Thursday, July 25, 2013

Some Not So Good News

OHAI everybuddy! I have some slightly BAD news to share with you. I hope you do not MIND hearing it. I am having a SMALL flareup of my EGC.  That stands for "eosinophilic granuloma complex." Whew, that's a BIG word! So far, my only symptoms are the RETURN of some LUMPY cystic feline acne on my CHIN. 
Let me RAISE my HEAD so you can SEE.  Do you still LIKE me even though I do not LOOK as HANDSOME as usual?  My Mommeh thinks maybe the STRESS from the MOVE brought it ON.
I am very SORRY that I do not look my BEST.

55 Notes for Daisy:

Milo and Alfie Marshall said...

Sweet Harley, we will always love you, whatever! Sending love and purrs and prayers and healing. xx

Sparkle said...

Harley, do not worry about it - just work on feeling better! I too am pretty sure it is stress from the move. It would not surprise me at all.

Ozark Mountain Cats said...

We hope your chin gets better really soon. We've heard that ice cream makes things heal really fasst.

Jacqueline said...

We hope you get better asap and we think you are always handsome, sweetheart...Purring for you to heal quickly, darling boy=we love you, Harley!!...kisses...Calle, Halle, Sukki

Galletta said...

We always luv you, Harley! We luv Daisy, too!

Marg said...

Oh Harley,we are so sorry but guess what, we still think you are so so handsome. A little flare up on your chin doesn't matter to us. We just hope it gets better soon. Keeping our paws crossed for ya.

Angel MoMo and Charlotte said...

So sorry to hear that! Hope it is not serious and you get better soon. Of course you are still handsome as ever.

The Island Cats said...

Harley, we're sorry you're having a flare up. Hopefully it's just a small one and clears up real soon.

Hannah and Lucy said...

Harley we all get a few spots from time to time so don't worry about it.
We wouldn't have noticed if you hadn't told us and we think you are very brave.
Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

The Meezers or Billy said...

Oh Harley, we all haf prollems sometimes and you are still vary handsome indeed! we love you no matter what.

The Florida Furkids said...

Oh Harley, we love you no matter what. You look very handsome to us, even with the flare up. We hope it goes away soon.

The Florida Furkids

Selina said...

Oh Harley you should NEVER think anything makes you look less handsome & wunnerful! Get well soon - I bet it's stress, too!

Healing purrs,

Anonymous said...

Oh Harley, moving is a big thing but nothing to be stressed over. Once you, Daisy and your mom settle in things will be better!
Marian in Houston

Dma said...

i hope you get well soon. it definitely can be stressful moving.

Hp0 said...

Harley, my Sophie Bean has the same problem. We still think she's beautiful and you're just as handsome as ever!

Sweet Purrfections said...

We still love you and think you look fine. We hope things settle down for all of you soon.

John Bellen said...

Moving can indeed be stressful, Harley. I hope you can get used to your new home quickly and relax a bit. Cats shouldn't worry - let us humans do that. You just be happy and content, and get better.

Goldie Goodwin said...

Harley, you look as good as ever! Just try to relax.
I have a kitty that has the same problem as you. It comes and goes with him and we haven't even moved! I think you are doing really great.

Trixie said...

Oh Harley you are just as handsome as ever!

Everycat said...

Poor Harley, we love you whatever you look like (which is always handsome) You have just moved to a new home so it's no surprise that you are having a little outbreak of EGC. You take it easy fella and let your Mummy look after you

Love from
Gerry & Mungo

PS: I, Mungo get acne from stress and I've been having Missing Link Ultimate Feline Formula added to my food for over a year now, it has really helped control things for me. It tastes ok too.

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

You always look handsome to us, Harley! We can imagine that the move did cause you some stress.

Would the remedy that Rumbles used perhaps help you, Harley?

Cathy Olliffe-Webster said...

If it's any consolation, Harley, I can't see it. Moving stress is the WORST. Just ask my cat Dodge. You'd think he was being killed, each and every day. Soiled himself. Lost hair. Dandruff was nasty. Wouldn't eat or drink. Now that we're here, though, he loves his new digs and is feeling almost kittenish. Here's hoping your moving stress ends asap!

BoSoxAmy said...

You're still handsome as ever, Harley!

brokenteepee said...

I am very sorry Harley. Moving is a pain in the tale so I can imagine it would make you sick. I hope you are better very soon.

Dom said...

Harley, rest assured that your Mommeh and your friends do not love you only when you're at your best, but especially when difficult times come around. Hope you can focus on getting well and staying strong!

Donna said...

U is very cute, Harley! {{{Hug}}}

Anonymous said...

Harley, you could never be less handsome to me. You are a manly cat and a pleasure to see. Just relax and let your Mommeh take care of you and you'll be fine. Max and Murphy say Hello!

Katnip Lounge said...

Harley, just say you were in a manly boxing match!

We still think you are verreh handsome--we just hope it's not painful for you.

Jenna and Sissy said...

We are sorry your chin acne problem flared up. You will always be a handsome man cat in our eyes :)


Forty Paws said...

Moving is VERY stressful. We still luf you Harley. We don't care if you have a bit of feline acne. You're fine with it, and without it.

Luf, Us

Barb said...

Oh, Harley honey, it would take a whole lot more than acne to unhandsome you and even more to make me not love you!! srsly.

And I agree with your Mommeh... stress can do all sorts of things... to kittehs and humans!

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

Harley, you are handsome as ever and we love you no matter what. Stress causes so many problems!


Harley you're still dashingly handsome in our eyes and we think you Mom is right about the stress. We're purring for you.

Gemini and Ichiro said...

Poor Harley. I bet it was the stress from your move. I think you should do lots of sleeping and get lots and lots of treats so that it goes away quickly.

Angel Simba said...

Harley, if you had not told us, we would have not noticed anything - we still cannot really see it. We hope the acne is all that happens and your stress is over.

Jans Funny Farm said...

Harley, we love you with or without a lumpy chin. But we hope your stress level goes down and your flare0up goes away.

Kjelle Bus aka Charlie Rascal said...

Of course we still LOVE you and think you are handsome , Harley !
I hope theese acne´s will go away quick !!

Katie Isabella said...

Harley you always look your best even with that! I will tell you a secret. AdmiralHestorb also had... *whispers*... flare ups of acne.

da tabbies o trout towne said...


8) ya look good ta uz...
4) any one who haz any cents wood be stressed frum mewvin
2) wear we live EGC meenz eucla cod; gopher rockfish N coolie loach
5) put a nice slice oh trout on yur chin....coz ya can....


Quill and Greyson said...

You always look perfect to us Harley!

Clooney said...

You are still as handsome as ever Harley. It must have been stressful for sure for you, Daisy and Mommeh with the move. We send you all our good thoughts, purrs and love.

Robyn and The (Mostly) Badass Cat said...

The Hotties and I are sorry to hear you're having trouble with your chin, Harley. We hope you feel better soon. And we all still love you for sure.

Mickey's Musings said...

Whew!!! When you said "bad news" we got worried!
If this flare is the bad news, then don't worry.We like you no matter what!!!!! It is hard to go through a move and changes. We purr things will settle down soon :)
Purrs Tillie and Georgia,
Treasure,Tiger,JJ and Julie

Cara n Crew said...

don't worry, Harley! we could never not love you :) we hope your EGC will clear up as you settle in to a new routine. Our Pip and her itchy-issues tend to be worse when she is stressed. purrs,

Pip, Smidgen, Minnie, Hollie

Tamago said...

You are always handsome, Harley. Moving can be very stressful...I hope you settle down in your new home and hopefully EGC will go away.

Angel Prancer Pie said...

You're always handsome, Harley! We hope your chinny-chin-chin clears up soon. XOXO

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

Hey, "things happen" Harley. We still love you lumpy-chinned or not. Hope it gets better soon though.

Debra Taylor said...

so sorry you are having a flare up.

.. hope it gets cleared up soon and that it's only temporary

Pet lovers please check out my homeless cat blog archives for some fun and informative posts and archived stories about the cat abandoned/feral colony I manage.

Debby in Prescott Valley, Arizona

Shaggy and Scout said...

Don't worry about how you look Harley, just concentrate on getting better!

Karen and Gerard said...

We love you no matter how you look, but actually it doesn't look all that bad. Please try to have some fun and relax. Hope you can adjust to your new home soon!

Unknown said...

very beautiful cat eyes..

My entry is here.

Two French Bulldogs said...

It adds a little character sweetie
Benny & Lily

LP said...

Harley , we know you will feel better once you have established a routine and everything becomes more and more familiar to you. Moving is stressful but you will be o.k. sweetie! And you always look handsome :)

the critters in the cottage xo

meowmeowmans said...

Harley, don't worry! We love you ALWAYS, no matter what. Sorry you are having a flare up of that EGC; we agree ... maybe it's just the stress of the move. Big hugs and smoochies to you, handsome Harley.

Lin said...

Harley, my cat Grace has this too! She just had a flare up and it affected the paw pad on her back foot. The doctor was afraid that she may have had cancer, but I mentioned her egc and they think that caused it.

EGC is no fun. :(

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