Monday Funnies!
Ps: If you're feeling smart, I have a riddle for you to solve today on the PetMeds Pet Talk blog! And I am giving away another Cat Window Perch, too!

Monday Funnies!
Posted by Daisy at 9/17/2012 04:00:00 AM
Labels: Harleymaniac, Monday comics, Monday funnies
41 Notes for Daisy:
TPurrs Tillie and Georgia,
Tiger,Treasure,JJ and Juliehanks for the giggle Harley ;)
Harley, we love your little desk. Your cap? Not so much!
Have a YAYful day, honey pies!
"Teacher's pet!" Good one, Harley!
We think you'd be class clown, Harley!
Oh Harley, you are one funny boy. Keep him straight Daisy. Take care.
Awww, sweet. :)
Harley! You always crack us up!!
Oh Harley we're sure you would be the teacher's pet not the teacher's dunce.
Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx
Harley, you make Mondays so much better!!
The Florida Furkids
i hope you're not the type of kid who eats his paste. those kids freaked me out.
Hi kits, I love that little desk!
Oh Harley, you're so funny!
Harley, to me, that's good thinking! Don't pay any attention to those who say not. xoxox
Thanks for the laffs this gloomy Monday morning!
Harley you always make us laugh and get the week off to a good start.
Harley i don't blame you. I live with a FORMER teacher and it sure isn't fun LOL!
Hehehehehehehehehehe!! Oh Harley you are so silly!!
Your TX furiends,
so silly, that harley! we luff to start our mondays wif smiles at yer posts, daisy!! *bonks*
Benny & Lily
Oh Harley, you worry about the funniest things.
Seems like no kinds of cones are ever a good thing...
Sometimes I worry about you Harley
Harley just does not get it, does he! you have your teaching work cut out for you, Daisy!
Hahahah! You´re so funny babies!
dood, ewe runned outta room on yur hat; when iz de dance N due ewe want uz ta send ewe sum crates oh trout for de oh cayshun
I did not know they had dunce caps at home school!
Oh Harley :) I hope you and Daisy both enjoy your homeschooling time!
It took us a minute but we figured it out Harley! Hahaha! It must be Monday. :(
Harley , me too think you would bee the clown of the class *mol*
Oh Harley...Unclear on the Concept...
MOL! In a school, if you act up, they send you home. Iffen you are home-schooled and you act up, what do they do?
I can certainly see you as a teacher's pet Harley. Not off to a good start though. A dunce cap on the first day is not a good sign
Oh Harley, you are so funny. Mine mommy so needed a laff today. Thanks fur doing that, and horaay fur teacher Daisy!
Your furend, TK
If you lived with the teacher you'd have homework every night, even in the summer. You are smart to stay with Mommy & Daisy!
Oh Harley....simple, sweet Harley. I have a feeling it's DAISY who'd be the teacher's pet!
; ) Katie
Hahahaha oh Harley, you sure are the funniest student in the class!
Mum figured it out, we din't have a clue. Glad we have a smart mum.
Oh, Harley!
Kisses and hugs
Harley, we have a feeling you'd be the class clown (in a good way)!
Harley! You're right! Which teacher wouldn't want you as their pet??
*shakes head sadly*
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