Daredevil Harley
I want to go UP. There are LOTS of FUN things to do when you are up HIGH.
I will CLIMB ABOARD when Daisy has her BACK turned. She always MISSES all the GOOD times around here.
WHOA! It is way HIGH up here! I'M KING OF THE WORLD!!!!!
ps: GUESS what I JUST found out? It is the anniversary of the day I was BORNED! Happy birthday to me!

43 Notes for Daisy:
Be careful H - you did a good job of climbing up, but it can be tricky to get down. Enjoy your tightrope walk.
Oh, Harley! It scares me to see you up that high! Did you get your license to do that? Because I think you need to take safety classes first and get a license.
Good job getting so high up, Harley! I like high places too!
Now for the fun part Harley. Take a flying leap right onto that nice comfy bed down there!
UP is easy... It's DOWN that can be a bit of a sticky wicket, Harleypie!
Holy moly, Harley! You should join the circus as a tightrope artist!
Hey, we hear it's your birthday today. Happy Birthday!!
We're agog, Harley! Impressive indeed! :-O
We stopped by to wish you a very happy birthday, by the way. Don't tell us your human *whispers* forgot??? ;-)
Be careful you don't come down to eart with a bump Harley.
Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx
Now Harley, maybe you should consider coming back down. You ARE King of our world, yes, but we want you to be safe so you can keep on being our King of the Worls.
world. sigh. Typo-Queen is our mommy.
That looks like a lot of fun...our Mom would freak out if she saw us doing something like that.
Happy Birthday Harley!!
The Florida Furkids
you should change your name to highly.
Harley! You are brave & fearless like me! We'd get along so well! That looks like SO much fun!
Harley, that does look scary up there. Glad you didn't fall. But, you can snoopervise everything from up there. Great look out place. Have a great day.
Daisy & Harley: PS check my blog entry for Thurs. A little something there for you!
You do look very powerful up there, Harley! But I'm pretty sure that Daisy is in charge at your house. :)
Harley, if that is over the bed you will have a soft landing!
Harley, you are quite the adventuresome kitty. We won't ask you got down from there. Purrs and hugs from the kitties at www.thecatonmyhead.com, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Josette
Oooh, you are like Sherpa! Always going up, up, UP!
WOW! Just look at you all the way up there, Harley! That's a purrfect place to hang out, especially on your birthday! Happy day to you, buddy. We hope you have a wonderful day! Hugs!
♪♪ Happy Birthday to you, ♪♪
♪♪ Happy Birthday to you, ♪♪
♪♪ Happy Birthday Dear Harley ♪♪
♪♪ Happy Birthday to youuuu. ♪♪
Happy Birthday Harley! Spending it up high is such a great treat!
Happy Birthday Harley!!! Have fun up there!!!
Luf, Us
What a view! Be sure you jump on the bed when you get down :)
Happy birthday, Harley!
Happy birthday, Harley! I am quite impressed you are walking the high beam!
Wow you are daredevil, indeed! Be careful, Harley! And very happy birthday to you!! We wish a wonderful day filled with lots of yummy snacks :-)
Happy, Happy Birthday, Harley!
Happy birthday, Harley! You are quite the daredevil.
Happy day Harley !!
Happy Birthday Harley, you are a real dare devil. Boy do you get high up.
dood...a veree happee birthday day two ewe N heerz ta 950 mor !! hope ewe haza sooper awesum fun filled day, get lotz oh treets, cake, pie, donuts, herring, salmon patties, mackeral, flounder, pork chops, pizza pies, trout, sea bass, snapper, a 2013 FURRareez car and enjoy yur dy and haz FUN !!!!
Happy Purrthday Harley!!!
Happy birthday, big guy! Princess Treasure and minions.
Happy Birthday Harley. You are a very long way up.
Happy Birfday Harley!
Happy birthday HARLEY!
Happiest of Birthday wishes to you Harley!!
That sure looks high!
Happy Birthday, Harley!
Kisses and hugs
Happy Birthday Harley. You are lucky to go all the way up there
Benny & Lily
Wow, Happy Birfday to YOU Daisy!!!
Happy Happy,
Nappy Whappy,
Birfday Worthday,
Hapday Clappyday!!!
Happy birthday, Harley! :)
WOW!! You are very high Harley! Happy Birthday to you, too!
Your TX furiends,
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