Uh oh,incoming! Must... resist... the ... temptation...
Too late. I gave in and gave The Bitey. And The Kicky. Sorry, Mommeh.
It only hurts a little bit, right?
And look! I was really just trying to taste the bed when my teeth slipped...

41 Notes for Daisy:
This is so like my cat evigny Mimue I understand it but do not exactly love it
Oh, I'd recognize that temptation face anywhere. You just know it's coming.....
Baby gave in to "temptation" last night--when I would not go to bed and more important-stay in bed!!
Oh yeah...blame it on the teef again! ;)
Awwww, u play good. :)
It looks like a love-bite though. Do you do those with the Mommeh, Daisy? My Grace does that--it's sorta fighting...but nicely...you know, like Mommeh-style? It's Grace's way of playing with me....although I could do without the nails.
Nice going Daisy, changing the subject and cleaning the bed. That is what you meant to do all along. Hope all of you have a great day.
DAISY! That is NOT very nice... I think you owe your Mommeh BIG TIME now! The least you can do is share your dresses and buy her dinner. You better watch out, though - some day she might bite you back!
hope the bed tastes good. that reminds me of the time i was dreaming i was eating a big marshmellow and when i woke up i was eating my pillow.
Been there, done this! MOL Actually MomKatt lets me gently chew on her hand all the time. While I'm doing it, she'll say, "Hooman flesh!" or "Ooo tasty Mommeh flesh"!
I know, we're weird. But she *does* taste pretty good. And she says it keeps me happy ...
Well, the human did tempt you ;-)
Does Mom have a flavor?
Oh, I hate it when the teeths slip. srsly.
Sweet Daisy!!!!
Love you!!!
Did your Mommy have a flavor? Ours does, and she needs salt. MOL!
Daisy! Mommeh is not a cat snack!
Sometimes you just gotta do it! Enjoy.
Ah, Slippy teeth. We hear it's a common problem in some parts of the world...
daisy....mackeral flavorz ore snapper ???? N ewe noe there iz a new bed flavorz out this yeer; seafood platter...goes on sale at de pet shop mid march...
Those darn slippery teefs! What's a girlcat to do? It's not your fault Daisy.
I never bite my human, ever! In fact, she has to work really hard to make me grab her hand with my claws. Unlike SOME torties I know!!
Mummy's hand is YUM !
I know all about the bitey! You kitties just control yourselves. Slipped -- yeah! Tell me another one, Daisy. You're good at spinning tails.
Happy New Year to you, Harley and your Mom and Dad. May only good things come your way in 2013.
Hopefully those bites aren't too hard!
Love bites! Right?
Sometimes teeth seem to have a will of their own and slip when you least expect it. Mine keep chewing dad's knuckles even though I tell them they shouldn't.
You were just pretending to be a baby kitteh and was 'teething' again. :)
Shelle, Milo, Dixie and Newby,
Mommy's hand is always the best.
I know.
little teasing doesn't hurt anyone as long as you don't chump down.
Coffee is on.
Mes LOVES to bites the hand!!!
Mommy's! Daddy's, the human brothers', guests who tried to pets me...
Oh mine goodness! Dat lickin' part means yoo are tryin' to be nice. Every once in a while we puts da bitey on owr Mommeh too.
Oh my, Daisy...I would expect the bitey from Harleymaniac. But you're such a lady!
; ) Katie
(I know, even a lady's gotta bite sometimes!)
You're just keeping mommeh on her toes! Or is that fingers??
We heard you also received a nail clipping after this incident, too.
OMC we do that too. We also use that excuse when we are doing something we shouldn't like digging in the garden, yah that is right I was just stopping to smell the flowers, digging no not me. Same thing with bitey. Just licking the blanket whoops.
PS you got some gorgeous claws, where to you get your pawdicures done?
Oh Daisy, you naughty girl, but nice save at the end. Cats are so clever.
Such a naughty kitty! It must be really hard to not use that hand as a toy, though :)
Uh oh! Sometimes I have to resist the temptation to grrr at daddy when I'm sleeping. It's very hard!
Meowm saves herself getting scritches and biteys by putting our temptations on the counter to eat. We bet your Mom didn't mind to much though!
oh yeah, that bitey - isn't it turrible when the aim slips? *snicker*
A day without Bitey is like a day without sunshine, hahameow!
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