Friday, August 30, 2013

Are you ready for some football?!?

I am!!! Go DOLPHINS!
What team are you rooting for this season?


38 Notes for Daisy:

Barb said...

Patriots, baby girl. Patriots!! Always! ;)

Have a fabulous weekend, Daisy & Harley!

Poppy Q said...

You going to drink all that beer Miss D? Good on you sweetie.

Julie and Poppy Q

Marg said...

Oh Daisy, you do look ready. You even have the TV remote ready. We are not huge football fans. We don't get much TV so we can't watch a lot of it. Take care.

Cats Herd You said...

You sure look ready, Daisy!

The Paw Relations said...

We hope your team wins, Daisy

Jenn said...

The Carolina Panthers, of course! ;-)

Hannah and Lucy said...

Are you going to cheer for your team Daisy?
Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

The Island Cats said...

Daisy, you're the cutest Dolphin fan! We root for the Lions...of course!

The Florida Furkids said...

We're rooting for team Daisy!!

The Florida Furkids

Myst and Blackie said...

NFL team - Falcons!

College - University of Alabama &
Auburn University

We cheer for in-state college teams! But Mom went to small school so go UWG too :)

Anonymous said...

The Washington Redskins! I've found a place here in Portland where I can watch the games! Yaaaaay! I had never thought of you as a beer drinker, Daisy. Better limit yourself to one, though. Love to you, Harley and your mommeh.

Val said...

Green Bay Packers! Yah baby!

Two French Bulldogs said...

Hike, hike!!
Benny & Lily

Dma said...

the dolphins have my favorite color uniforms. you look great.

we watch the vikings but i can't say i'm rooting for them very much. they sorta broke my little heart with their four super bowl losses so my emotional investment has declined over the years...

Grace said...

I love this photo! That sweat shirt fits your purrfectly!

brokenteepee said...

You are the cutest little football fan I have ever seen Daisy

meowmeowmans said...

Looking good, Daisy! Go Dolphins!

Photo Cache said...

you look great in your football outfit daisy!

we're kaepernicking out here in the bay :)

emma and buster

Sparkle said...

We don't do football here - the humans are not sports people and the only sport Binga likes is treat stealing! And yes, that can be a contact sport!

Katnip Lounge said...


Even if they do upset Mommy and make her shout.

da tabbies o trout towne said...

de Fightin Irish o Notre Dame...cept we iz knot a loud ta watch tee vee

hay, hope everee one haza grate week oh end, eat much mackerull ~~~

Kitties Blue said...

Our daddy roots for the S.F. 49ers. Mommy doesn't care and neither do we. Years ago she rooted for the Steelers 'cause somebody she went to school with played for them. The humans grew up near San Francisco, that's why Dad likes the 49ers. Do not drink too much of the beer Daisy. You don't want to fall out of your chair while cheering. Purrs and hugs, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

jen and edda said...


Guido the Italian Kitty-Big Angel Now said...

Catzowey! All you needs is a hot diggity dog and youza all set to cheer on my 49ers when theyza beats your Miami Fishies :)

Tamago said...

Enjoy the game, Daisy! Is it catnip beer next to you?

Cara n Crew said...

Great T shirt Daisy! we're Dolfans too!

Pip, Smidgen, Minnie, Hollie

Random Felines said...

Mom is a college football fan - Michigan State. she was yelling at the tv - until the rain/lightening delay :)

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Loki, and Binq) said...

We are rooting fer the Washington (nickname we refuse to use) NFL team. We are hoping they will change their name to the "Washington Warriors". But the players aren't to blame for that. They went 4-0 in pre-season, so we are hoping fer a good real season.

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Loki, and Binq) said...

Oh, and we meant to mention that we are all confoosed here cuz TBTs University of Maryland went to another group and he is not sure he cares about them, BUT they got some some great players cuz of that new group bein famous so he doesnt know WHAT he is gonna do.

Smudge said...

Ahh, what more could you ask for- an icy cold Heineken, the remote, and a comfy chair! Dad's shivering with delight!!

Nora Blithe said...

This may be my all time favorite picture of Daisy! She looks like she's ready for the game.

On an unrelated note, I'm participating in a photography challenge for the month of September. I spent the morning trying to wrangle my dog into lingerie for one of the photos and I thought of you. Perhaps you could give me some tips sometime!

Deb Barnes - Zee and Zoey said...

Oh gosh... we sure would love to see the Dolphins do well this year! Paws crossed...

Anonymous said...

I didn't know you were a football fan! But you sure are cute in that outfit.

A Tonk's Tail said...

Mowzers Daisy! A gurlcat who likes FOOTBALL? We's IMPRESSED!!

Sasha said...

they are all cute suits!!!

Kali and Aswell said...

We do not getted to watched football cuz She and He do not liked it too much! But we do hoped you will had fun!

Donna said...

My hoomin like teh Giants. :)


Angel Keisha

Kjelle Bus aka Charlie Rascal said...

You sure look ready , Daisy !
Just the chips that is missing :)

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