For some reason, I am fascinated by the stove, oven and microwave. Today I realized the microwave has a little ledge that I can jump up on!
I might even be able to use it as a launching pad to get on top of the cabinets!
Hey, Harley! What are YOU doing here?
My good time is ruined. Again.

My Good Time: Ruined Again
41 Notes for Daisy:
Your good time is not over , Daisy !
They just begun , when Harley arrived :)
Oh, I dunno, Daisy... they still look pretty good to us! srsly.
All is not lost, Daisy - that ledge looks like it is too narrow for the likes of Harley!
Cats in the kitchen!!! Yours is much much tidier than ours.
Julie and Poppy Q
I think Harley loves you so much he can't help but follow you around.
My cats are way jealous of your microwave-climbing abilities. They are, um, too big-boned to fit on such a narrow ledge.... much like their owner, come to think of it....
Maybe Harley already discovered it and just wants to show you how to get higher?
Oh boy. :)
That darn Harley always has to put his cute nose in where it doesn't belong. Just give him a good whap Daisy. Hope all of you have a great day.
Microwaves are lots of fun to watch. I'm fascinated by ours.
That about normal. Tabby brofurs alway show up see what going on. Need to get own friend and stop playing tag along.
Brofurs! But Harley is a cute one even if he did ruin your good time again. Xox
We love Harley as he makes us laugh - but there again we don't have to live with him like you do Daisy!
Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx
You've got the right idea, Daisy! That's similar to what I do to get on top of OUR kitchen cabinets! But I use the 'fridge. The ledge on our microwave is just too narrow.
Eh, Harley's funny! Just ignore him & show off your derring do!
Ugh. You can't do ANYTHING without him buttin' in! Sheesh.
don't be so hard on harley. i think he wants to give you a boost to the top of the cabinets.
Fight nice guys. It sure looks like fun to me.
Daisy, you missed your opportunity. You should have jumped down on top of Harley!
Oh, Daisy! Just remember, you thought of it first!
Go for it Daisy... I bet you can make it to the top.
pawhugs, Max
Ohhhhh I am hiding this post from Cody! He already goes on top of the stove and the counter (and isn't allowed to be there!) I just turned to look and see if my over-the-stove microwave has a "little ledge" sure enough, it does!!! I'm on the look out!
Poor Daisy! But, I bet Harley can't get onto the microwave ledge like you can :)
Poor Daisy! Maybe Harley needs a friend and then he will leave you alone!
You are higher than Harley... Plus you can jump on HIM!
Oh Daisy...Harley is nowhere petite enough to balance on your tiny microwave ledge. You are safe from his follies.
; ) Katie
Oh Miss Daisy!! I understand exactly how you feel!! Clementine is always ruining my good times, too!!
Hugs from your TX furiends,
Are you sure, Daisy? After all, you are on the ledge and he is down below!
MY wittle kitty kat fwiend walkz on MY stovie tingie 2 an I boppz her onz her headz cause dat dunt be safez. OK?
We are jealous
Benny & Lily
Maybe the two of you can play "hot lava" together, where you have to jump around from furniture to furniture so that your feets don't touch the ground. Then your fun will not be over!
Daisy, we think that Harley might be a little bit fascinated by YOU!
It seems that Harley doesn't have a mind of his own, so he isn't able to mind his own business.
He's bigger than you, so he probably can't follow you up onto the microwave and beyond. It looks like it's only big enough for your tiny paws.
So just wait it out, and I'm sure he'll go away.
Ah, the real pioneers never get any credit, just the coattail-riders! Oh, well, we all know you saw it first. We hope it's a new freeway up to the cabinet-top kingdom! Try a little machine paw on that to help... :~)
Hey Daisy!
That is a great Cat-O-Lympics balance beam entry!
And brothers is such a pest!
You know how it is, right?
You have to have fun while you can!
Take care
Kisses and hugs
Daisy, I think Harley and my brother Ernie are brothers from different mothers! Ernie's always ruining my good time too!
It's tough when someone always ruins your good time like that!
You look so delicate exploring up there Daisy! Seems like Harley is your little shadow!
Oh, how FUN!! You can getted up high!
Daisy, ya shouldnt have said "Hey Harley", ya should have just pounced him!
Well, what else are brother's for? Mine ruined my good times all the time!
Trust Harley to get in on the act. Never mind Daisy.
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