Harley Gives a Hoot!
HOOT, HOOT! Did you know if you give a HOOT, you will not POLLUTE?!?

I DO give a hoot. Do you think leaving my DROPPINGS is considering POLLUTING? The word DROPPINGS is another word for POOP. Only it SOUNDS like you just accidentally DROPPED something instead...

I will have to THINK about this for a WHILE.

In the MEANTIME, I will just STARE at my owl hat.

Um, DAISY made me say it is REALLY her owl HAT.

46 Notes for Daisy:
H - you look awesome. Have a great weekend.
Julie and Poppy Q
Harley honey, I think you look a little bit Rastafarian in your Hootie hat! Got any Blowfish?
Have a lovely weekend, Daisy and Harley!
Harley, I think there is a good message somewhere inside all your thinking!
Woof! Woof! Happy Fashion HOOT Friday. So cute your photos. Lots of Golden ALOHA n Woofs, Sugar
Harley, the humans call me 'Hoot-lo the owl cat' all the time. Maybe we could be owl cat's together!!
That's a very fetching owl hat, Harley! Guess what? We actually have owls in our attic!
The Chans
Harley, that bottom photo cracks me up! I wish you could talk my cats into wearing stuff. I've tried, but they always slink around, acting like they're being tortured. Imagine indignant to the nth degree and you get my drift. You though, you are a modelling superstar and you're turning this whole place into a hoot-en-any!
I like your hat! I have one like it except it is brown so it's more realistic.
Haha! Harley, you are so silly...hoot hoot!
Harley, I love your...I mean DAISY'S owl hat so much!!!!!!!! Have a nice weekend!
That is a snappy hat!
I like the term "scat"--that is good for poop too.
Years ago, when the kids were really little, we went to the Children's museum in Boston. In their restrooms, they had wall displays of various animal scat. It sounds weird, but I guess it was educational and probably a good place to display something like that. Out of the whole museum, that is what my kids remember. Go figure.
That is a super Owl hat Harley. That was nice of Daisy to let you wear it. Harley, you are too funny. We all give a hoot around here too but we don't have an owl hat. Is it alright if we hoot without the hat??MOL. Have a terrific day.
Oh Harley - that hat is just to die for! And I'll bet you thought I wouldn't give a "hoot" about it either! Fooled you!
Oh Harley, you are so important!
Your pal, Pip
Harley you are are trip!
Harley, you look pawsome!
Loving the owl hat. Srsly.
As long as your droppings are in your box you are OK
you have a scoop, give a poop.
Harley you are always a hoot but particularly with an owl hat!
You look pretty cute in Daisy's owl hat, Harley!
Harley, if I weren't being courted by Boomerang I would definitely as you if you are interested...you are adorable!!!
You are so silly and adorable in Daisy's owl hat, handsome Harley, we especially love the last photo!!...Happy Friday the 13th and have a fun weekend, sweet friends...xoxo...Calle, Halle, Sukki
You are cute in Daisy's owl hat Harley! As long as you don't leave your droppings outside the box, go ahead and drop!
You look great in that owl hat, Harley! I especially love the last picture of you looking up at it. Was it saying something to you?
Poppy the LBC
You shouldn't have any trouble watching out for droppings with that extra set of eyes!
; ) Katie
Nah pooping isn't polluting. It all just goes back to nature.
We're glad Daisy shared her owl hat.....or did she??
Harley, Yous a HOOT in your hat!
Harley, you´re awesome! I love owls and cats!!!! You´re a catowl!!!!!
You look very cute in the owl hat, in a mancatly way of course. When our mum is being polite, she calls the horse poop droppings, but she is not polite very often.
I would say that droppings could be classified as fertilizer instead of polluting. Not to worry Harley. You make a very handsome owl
Harley, I loves u and Daisy. :) U look very hansum in teh hat.
Hmmm.... I will think about it too!
Kisses and hugs
Um, Harley, do you have the feeling that someone is watching you?
Truffle and Brulee
BOL we give a hoot
Benny & Lily
That hat is awesome!
Um, we don't know about those droppings, but we luf you in that hat! You are rockin it! xoxo
Harley you are a very good woodland owl and would not pollute anything
Love the owl hat and you look very wise in it Harley.
Tell Daisy that us cats have never ridden in the trailer because Daddy pulls it with a very noisy tractor but the Mom & Fenris have.
Aw Harley, you look so cute with that owl hat on!
Hi Guys!
Me hoped yous guys enjoyed your trip to Osoyoos on my train!
Harley, yous gots to not bug the bees!
PS Thanks yous for letting me use your pictures!
Harley! What have they done to you? *sighs*
Harley, we like your owl hat very much (even if it *is* Daisy's). :)
Harley, you are adorable! Probably all that poop is not a good thing. Just try not doing it, and it will be even worse!
Owl be sure to give a hoot too!
You look fantastic!!!
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