CAT Scan Results
Every once in a while it is good to take a CAT scan, just to make sure you are healthy. These are Harley's paws. He has litter stuck to his paw pads. That is dirty!
These are my paws. I have a little bit of dirt on my paws, too. Oopsie.
This is my undercarriage. See? I do not have many furs on my belleh.
Um, please do not tell our dad that we took a ride on the scanner. It's our secret, okay?

45 Notes for Daisy:
Your secret is good with me, Daisy! But man, you guys need to clean your toes!
I thnk you should post harley's cow paw picture that you did ages ago - I was trying to figure out how it was but I can't see it now - maybe his markings have changed?
Haha, we won't tell! The litter gets stuck between our toes too.
Great results Miss D + H. My mum takes real cat scans for a living.
She thinks yours are great too.
Poppy Q
That is cute. U are sneaky! But that's good. :)
O, Daisy, yours cat scans are adorable.
You's got really purrty little paws.
I fink I's gotted litter between mine toesies, too.
Love & Purrs,
Awesome toes, you guys! Suitable for framing! I wish my feet were multi-coloured... luckily I have mostly jam between my toes instead of litter.
You two have the best paws. We love the colors on both of you. Our paws are dirty most of the time. Great pictures. Take care.
Those are cool photos, Daisy!!
Hannah hasn't had a problem with litter between her toes - there's so much fur there that there isn't room for any litter!
Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx
We won't tell!! Pink paws are so cute, mine are all black!
Oh, that looks like fun! I wish I could fit on the scanner. Well....maybe if I put my butt on the one at work....
Harley! Daisy! I give mommy a cat scan every night and every morning! She will never have to worry with ME around. Even the Admiral didn't give her That man cat scans!
Now... that's a tummy shot for Tummy Tuesday.
Have a great day.
pawhugs, Max
harley might have a future as a manly street worker. if he gets tar in his toes nobody would knows.
Hee hee! Cat scanner! I love the pictures of all your feets and your undercarriage! Your feets look like they have brown freckle smears. Very cute!
Poppy LBC
We LOVE these photos! In fact, the toe photos should be framed and put up on a wall!
I promise. I won't maaaa!
We won't tell your daddeh but we hope you didn't leave any feet prints or litter behind! Your toes and tummy are cute!
My lips are sealed!
Great. Now Mommy has "ideas".
Nice paws friends!!!
Oh Daisy, your tummy is pink!!! So lovely!
We won't tell! That pink bellah drives our Mommy wild! She thinks it looks delishus. MOL!
You need to send that scan to Skeezix!
Have to smile at this!!
Don't worry, Daisy and Harley, we promise not to tell your dad! But we *are* going to try and get our mom and dad to let US get a cat scan! :)
I love the toe beans!!! And Daisy? You should not call your belleh an "undercarriage." You should call it your "chassis" because it sounds nicer. And French even. Don't you think?
I know how dads can be about their scanners we would never tell him about your cat scan. This was just too cute.
You both have interesting paws.
Your secret is safe with us Daisy! It's good to go behind the hoomans' backs every once in a while just so they remember who is really in charge. Also , both you and Harley have crumbly but sweet paws! :p
the critters in The Cottage xo
Great Cat scans guys. Hey, Harley, stop by over on my blog - there is a policeman running around who thinks he is you!
Cool! We want to be scanned too.
Truffle and Brulee
Are there dog scans?
Benny & Lily
:D we'll have to try that now!
Pip, Smidgen, minnie, Hollie
WE are trying to convince Mom we need a cat scan!
LOL, can we try it too, don't worry I wont tell your dad your secret :D
Dog Shock Collar | Puppy & Human Bond
Yous has Multi colored paws! So cool! And your belly is kind of like me!
A ride on the scanner looks like fun!
Very cute scans for both of you!
Of course I won´t tell your daddy about , hm what was it now ??!!
That is a good view.. lol
cat paws are very soft and very dangerous...
MOWZERS, you gotz a cool scanner toy to play wif! We is impressed!!
Harley's toe pads are cow-spotted just like Moo's!
I think your daddy would be happy to know your CAT scans came out so well.
She sayed I do be too chunky to had a cat scan. And anyway, I do be a dog so I do not need a cat scan. Silly She!
I think the secret's out...
Cool pics!
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