Photo Hunters #49: Messy
The Photo Hunters theme this week is messy. So, I am going to show you a little secret. I am a Devon Rex cat with curly furs. Most of my fur has an even, neat wave. But the furs behind my ears and on my neck are very, very crazy and messy.
See, the curls go every-which-way! But the curls behind my ears are also extra soft. I have a bald patch directly underneath my ears. Can you see the bald spot?
67 Notes for Daisy:
Hi Daisy doo - maybe dat is a special designed smooching spot and is designed especially for kisses. I can't believe you would ever be messy.
Happy new year to you and miss pixie bananas. I hopes you keeps us laughing for another year, and that all dem pretty shelter kitties get loving furrever homes.
Poppy Q
No wonder your mommy likes to kiss you - you ae adorable!
Cause we are terribly furry and gots messy messy furs all over us, there are no bald spots. But the woofie our human used to have had a baldish tummy, she called it her piggy belly with the softest pink skin ever in the whole wide world. We suspect yours is a super soft spot too... just purrfect for kisses and rubbies.
Time for a visit to the groomers!!!
No, please don't worry about your hair being messy! You're always so beautifully turned out:)
Dearest Daisy,
You may have messy fur, but these fur makes you become the most adorable cutey~!
So, messy short curly fur is the symbol of cute~!!!
Maybe your neck is messy, but it is a real cute mess ! Just to plant a kiss !
Your messy furs are adorable, Daisy! :) We also think bald is beautiful. ;)
Those messy parts are very cute!
messy? u call dat messy? u shood see mi brudder whitey'z tail! now dat'z messy!
yer eerz look neet to me!
Hi Daisy!
My sister Angie and I can sympathize - we are Himalayans, so our long fur gets messy pretty fast!
Our mommy likes to kiss us behind the ears, too!
P.S. We think your messy, curly furs are just adorable :)
Rocky, Angie & S'more xo
Not many people will notice your slight imperfection. None of us is perfect anyway. You are still very adorable. Be happy.
My messy hunt is ready.
Happy photo hunting.
Even your messy furs are adorable just like the rest of you :)
I think yore furs are Messt behind your ears because they cannot decide which way to grow :) It just makes a nice spot to get scritches!
Purrs Mickey
Messy furs or nots you's still very pretty. Sometimes the messy look is in - boy kittys do's it all the time.
Very cute curls. Cute photos.
I saw you sneaking a peek at those red squirrels over at Meeyauw's! "trusted to play nicely"? Somehow, I think it would turn messy indeed, considering that gleam in your eyes...maybe you could talk Ricky into helping you- he and his 26 pounds could use the exercise!
personally i think you are adorable, with not a messy hair on you...
smiles, auntie bee
you are the curly cat, these photos prove that.......
I think some beans call them 'cow licks', but I don't know why.
It is good to have a sister for grooming the back of the neck and your ears. We shudder to think how messy our furrs would look if we didn't have each other.
Scylla & Charybdis
That's a very cute kind of messy, Daisy. I have a nasty, smelly kind of messy in my pics. Happy New Year!
My messy pics are up at Siani's Pot-Pourri.
Awww...that's a soft messy.
Happy New Year!
....thank G-d she just kisses the bald patch between your ears......
I consider it not messy but swirls and whorls. It's quite lovely actually. Happy New Year to my favorite (ssshhhh) Holy Cat!
Great subject for the Photo Hunters' theme! Obi has messy furs behind his ears too, but no bald patches.
Luf, Us
Hi Daisy,
Your wayword curls only add to your charm. And we loved your pink ensamble; it's cold enough here that you could were it. Hope you have a safe and happy new year Daisy!
Jackie, Gidget and Fritz
I like your curly furs too. Are you getting ready for the new year?
Your curly firs and bald spot add depth to your already unique personality.
Maybe dem spots is bald cuz yoor mom keeps kissing all da furz off? We don't think yoo messy at all.
Maybe dem spots is bald cuz yoor mom keeps kissing all da furz off? We don't think yoo messy at all.
A bit messy, I admit, but very beautiful Daisy!
Messy furs is sooo beautiful, Daisy!! I knows... hahaha
We Cornish Rex kitties also have messy fur behind our ears and neck. And the staff says that I am a Cornish Rex without waves, but with very thick, messy, crazy furs everywhere, which means extremely soft over my whole body.:)
Unfortunately we only miss the bald kissing patch.
We don't have bald patches behind our ears but our guinea pigs do and they are super soft.
Bald spots or not, you are still an adorable little cat Daisy, even if you are having a bad hair day today!
Didn't you know that the Bed Head look is so in this year!
As always you are a fashion role model to all.
hmmm I think it gets messy like that because they can really reach that spot..great shot here..;)
Happy Hunt!!!!!
Mine is up too
I'z sure Isis could groom those furs into place for you! ;)
Oh Daisy, you are so cute, a little by of messy hair couldn't possible diminish that.
Roxy & Lucky
Daisy, I do not think that is a very messy photo. You are too pretty to be messy!
Wow. Your momma's new camera lens is pretty pawsome! I like that I can see the details in your photos so much more clearly now. I like your bald patch behind your ears, Daisy!
My sweet Kitter told me that it's really hard to get those spots behind her head, too. I told her that it gives her a little more though she needs any more. You don't, either! You're perfect the way you are...messy furs and all!
That's so cute, Daisy! Our Dee Dee has messy furrs on her neck that stick up like Woody Woodpecker. And we KNOW that she grooms very thoroughly. So I think you and Dee Dee just have unmanageable furrs. Is there a product for that? Kitty mousse maybe? Cindy at Rosehaven Cottage
It was gweat to have you hewe ..we aways have such a good time..I LOVE youw cuwls messy ow not, and I love to kiss behind youw eaws too just like youw MOm
thank you fow the visit
smoochie kisses
daisy. Those are very nice curls! Great photo hunting! Have a great week!
I like your curly furs, Daisy!
Those furs look messy cause they are so soft, just right to encourage lots of ear scritchies!
Mindy & Moe
Daisy - your furs might be messy but they are still awfully cute you know! x
Daisy - your furs might be messy but they are still awfully cute you know! x
Oh Daisy you look so soft! I really like the curly fur that You, Pixie and Miss Peach have. I think I would like to adopt a curly cat someday. :)
Hugs and Purrs,
What a cute little kitty. An adorable little mess. ;)
Even when you are messy, you're still super cute!
Yoo's still cute, Daisy. And not furry messy at all. If Mommy's head furs looked only that messy, she'd be doin grate!
You are just adorable no matter what! Even if you had bald patches all over, you have that something special that makes you extra cute!
Thanks for visiting Tomba earlier today!!
Rocky Mountain Retreat
Daisy! Of course you groom yourself perfectly. Mommy says she has weird curlies like that and on beans they are called "cow-licks" and if she doesn't smooth hers out just right, she looks bald in the back! I don't see any cows in the bathroom, but she always sayz "this d#mn cowlick!"
We loves your pink vest. I hope it gets cool enough for you to wear it lots. It is cold here if you want to telyport over.
You're kyoot messy Daisy. We fink the messy furrs could be called the "Bed Head" look. We wuz going to say the same as Zippy Speedy and Sadie, that we thought your mum had kissed the furrs off your bald patches.
You aren't scratching yourself to give yourself a bald spot, are you?
those furs look very snuggly!
and my mum is IN LOVE with you in that pink puffy jacket and bobble hat - she thinks it is your best outfit yet...!
Your curly hairs don't look too messy to me. But if you want to think so, then I'll play along. I bet it's hard for you to find something messy about yoruself.
OH my goodness! I love your messy furs behind your ears and on your neck. My mom would love to kiss your little bald spots.
I missed all my blogging friends over the holidays. Monty Q really is a great Secret Paw. I love all the cute clothes he bought you. And that vest...super cute!!!
And my dad is very excited because he and mom got a new camera with a really good macro also. Get ready for nose pictures!
-Jasper McKitten-Cat
Oh, Daisy -- those are such cute pickshures of you! My Momma would be kissin that little patch behind yur ears, too.
Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!
Daisy, dear, your little bald patches and every which-way curls are precious, and aren't messy at all -- actually, they give you quite an avant-garde look! *smile*
Purrs and snuggles from Marilyn.
Well what do you know.
I don't think your furs behing your ears are messy, just very cute.
Hi Daisy..I think we should all be allowed to have some messy mom kisses me behind my ears too cuz my fur is very very soft there...
Love & Licks,
ps..I love your pink sherpa hat!
Oh Daisy, those are just the cutest MESSY we have seen all day! Mom loves to kiss behind the ears, too and she says yours are just right for it.
Your FL furiends,
Oh Daisy,
you looked so cool and cool.
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