We bet your drool mishap was very artistic though Daisy - you never have one fur out of place. Mum sighs sometimes when she sees you and then finds a trail of leaves coming in from our garden!!
We hope you Harley and Your Mommy and Daddy have a lovely Christmas.
Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx
what fun!!! we are sure even the drool was cute.
You look like one of the Rockettes, Daisy! We're sure you'll get lots of Christmas presents regardless of what you wear!
Merry Vhristmas Daisy to you, Mommeh, Daddeh, Harley and Bert and Ernie. xoxoxo
You look stunningly beautiful in that dress. You, Harley, your Mommeh and family have a wonderful holiday.
did I tell you Aswell eated my bootiful Christmas skirt!?
First he bited all my jingles off and then he chewed all the furs too!
I do not thinked Santa needed to bring Aswell any presents cuz he is not such a good puppy!
You are such a lovely girl that I know Santa will be extra good to you and Harley Quinn this year. Mommeh will give you a hanky to keep near you when those shrimp are around!
Oh, Daisy, you look so pretty in your holiday dress! I'm sure you'll get extra prezzies for being extra dressed up!
Maxwell: MOWZERS Miss Daisy, that's a very fine outfit!
ALiie: *squee!* oooh don't you just LOVE a new dress!!!
FaRADaY: wait, wait, wait....let's get to the important part - you gotted Dried SHRIMPS???
That's OK about the drool Daisy. You are still beautiful
Beautiful outfit, Daisy! The shrimp does sound drool worthy.
Well you look elegant and oh so festive!
It is a beautiful dress Daisy! I love it on you.
Well Daisy, if you had not drooled at dried-up shrimp, you probably would not qualify as feline!
You look exquisite!
That's a beeeyoutiful dress Daisy! So purrty on you!
Luf, Us
what a looker! we wish you a very happy and peaceful festive time. Love Helen, Darcy and Bingley xxx
Merry Christmas, Daisy! You look very beautiful in your new dress. I'm sure you and Harley will get lots of presents and treats from Santa :)
Dear Daisyflower, you look so pretty in this outfit!
I hope you and your brother and your mom and daddy AND even those silly HAMsters, I hope all of you have a fun filled Krissmiss
big bonks
Daisy, your dress is so pretty! And don't feel bad about the dribble malfunction--it happens to OUR MOMMY, too!
That is a very pretty dress, Daisy! At least you drooled AFTER there were some good shots!
Daisy you look so lovely! Merry Christmas from Amanda & Tobi :)
I hope you get to wear your pretty dress on Christmas...
Oh Daisy! You look like a movie star right out of that old movie Holiday Inn! If cats wore ice skates, we could see you twirling across the ice in that twirly dress! We are sure you will find at least one extra present under the tree (and more shrimps, too!)
you sure look pretty Daisy
Awwww Daisy, you lookz Extra Bootiful today ^..^ We thinkz dat'z da Prettiezt owfit yet! Da mom thinkz you are da Cutest thin... :) she sending smoochiez to you thru puter screen ^..^
Merry Chrismouse to you All ~ xoxoxoxoxoxo & xo
Don't forget to put out some cookies and milk for Santa Claws and a some carrot sticks for his reindeer.
Merry Christmas
Daisy, that is a gorgeous dress and you look fabulous in it! I think Santa will bring you and Harley lots of treats. (PS: So will Clooney Claus!)
That is a very pretty dress Daisy. We think Sandy Claws is sure to bring you and Harley lots of lovely presents.
I'm sure you will get pawsome presents from Santa : )
I won't be around till next 3 weeks, But I would love to say...Merry Christmas !!!!
I wish you all have a very best time : )
Puddy and Mom Boom
Daisy, you are beautiful in that pretty red dress!
Very festive Daisy!
Drool or no drool, I want Santa to put you in my sock! You are beautiful! Happy Christmas eve!
so beautiful
Benny & Lily
Miss Daisy - we think you must be one of the best dressed ladycats out there.
Truffle and Brulee
You look simply delightful, Daisy! Merry Christmas. xoxo
You look gorgeous, Daisy. Skeezix is going to have a drool mishap when he sees you. Merry Christmas to all of you!
Merry Christmas to you! Love from Oliver, Ruby and Rose xxxx
Oh Daisy, you are just too gorgeous in your Christmas dress!
Merry Christmas!
Adorable photos beautiful girl...We are so blessed to have you guys in our lives; wishing you all a safe and Merry Christmas, precious and hugs...J, Calle, Halle, Sukki, Mommy Cat, Daddy Cat
Fantastic idea Daisy! I'm going to go put my fancy Santa suit on right now just in case! Merry Christmas to you, Harley, and your humans!
You look amazing in your outfit! Wishing you and your family a very Merry Christmas!
Hello beautiful Daisy. We been keeping up with your posts, even if Mumsy not up to commenting. We think you should get extra presents and treats, extra lovely dress or not! And maybe even a few extra ones for Harley too, he's such a cutie. Thank you, Daisy, and Harley - for the gift of so many smiles and giggles you tirelessly give us every day.
Merry Christmas to you and your wonderful family.
Oh Daisy I love your holiday outfit! You do look extra-fancy :-) I'm sure Santa Claws will bring lots of presents for you!
Happy holidays to you and your family!!
Daisy and Harley, Clooney Claus has arrived with catnip mice and Num-Nums! Merry Christmas! (Yikes, I hope the gators and crocs don't take off with my sled!)
Beautiful dress Daisy!! Wishing you all a furry Merry Christmas!
Beautiful outfit Daisy, I'm sure Santa will bring suitable rewards! We won't talk about the drool thing xx
Little Daisy,
I just could not love you more! You are puurrrfect!
Hahaha! I drool for shrimps too!
You are absolutely beautiful Daisy!
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