Tuesday, September 10, 2013

It's Unbelievable!

I was looking through some photos from the Labor Day weekend and you are not going to believe what I found! Brace yourself...
My Mommeh... with some BIRDS! And why does she look happy about it?!?! She doesn't need birds, she has me.
(click on the picture if you want to see it real big)
Ps: This is at Butterfly World, in case you want to go there. But I do not think cats are allowed. 


31 Notes for Daisy:

Sparkle said...

I want to know why your human did not bring home any tasty birds to you and Harley!

sandyshares said...

wow where was this??

Barb said...

They are so pretty! But did you know that I once had a Cockatiel? He whistled and whistled and Poops everywhere! Fortunately, after 2 years I found someone who didn't mind the poops everywhere. hahahahaha!

Poppy Q said...

Nom nom nom. Your mommy should have asked if they had any spare feathers for you to play with.

Cats Herd You said...

And she didn't bring you even one?

Marg said...

Those are pretty birds sitting on the Mommeh. Glad she didn't being one home since then you and Harley would spend all your time drooling over them. Take care.

The Island Cats said...

OMC! Those are some colorful birdies! She should have brought them home with her so you could play with them too.

Angel Prancer Pie said...

You look surpised, Daisy!

Well, kittehz should be allowed because those birds look very yummy. MOL!

Kjelle Bus aka Charlie Rascal said...

That bird´s sure looks jummy , I mean beutiful ;-)

Dma said...


Ms. Phoebe said...

I agree with all the others Daisy- mewz Mommeh should have brought mew and Harley home one as a treat. Mew would get first choice of course, being the Queen ladycat, and brothers just should never be first in anything anyway!
I suggest mew have a talk with mewz Mommeh about her travels and how it is only polite that she bring mew and Harley a souvenir-- especially if it involves a visit to a place with live birdies and insects. Explain to her it is not out of selfishness or being spoiled that mew request a souvenir, as it is not just mew and Harley who will enjoy the prize: mew will share with her. I'm certain upon hearing mew plan to share with her, the thought of one of those scrumptious birdies will convince her for sure. MOL!
-Ms. Phoebe

Kitties Blue said...

if you use that logic, she doesn't need Harley either, but we think you already figured that out for yourself. Of course, just for the amusement value alone, you should probably keep him around. Purrs and hugs, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

Texas, a Cat in... Austin said...

Wow! Those birdies are yummy, er I mean, gorgeous!

Anonymous said...

The NERVE of your Mum! Touching birds.

Jenna and Sissy said...

Those are very pretty birds. Too bad your mommeh didn't bring one home for you and Harley!

We like the little birds that dart around real fast. We get very excited when we see them :)

Anonymous said...

Daisy, she probably liked them for their pretty colors, but it's you and Harley she Looves!

brokenteepee said...

Well Daisy, Mommehs are allowed to play...

Rose Clearfield said...

Aw, your mom still loves you as much as ever! You don't have to worry about competing with those birdies.

Gemini and Ichiro said...

I think she should have brought you home a bird! That would have been fun!

meowmeowmans said...

Wait, do you mean your Mommeh went to Butterfly World, played with the lorikeets, and did NOT bring any home for you and Harley? Our Mommeh and Daddeh did the same thing last year. What is it with the humans???

Katie Isabella said...

Daisy, MY mommy did the same thing and I got zilch!

Theresa H hall said...

Little Daisy,

Do not be jealous because your Mommeh is so kind and loving, that all the animals and birdies love her very much. They understand they can trust her to be good to them. You and Harley are the most very bestest and specialist kitties to have her all to yourselves ... well, most of the time anyway.


Aunt Teesa

da tabbies o trout towne said...

deer cod daisy...we canna even stay ta commint....sorreee

Jasper McKitten-Cat said...

Our zoo has an exhibit like that and Dad goes in all the time but Mom will have nothing to do with it. She does not like birds one bit! We'd like to go in, but for other reasons.

Donna said...

Me love boids. :)

A Tonl said...

And BUTTERFLIES too? Birds to nom on and butterflies to chase? A kittehs DREAM come true - and she didn't take YOU???

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

Those birds are very colourful. I bet they taste good too.

Two French Bulldogs said...

Say what!!! That's a traitor!!!
Benny & Lily

Photo Cache said...

your mom, fraternizing with the enemy or shopping for food/toy for you and harley?

btw we love this picture of yours daisy.

Emma and Buster

Lin said...

oooh, that looks very cool! But why is it "Butterfly World" when there are birdies there???

Cara n Crew said...

yoW, Daisy! that is just wrong! and obviously she didn't bring any home for you and Harley to eat...er...play with. Butterfly World sounds like a pawsome place...bummer that we cats can't go...

Pip, Smidgen, Minnie, Hollie

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