My Treat Hat!
I am very thrilled to wear this gingham hat you know why? Because this "hat"is actually the cap from a brand new jar of Grandma Lucy's Freeze Dried Chicken Liver treats!
Okay, I am ready for my treats, Mommeh!
Open the jar now, I am wearing my treat hat!
I said NOW!
Finally! I will open real wide so the treat is sure to get inside.
Thanks, Mommeh!
ps: We wanted to thank everybuddy who is voting for their favorite blogs in the Petties awards! There are only two more weeks to go, so every vote counts. Just click on the treat jar to vote for all of your favorite pet blogs.

40 Notes for Daisy:
Lovely little hat, honey pie! And I love how Mommeh's polish matches! Fabulous, dahling!
Daisy, I have to confess: I LOVE the treats, not so thrilled about wearing the hat!
BTW, you have a tiny head! I am a small cat and the hat did not fit right over both my ears!
Voted for you again today, Daisy! What a lovely bonnet you're wearing!
Daisy this is by far the sweetest blog post you have ever done!!!! Mommy can not stop smiling!
Love you so much....Miss Peach from heaven
Your hat makes your eyes look SO big and sweet, there is no way anyone can resist giving you treats!!
That is a wonderful hat, Daisy! Our favorite photo is the last one of you, with those HUGE eyes of yours!
Daisy , so BIG eye´s you have and what a BIG mouth !
Can we trust that it´s you in those pictures and not the wolf in Little Red Riding hood ??
That little hat looks really wonderful on you, Miss D. Four paws up!
You sure have a serious expression when it comes to demanding your treats! Cute hat! We are voting for you every day! Are you and Harley entering the Olympics?
Yes, are you two in the Olympics? You can be in almost every category what with all the pictures we have seen thru time. xox
Daisy you look so cute in that gingham hat - perhaps they will pay you lots of dollars to advertise for them.
Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx
Hey, if the treat hat works...
; ) Katie & Glogirly
(we've been loving your Pettie ads!)
That sure makes the purrfect hat.We love it. Hope all of you have a great day.
you look like a little gypsy, or a fortune teller.
Oh that is so cute...
Oh sweet Daisy, what doesn´t make for a good treat, right?
You´re so cute girl.
Love you!
Oh my gosh you are adorable in that hat.
And our mum likes your mum's nail polish too :)
I thought at first that you were posing to be the new Aunt Jemina Syrup Cat!
YOu really love those treats! We want to try them!
Daisy, you are such a true cutie! You make us all smile.
You look so cute without your ears
That right, Bite fingers while getting treats! That is nice hat. I do not like hat, but Tabby Brofur does. He is wearing some one my blog today.
Daisy we BOTH REALLY REALLY REALLY love that last photo of you taking the treat from your meowmy's fingers!!
I wouldn't wear a hat, though. Nope nope nope. Not for all the treats in the world! MOL
You are one VERY patient cat!
FaRADaY: MOMMY! We soooo need some of Gramma Lucy's treats!
Maxwell: *raises paw* I'd even call that a mancatly hat and model it for you if you gave us some. Word.
You look adorable in your gingham hat, Daisy! I'm glad you got a new jar of treats :)
You do looked cute in your hat... but I do thinked treats is more good than hats!
I love your hat! I think I would like the treats better though.
Daisy these pics made us laugh! Your Mama really tests your patience and yet you will allow it for one yummy treat! You look so silly and adorable in your jar hat :)
the critters in the cottage xo
The human thinks you need a white apron to go with your gingham bonnet :)
Daisy, I think the elastic on that hat is too tight--your eyes are all squinty!!
Love the hat on your head and the treats in your mouth=you are such a wonderful model, beautiful Daisy!...We also enjoyed Harley's hat a few days ago=you must be teaching him, sweetie!...We voted for you guys=we love your blog!...Happy week ahead, precious friends...xoox...Calle, Halle, Sukki
You look so cute in your little hat, but we'd like the treats even better.
Adorable! We think you deserve anudder treat. xoxo
You look so sweet in your little treat hat Daisy. We just went and voted again.
O hai! I bet those are tasty. :)
Cute cute cute!
And environmentally correct to find a new use for something!
Cute hat Daisy :)
We just love your lovely big eyes!! That blissful expression too, when you get the treat!!!!!
Purrs Tillie and Georgia,
Tiger,Treasure,JJ and Julie
Oh Daisy, I just LOVE your treat hat! It is sooooo cute!
You look so funny without your ears!
Daisy, you just amaze me that you can keep your hat on... so cute!
Glad Mommeh finally got the message!
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