This is my brand-new blog. I am very new to all of this, so I hope everyone is patient with my first efforts. I have been very, very busy getting ready for Catmas. There are many presents under the tree; I think they might be all for me. Well, maybe one could be for Pixie.

Hi everyone!
11 Notes for Daisy:
Oh, Daisy, this is a *cute blog! I love the pictures of you, and the one with your mom!
Hi Daisy! You *are* cute! You's the first Devon Rex we's met so far. Your hoodie is cute too by the ways. We's gonna get your bloggy 'nounced on the Cat Blogosphere tooday too. And we's added your linky to the blogroll.
Welcome to the Cat Bloggysphere!
Sanjee, Boni Maroni, Mini, Pepi and Gree
Hi Daisy - I found your blog over at Kaze's blog. You are really cute and I am a dilute calico too (but not curly) so we are the same colors!
Daisy, I forgot to say that I was born on Feb. 13 2004 so we are almost exactly the same age and color!
HI Daisy,
Meowm says we will linkie you!
Hi Daisy! Welcome to the blogosphere!
Yoo will meet meny varee nice kitteez heer. We haf lotz of fun togethur. Glad yoo arr joyning the fun!
Love the Santy Claws hat and scarf ... Furry fetching! Welcome to the blogosphere ...
DaisyMae Maus and the Feline Americans
Hi Daisy, Welcome!! We liked your movie; our mom doesn't know how to help us with things like that. Bathsheba likes to drink water out of the facet like you.
And NO THANK YOU to those alligators! Keep them down in Florida because they are too scary.
I mean faucet! Mom hates it when she doesn't get to proofread before I hit publish.
Welcome Daisy. Nice to meet you. We live in snowland, USA.
The Big Piney Woods Cats
Hi there Daisy - It's cool how much your blog has grown over the last year and a half! You are doing a great job with it.
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