Friday, April 6, 2007

Fashion Show Friday: The Cutest Slippers I Never Wore

Hmmm, look at these cute pink bunny slippers my Mommie got me for Easter. I am checking them out carefully...

I have decided they are Not Safe. The slippers are cute, but I can't have these things on my feets, I need traction! And I am a little scairt of them. Why do they want to be on my feets? They seem suspicious... I hope they can't find me way over here!
I am very sorry, because I wanted to model these slippers for you. But I decided they are not good bunnies. I even heard them talking to each other. So, I will not put them on my feets. I hope the real Easter Bunny will still come to my house this weekend.

ps: My Mommie never forces me to wear anything I do not like.


46 Notes for Daisy:

Dragonheart, Merlin, Devi, and Chloe said...

The bunny slippers are very cute, Daisy, but I agree with you - we cats need the traction that our paws provide! Slippers might be okay for humans, but they don't seem terribly safe for us kitties.

Lilly Lu, Iris and Maxwell Mufsa Millon said...

oh daisy they are cute but if they talking then they must go I dont do slippers I have cute dress even those i don't celbrate easter i got a new spring dress for it

Lilly lu

Bad Kitty Cats & Megan said...

Oh the slippers do look scary to us. Maybe they will run away.

Purrs to you and Pixie

KC and the Giggleman Kitties said...

KC said...

O, Daisy, u's be furry smart not ta trust them slippers. Somefing doesn't look right bout them. Can't quite place it.
Purrs, KC

Parker said...

I don't think I would trust them either Daisy. We were not designed for bunnies to be put on our feets! Our paws are too pretty to be covered up! By the way, your ad for We Pity The Kitties Treats by Three Dog Bakery? BEST SALMON TREATS EVER! They are some of my very fav's! Yummy, yummy, yummy! And their bakery is here in K.C. MO. Mommy goes there a lot to get us stuff.

Anonymous said...

Oh they are very cute bunny slippers but I would never put those on my feets either. you are right to be cautious. It is good that your trust your mom and she does not force you to put things on. You have a good mother daughter relationship that way

<3<3 Princessssss

Anonymous said...

Daisy, Were they really talking to one another? That's creepy! Maybe you should bat those slippers around on the floor and teach them whose boss!

mister jeter harris, hizself said...

daisy ... yer so silly ... dere jus slipperz ... dey can't talk. or can dey? u better watch owt ... doze slipperz could be danjerus!

LZ said...

Pink bunnies....I wonder what they are talking about? You're right to not want them on your paws, I don't like anything on my paws and I hate to have my claws clipped!


The M's said...

Are you certain that Pixie didn't set you up for a Easter joke with those things?

Forty Paws said...

Hhhmmmm. Those are pretty slippers, and they kinda look like peeps, but we think they might be a bit big for poodin feet. Mebbe they should be on woofie feet. Yeah, that's it. That's the ticket.

Luf, Us

Oscar the Puppy Cat said...

These are cute but I have to go with everyone else. You seem to have good insticts so trust them. And the fact that they were talking...creepy! Maybe they were trying to scare you, having sharp kitty claws sticking thru my back would kinda scare me too. Maybe it was a ploy! And I agree, do you think Pixie may be setting you up



Those were some very cute slippers and they would have looked lovely on you. BUT you are right, what kitty worth her own catnip would be caught in BUNNY slippers? Especially ones that talk to each other. You were right girlfriend. Dont' wear em! Ask for some Jimmy Choo's!


zevo hussein calamari said...

I would not trust those slippers... be careful! Show them who is the boss...

If you need back-up call us. I will send Nubi over to help.

ciao ciao
zevo calamari

Anonymous said...

Yes I think it was the smart decision Daisy. And well, you now there are only two of them. Don't you hate the idea of not walking evenly?

=^..^= said...

I too wud nefer bunnies on my paws. What will you do wif them now, Daisy?


Tara said...

I agree, I wouldn't put those things on my paws either, but I sure would bat them around the house! I bet the would bounce great!

Meowers from Missouri said...

are you sure there aren't tiny li'l mousers inside? maybe that's the voices you heard . . .

(our mom snorked out coffee when she saw your expression of distrust in picture #2.)

Spoon of life said...

Yeah I don't think you need those slippers...even though are so very cute...I'm sure the easter bunny will still stop by with more surprises for you;)


The Crew said...

Gee, you do look disturbed in that picture, but I would be too if I heard bunny slippers talking about me! Maybe if you rub them in catnip, you can play with them in place of feather-butt mousies.

Your friend

The Furry Kids said...

Those bunnies make me askeered, too. The second picture looks like you're giving them the stink eye. Maybe you should put the bitey on them, too.

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Oh Daisy, it's reely good dat yoor mom din't make yoo ware dem. She prolly coodent hear dem talking. Mom haz mouse slippers dat don't talk and once in a while dat puts on cow slippers dat say moo when he presses on der noze, but I think beans made da sound thingy in dem so it's okay.

Karen Jo said...

The bunny slippers look cute, but I don't think they belong on kitty feet, either. They might be fun to bat around, though.

HRH Yao-Lin said...

Those are cute slippers but you are right, us cats don't really need slippers, especially not scary pink bunny ones. Your pawsies are cute enough on their own x

Mr. Hendrix said...

Very cute slippers Daisy. Your mommy is very nice not to make you wear them if you're scared of them. Maybe you won't be scared of them always and will take naps with them even if you never wear them.
It's hard to the first picture, they just look cute, in that last one, they look a little shady...

Carolina Cats said...

Those are kyoot, Daisy, but if they was talking, I woodn't trust 'em either. Please come by owr blog and see owr snazzy Easter sherts!


Toffee K. Ripple Fuzzypants & Feline American Angels said...

Oh, Daisy ... Those are furry cute and would be adorable on your feet!

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

Well they are purrty slippers Daisy, but nefurr efurr trust talking bunnies. They look good furr putting the bitey on though.

Fat Eric said...

They are cute slippers but your paws look better "au naturel".

Kimo and Sabi said...

Awww - come on...they are furry cute...and look harmless!

Lux said...

Ooh, those things are scary - they look like they're planning how to sneak themselves onto your feet!

MaoMao said...

My momma's laughin' and laughin', but I gotta say, like you I think those bunnies are kinda scary! I wouldn't trust 'em on my feets, either. I mean they're cute 'n' all, but four bunnies with one kitty means you'd be outnumbered!

TheSlyCat said...

I like pink. Especially mom's pink soft yarn! It's fuzzy and she made another feather for me out of it. Because my old feather broke:( But now I have a new one and I like it!

Zenith & the Fancidots Gang said...

Hi Daisy,
I think the pink bunnies are suspisus - meowmy sez bunnies have BIG front teeth!
Yu ar furry smart to NOT let them capture yur beautimus little paws!

Happy Easter!
yur littel pal

Monica said...

Hi Daisy! Thanks for your support during the strike crisis in our house. You are a valuable member of the Pablo Fan Club.

I think it was very wise of you to forgo the bunny slippers. They are a bit too creepy for my taste.

New York said...

See heroic cats in action at

The P3! Success in the face of danger is all the thanks they need!

Artsy Catsy said...

Good decision, Daisy! My best friend was a bunny, and bunnies are meant to be played with, not walked on!!


Skeezix the Cat said...

I think yoo shood make that big lizzerd in the lake ware yer bunny slippers! HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!

Pearl C. Pritchard said...

I absolutely hate anything on my paws, Daisy. And as you know, I hate clothes too. It's very good of your mommie not to force these things on you. The bunny slippers are cute. Maybe she can use them to cover her golf clubs or something.

The Lazy Iguana said...

My cats would bite me if I tried to put anything on them. The slippers would be red in no time - stained by my own blood.

I have bad cats.

Empress Bee (of the high sea) said...

what did the bunny slippers say honey? are they bad? you know what to do then. and that's a very good mommie....

smiles, auntie bee

Anonymous said...

Be Careful daisy those slippers look alittle suspicious to me.

Heart of Rachel said...

They are lovely bunny slippers.

Hmmm... the last photo looks like they are having a conspiracy. :)

Have a blessed Easter!


Anonymous said...

Daisy, never and NEVER trust pink bunny slippers!!

Have a happy Easter! :)

Boy said...

PINK Wabbit swippers!
they wook vishus!
Maybe they're meant for kiwwing?

Anonymous said...

Hi! Found your site through Skeezix. Very cute ;) Very interesting looking you are ;)

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