A Day in the Life of Daisy
I love weekends because I get to spend a lot of time having fun with my Mommeh. Here are just a few things I got to do last Sunday:
I started off with a good stretch and scratch.
Upstairs play time!
I'm ready to leave this room now.
Downstairs play time with the Neko Fly fishing pole.
Fun with catnip!
I went wild and gave the Bitey... I blame the catnip.

33 Notes for Daisy:
Wow, Daisy - you have WAY more fun than I do!
So you haven't figured out French doors yet, Daisy?
I see all of your lovely, light and airy colored carpet and part of me is envious... but the bigger part of me thinks VACUUMING FURS again! AAIIEEEE!
That is a lot of play time--we think you probably were over stimulated and excited, of course, it was the catnip's fault. We don't get catnip much--our mom doesn't want us to get all crazed up.
Aww, too bad about the bitey. I am Not Allowed to do that.
It was a love bite for your Mommy and we could see that you weren't over excited Daisy.
Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx
it is very important to bend your ears when giving the bitey. good job.
Someone is about to loose control and I think she likes it. No wonder they sleep 18 hrs a day. That is a full day for anyone.
It looks like you had a great weekend, Daisy! I noticed that there were no pictures of the Harley-maniac in this post. He left you alone that much?
PS - I really like the way your ear gotted all folded over in the last picture. That happens to Titus, too.
our mom was wondering if you would share with her... she could use a nice manicure...
Shelle, Milo, Dixie and Newby,
Giving the bitey just makes them appreciate us all the more. xox
What a great day, Daisy! I love how your ear is turned back in that last pic. Catnip can do that to ya! :)
I have the same scratching pole, Daisy!!! I LOVE it!
...by the way, you are not responsible for your bitey's while under the influence of nip.
; ) Katie
I spended my weekend eating and drinking and feeding my babydogs. They do needed to eat a lot! So I do had to too!
I do liked you ear curled picture! You do looked wild!
What an excellent Sunday! We wish they all could be so fulfilling!
Not the bitey! Did you draw bloods? But it does look like you had lots of fun
You have fun Sundays with your Mommeh Daisy! We bet she has just as much fun as you do too!
Daisy, you do have a great time, that is for sure. We know you don't bitty too hard. We didn't see any blood anyway. Have a great day.
It looks like an excellent day Daisy!
Sounds like a very fun day, Daisy! Even your ear went crazy in the last picture :)
You've got a GOOD life, Daisy. I'm happy for you!
You do look a little wild there!
Aw, gees, Daisy--you look like a stoner with your ears all floppy and givin' the bitey!! Yikes!
Daisy, your ear is turned inside out! That happens to me sometimes too because when I have nip I have to keep bathing my face. I lick my paw, wash my ear, lick my paw wash my ear and before you know it, PLOP! and it's inside out.
Wow, you went so wild that your ear turned inside out! Hooray for nip!!
Wow, you did go wild. :)
Thank you for sharing your day, Daisy. Those are lovely photos of you!
Looks a fun playing day with mom. Hope it was fun
Benny & Lily
Good Nip can get us a bit ("bite"?) ecitted too!
Sure you have tons of things to do everyday!
I love weekends too!
Kisses and hugs
Love Daisy's ear when it folded over! cute cat!
Allie: *gasp* Daisy! You're such a WILD Woman in that last photo! (*giggle!*)
I took a walk on the wild side this morning and slipped out of my collar... *Flings fur into the wind*
Weekend days with humans are the best, except when they decide to use the evil vacuum cleaner!
I'd stick to that story too Daisy if I were you.....
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