I Am An Acro-Cat!
Look out, Harley! This stunt is only for professional jumpers!
Sorry this picture is blurry. My Mommeh didn't realize I would actually jump from the top of the wine cabinet THROUGH the wrought-iron railing, so she barely caught the photo. This is a very extra-advanced stunt.

49 Notes for Daisy:
Woo Hoo you sure can jump , Miss Daisy !
I can too , but mom isn´t any good to catch it on the camera :(
Super Cat! Great jumping!
AMAZING jump!!! Holy doodles! You need a cape!
Wow, Daisy that is some fancy jumping. I sure hope you are going to enter the jumping competition in the Olympics, because you sure will win the gold. That really is impressive.Take care.
Wow Daisy - we are IMPRESSED.
Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx
Wow, that's amazing!! You're a real pro at jumping! You're Mom did a great job capturing you in action too.
The Florida Furkids and Lexi
My 49 in. jump to the top of the kitchen cabinets yields to your astounding performance here!
My fur's off to you!
Wow! You do needed a cape! You sure do jumped GOOD!
That is certainly very impressive leaping!
that's crazy., you be careful.
OMC, Daisy! You are an Olympic leaper!!
I think my bean would have heart attack if I try something like that. Very good jumping skills!
Wow... great jumping shots. You better be entering the Cat Olympics... that's for sure.
pawhugs, Max
We agree with Marg - you need to enter the CatOlympics with those jumps, you would be a sure fire winner.
Holy macaroni!
Benny & Lily
you need to submit that to the Blogging Olympics! You would win for sure!
Leaping Daisy!
Look at you go, Daisy!
AAAAAIIIIIEEEE! I'm sure you made your mommeh nervous Daisy!
Professional jumpers indeed, Daisy! You have an impressive range!
Youza great acrobaticat and should be in the London Olympics "Long Jump" event! I sees a Gold Medal in yur future
You are amazing, Super Daisy!
Wow, Daisy! You are an amazing stunt-cat :)
Wow! All without a net???!
That is a very advanced Stunt. Daisy you are super cat!
Oh my goodness Daisy! That was VERY SKEEEERY!
Luf, Us
Paws up, Daisy - those are GREAT stunts!
For a little girl you have big jumping skills Daisy! We're very impressed!
Daisy, your never ending talents never cease to amaze me. You are one cool cat :)
Daisy, that is an amazing jump!! And great action shots! You are really a Super Cat!!
What a nice jump-kitty!!!
Mighty leaps come naturally to you, Daisy!
Superman??!! SuperDaisy!!!!
...here to save us from earth's impending dangers! :)
You jump well Daisy! Wowsers!
the critters in The Cottage xo
Very impressive Daisy. I hope Harley doesn't try and copy you. He may not have the extreme talent that you do
Now THAT is a super kitty. She should start wearing the cape around the house.
Awesome jump, Daisy! Our camera is WAY too slow ta catch ME jumping around up high. ~ Ayla
Wow, Daisy! Now, all you need is a cape with a "D" on the back!
Good heavens Daisy * wide eyes * You are a superb acrobat!!
Wow! You are super talented! Just be careful jumping through those railings. Harley might laugh if you got stuck.
Wow, u can fly, u can fly! :)
Way to go Daisy.
Wow, Daisy! You are a brave and amazing acro-cat! And your Mommeh did a wonderful job of capturing it on film! :)
Holy cats, Daisy! That was one amazing feat!
I... am... speechless....
Kisses and hugs
One giant leap for cat-kind! We didn't realize that you were a high jumper, Daisy. Kudos to mommeh for catching those shots.
Laura & Taffy
Wow! We're very impressed. We bet your mom had a fit, though.
Wow! Daisy! Yous is super cat! Yous gots to enter that in the high jump!
Whoa, girlfriend! You got skills!
FaRADaY: MOWZERS! You're quite the aflete, Daisy! That looks like a pawesome Obstacle Course you have there!
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