I Got Bad Teeths
If you follow me on Facebook, you probably already know that I spent yesterday at the vet's office getting my teeths cleaned. It was a real bumscrubbly day. And I am ashamed to admit to you that my teeths are a little bit bad.
Here is my report card. First I would like to point out the part that says "Such a good kitty!! She did great."
You might need to click on the report card to biggify, unless you have super-strong eyes. It says I have "Level 3 build up" and "Severe inflammation/gingivitis throughout" and also "Enamel staining and recession throughout." This makes me feel embarrassed. My Mommeh looked at my teeths and told me they look very white and clean now! I have to take Clindamycin drops for two weeks.
I hope you are not disappointed in my poor oral hygiene.

52 Notes for Daisy:
Not to worry my dear, we all know that the rest of you is sheer perfection. Nobody will notice some silly enamel.
YES I read on FB that you was a sooo good kitty at the dentist :)
Nothing to be embarrassed about Daisy !
Now you got your toothies fixed and your mom will help you with the Clindamycin drops for two weeks and then your mom maybe can help you brushing your teeths with tasty Kitty toothpaste and poor some Plaque Off Animal on your food :)
Oh no! That was not a good day. At least you have nice clean teeth now. I will be having a bumscrubbly day tomorrow. Dad cleans our teeth for us every day but he saw my mouth chittering when he did mine at the weekend, and when mum had a good look my gums are sore and I have a loose tooth. Mum thinks they won't tell me I am a good boy because I am not like Eric who makes friends with everybody. I get scared and hiss and struggle if strangers try to pick me up.
Miss D, this just happens as you get a bit older. Don't you worry sweetie.
Julie and Poppy Q
Awwww, I sorry. When it is all done, though, your teeth will be better, and u can nom some snacks! :)
Mom is trying to brush our teeth twice a week but usually only accomplishes it once a week. The pet toothpaste tastes good and we are becoming more and more cooperative. At first, we weren't but now we are getting more used to it.
Daisy, don't worry about your teefs. At least you still got them!! And now they are all clean!!
Bugger. And you brush 'em and everything. That seems a little bit not fair, Daisy. srsly.
Oh Daisy,
Don't feel embarrassed.
I've had Mr. Gingivitis come and visit before too.
You should be proud of your "good kitty" grade. That's way more important.
; ) Katie
Poor Daisy. Sorry about the dentist. Man, I HATE the dentist so I can appreciate how bumscrubbly your day was. (Bumscrubbly? heheheh) My one cat, Ben, he had the worst teeth our vet had ever seen. We rescued him from a shelter. Before that he had lived in an ice hut with three big dogs. When the hut burned down, the man and his animals were homeless so he turned them in to a local shelter. We think Ben wasn't eating proper food and many of his teeth were actually broken off. He had to have many teeth removed and now has a funny, lopsided smile but he's very healthy and happy.
We also have a small dog (seven pounds) with a teeny tiny mouth and she has terrible problems with her teeth, no matter how we look after them. In fact we're saving up money right now so she can have more teeth removed. Poor thing. Soon she'll need dentures. The vet says it's a common problem with wee small animals. Maybe it's partially because you're such a dainty thing that your teeth have issues?
Glad you're back home and, of course you got a good report for your behaviour!!!
No one could EVER be disappointed in you, Miss D.
Yes, I had seen the post on fb and poor you, what torture!!:( but it's good for you hehe :)
We are with the Island cats. At least you still have those tooffs. You don't need to be embarrassed. A lot of us have bad teeths. Hopefully the medicine will help them.
We did read about your being such a good kitty! We know your teeths will be much better from now on! We think you should just focus on the Good Kitty part of the report!!!
The Florida Furkids
Sorry about your tooths, Daisy. I also gots bad tooths; in fact I has losted all but 9 of them. Tell your mama that she is doing a good job by getting your tooths cleaned - even though going to Vet is one of the worstest things ever. They is all nice and clean now, so hopefully you will gets to keep all of them!
We're sure you got top marks for being co-operative too Daisy. We have both had dental works done - Lucy only needed a clean and polish but Hannah had gum disease and had all but some front teeth removed.
She can still eat her chickhen so she doesn't mind!
Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx
at least you don't need braces. remember to floss every night.
Sorry to hear that Daisy...you may want to lay off the whipped cream or be certain to brush your teeth after :)
Daisy, don't be embarrassed. You have clean teefs now and a dazzling smile. Of course you were a good kitty. You're always a good kitty.
Daisy, I could never be disappointed in you.
Sheesh, Stinky the Farm cat has lost all of her teefs
Oh Daisy, we all has teeth troubles. Well, unless our humans brush our teeth day and night. All of us have to go in for dentals soon, and we are betting that some of us lose some teeth this time around.
Most of my teeth have been pulled so I do not worry too much any more. I am glad that yours look so much better. The Woman said she is not surprised that you were a very good cat through the whole thing.
You'll always be a star to us, even with bad teeth. Sounds to me like you need more dental treats.
We are sorry you has bad teefs! Our Fred has bad teefs and bad gums too. He also has kidney issues so he can't have a toof cleaning. :(
daisy; we hope ewe R knot dizappointed if we tell ewe a nice flossin with trout fins & several servins oh trout on a day lee basis will fix that teeth problem rite up !!
pee ess....ask yur mom if it wood be OK if ewe chek out these two links;
pet kiss:
though her can gets it any wear
and oh course her can check if itz Ok with yur vet :)
Hahameow...Bumscrubbly made us think of what Teri's been having to do to Disco...but that's on the other end!
Gingivitis can be inherited, so don't be embarrassed, cuz your Mum works hard to scrubbly those teeth!
Teri started using a product in our water fountain called Oxyfresh cuz she uses something similar for her mouth and it's helped her. Too soon so say about us, but we all had our teeths cleaned this year so we will have to see how next year is...
We hear human bluds are very good for toof cleaning.
Teeths do be VERY important!
Oh my dawg! You might have resorptive lesions! That is not good. We are so sorry, because you know how Dorf lost all of his teeth to resorptive lesions! We are sending you tons of purrs and purrayers and headbutts. We know that you really don't like tooth problems. You have said that many times in the past.
Luf, Us
Daisy, my human brushes and flosses all the time and she gets good dentist reports! But if you ask me, I think it is an awful lot of work. I am glad your bad day is over and your teeth are nice and clean again!
Oh honey did mommy stop brushing your teefs? Maybe some kitties are like some people. Our dad has super strong teefs with only one cavity ever. And mom......fillings, crowns, worn teeth even though she thinks she takes good care of them.
I'm sorry you had to spend your day at the vet yesterday! I'm glad you're at home now with clean teeth :)
Poor Daisy!!!!!
This happens with everyone my dear!
Purring to you!
We're glad your teefs are all sparkly white again Daisy! And of course you're a very good kitty!
The only thing we have retained from reading that is how good you are!!!
Maxwell: I unnerstand totally. I mean, I get great purrsonality points but terrible teef grades. My V-E-T report card looks a lot like yours!
Don't be embarrassed. I have bad teefs too. My mommy tries to brush them, but it's not very effective.
I'm so sorry you had to go through that Daisy, but now you should feel so much better. I already knew that you would be a good girl. Take care of your pearly whites now : )
Me haf a bumscrubbly day today, Daisy! The human took me to da vet. I had to get my vaccinations and deworming. He also said I haf yeast in my ears and staph in the left one. The vet makes putting ear drops in my ears look so easy. She knoz I will be BAD!
The human was so relieved I didn't need my toofies cleaned. We are glad yer toofies are all nice and white now :)
It's not your fault, Daisy! It happens to most kitties and lots of hoomans, too.
That's why it's impawtant to go to the vet so that they can clean your teefs and take care of any problems before it gets too bad.
Well done -- for being such a good girl!
We couldn't love you a "skosh" less! Please don't feel embarrased. Harry is going to the v-e-t this week and goodness only knows what will be found!
Well, at least you are taking care of your teeth :) We bet you still have that Hollywood smile ! heehee
Purrs Tillie and Georgia,
Tiger,Treasure,JJ and Julie
most important "good kitty"
Benny & Lily
Our Mica Moo just had a bad tooth taken out. We bet, like her, your breathe is much sweeter and you feel better. Hopefully its all over now!
Awww Daisy don't feel embarrassed, no one is disappointed in you. This is an issue many kitties face- it's part genetics, part age, and and sometimes food. Two of my kitties ended up having stomatitis where they developed an allergy to the plaque on their teeths, causing inflammation and rotting teeths. The poor babes were in such pain they didn't want to eat. It got to a point they had to be tube fed and rushed to surgery to remove all their teeth. It was scary, expensive, and painful but it saved their lives. After their surgery they were like kittens again, happy to be free of the pain and able to eat again. They went on to adjust fine, even being able to gum some soft kibble food! Your teeth will be better now that you have gotten them cleaned and Mommeh can help you keep them up in the future as best as can be.
You were a fabulous kitty at the vet, excellent job! I think you are a well behaved lady cat most always anyway. I hope your recovery is fast, keep up the good work!
I know you are a Devon Rex kitty, but you are considered a diluted calico/tortie type correct? My kitty Ms. Phoebe is a diluted calico/tortie domestic breed kitty, I love you ladies lovely coloring- it's stunning! <3<3<3
We're sorry about your teeth report, but now they are nice and clean. Take your medicine like a good kitty!
Lowe are shocked to hear this news because you look perfect
Mom says " every buddy gets something" so hopefully this will be the only annoyance you ever have to put up with. .... Beside Harley.
I like the "good kitty" part best. :)
Sometimes our teeth health has nothing to do with how we care for them, but our family history. I got good teeth from my family, but they gave me big thighs and straight eyelashes. We all have to suffer our families, unfortunately.
Awwww Daisy, but you are perfectly fine now. Hope it didn't hurt too much.
You should have seen my brother Milou's teeth before his clean-up!
Might be all them Temptations you gobble up. Good that you were brave and have a good Mommeh to take you to the drs. Now your breath is fresh and clean. HooRay!
Where is your Mr. Linky today?
Dear Daisy,
Me would has bitted him!
Poor Daisy! It's a total bummer that our teefs give us trouble. You should have seen my mouth when I was dumped at the vets - it was a horror show. Your teefs won't ever get that bad because you have a great Mummy to get you the care your teefs need.
We hope your mouth is happy again
Luff from Gerry
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